Divine Desert Island Survival System

Two hundred and seventeenth, heat treatment

A large amount of tin ore was transported to the Karazhan tribe, and these tin ore containing a lot of impurities needed to be smelted.

Because the melting point of tin is polar, a little melting can separate the tin water from the rock.

Now, the development of Stormwind City is all stuck in the bronze wares. Without suitable tools, it is impossible to open up the jungle quickly.

The construction of kilns and thatched huts has never stopped. The savages are very diligent and built 9 huge kilns in just a few hours. The flames at the bottom of the kilns are burning fiercely.

The trees, shrubs, and weeds outside the dense forest are being consumed rapidly, because the sun is scorching hot, and it is very painful to work in the sun.

Standing in the hot sun for several hours can peel the skin off the neck. Some carpenters began to make the pergola, using a relatively strong young tree as the foundation, and embed one end of the small tree deeply into the soil.

The trunk of the tree exposed to the soil is more than 3 meters, and then the beams are tied up with vines, and a large number of twigs and weeds are covered on it.

The pergola can not only enjoy the shade, but also shelter from the rain, because the texture of the kiln is mud, which will be washed away by rain for a long time.

In this way, 200 people have been busy until the afternoon, and all the red copper and tin ores in the tribal clearing are completely decomposed.

The method of decomposition is still smelting. You only need to put the whole piece of red copper ore into a huge refractory container, then ignite it and start firing. The temperature reaches more than 700 degrees, and the stones and other high-temperature-resistant impurities are perfectly separated from the red copper.

At this time, just pour the red copper water into the jar made of clay. After the red copper cools and solidifies, break the clay jar.

Tin ore is also smelted in this way, but the amount of tin is far less than that of red copper.

A total of more than 2,000 catties of tin ore were smelted, and in the end only more than 300 catties of tin alloys containing impurities were smelted. These metals may contain aluminum or lead.

But these don't matter, as long as there is tin and red copper, the two can be produced in a certain ratio, and bronzes with barely toughness and hardness can be produced.

Of course, this is what Zhao Yunxiang thinks, because he does not have lead, so he cannot guarantee how the toughness will be while the hardness meets the standard.

"Lord, do you want to start now?" Several smelters came over, and they were in charge of metal smelting.

"Well, let's start smelting. Let's make a batch of bronze axes and picks first. Of course, we also need to make some saws." Zhao Yunxiang said, "The most urgent thing is to tidy up the site first."

An ax can cut down a small tree, a saw can cut a big tree, and a pick can clear away all the deep-rooted vegetation.

There are about 100 adult males in the tribe, and bronze utensils such as axes can be distributed equally among them, and the remaining women and children help weeding and the like...

Into the night!

Zhao Yunxiang squatted in front of the fire, and the flames swaying in the cool breeze reflected his sharp-edged, heroic face, and of course, the huge dinosaur behind him.

He is making his own weapons, from the first smelting, casting, sharpening, and now carburizing.

There is no such thing as forging of bronze ware, it is basically smelted, just because he has no lead, and the bronze ware combined with tin and red copper alone, I believe it will break after a few hammers.

The carburizing process makes the metal harder and leaves a carburized layer with a thickness of 1 cm on the skin. This carburized layer is very smooth and can remove a lot of burrs.

Of course, there is quenching after carburizing, and the hardness after quenching will increase greatly.

"I don't know if the carburizing of bronzes has any effect..."

Zhao Yunxiang poked the fire with a branch, and two short swords and two daggers were covered under a large amount of charcoal.

Zhao Yunxiang is an assassin, probably because of his profession,

He likes this kind of short blade very much, mainly because the bronze machete is not easy to use.

"I still miss the machete from before!"

After carburizing, carburizing still has a great effect on bronze ware. After carburizing, the short blade becomes very smooth, and the burrs are much reduced.

Similar to modern swords, most of them use carburizing process, which makes the sword sharper.

"It's finally done." Zhao Yunxiang looked at the sharp blade in his hand. The bronze dagger and dagger had azure blue patterns, which were the traces left after quenching.

"Boss, what you made looks so good!" Xiaoqiang walked over with a pickaxe on his shoulders. Because of limited materials, he could only allocate this.

In fact, Xiaoqiang prefers big knives and the like, which are very powerful for slashing.

"It's okay, but I don't know how tough it is." Zhao Yunxiang has tested it, and the vines thick and thin on the wrist are basically cut off with a single knife, and the incision is smooth.

"Do you want to go out and test?" Xiaoqiang thought for a while and said, "The jungle at night is scary. Although there are no dinosaurs, there are still many terrible predators, and those big bugs will come out."

The so-called big bugs refer to giant millipedes, Bloom poisonous scorpions and the like, because these things are too big and scary.

As for the overlord of this world, the dinosaurs...

They are reptiles, and generally sleep at night, because there is no sun at night, there is no temperature, and their cold blood makes them sluggish.

"I won't go out for the time being. If I have this time, I might as well lie on the hammock and eat some fruit." Zhao Yunxiang made a hammock by himself. The hammock is far away from the jungle and close to the fire.

Although places with fire attract many moths, there are very few mosquitoes here. At the same time, because the location is open and not far from the sea, it is difficult for mosquitoes to fly smoothly in the air due to the sea breeze.

There are three types of fruit that I am looking for now, one is grown on vines and tastes like apples and pears, the other is grape-like fruit, which is very sour, and the other is light in taste, similar to cucumber, but looks different A fruit similar to cantaloupe.

At present, these three fruits are non-toxic, and the savages have tested the edibility experiment by Zhao Yunxiang.

Of course, a few poisonous ones were also tested. There is a very delicious fruit, the size of an apple, which tastes very crisp and full of juice, just like watermelon. Unfortunately, this fruit is very toxic.

There was an old man who was caught in the trick. Not to mention diarrhea, he was so itchy that the old man probably scratched himself to pieces.

Although it is night now, there are still many savages working. They drove the wilderness endlessly and pushed to the big trees with a height of more than 40 meters. This is all thanks to the bronze saw and big ax made by Zhao Yunxiang.

Similarly, those savages with pickaxes dug out the roots of the big trees. The roots of these big trees were so deep that the savages excitedly dug to a depth of 7 meters to no avail. They had to use a saw to cut off the roots. Get out the huge pier head.

Of course, the huge pier is also useful, and the savages discussed making a table.

That's right!

It was the idea of ​​the carpenter Yeren promoted by Zhao Yunxiang, and he just cut off a few roots of the tree roots to make a table with a diameter of 8 meters. .

"According to this momentum, it won't be long before the entire jungle will be mined clean." Zhao Yunxiang thought for a while and said, "While we have obtained a large area of ​​land, we can also harvest a large amount of wood and plant fruits or seeds. Of course... also To disturb the animals hidden in the woods."

"Uh..." Xiaoqiang felt that what Zhao Yunxiang said was right, and he didn't know how to answer him for a while, so he simply said a phrase that he often said, "Big guy is awesome!"

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