Divine Desert Island Survival System

Two hundred and sixty-eight, absorbing damage

"Brother Hu, are you serious? You will die!" Chen Yunfei stared at Sun Leihu bitterly, but he couldn't respond to Chen Yunfei.

"Hey~ Even if it's not like this, he won't let me live, so I might as well fight, even if I die, I will drag this guy down!"

Sun Leihu's current state is very strange, his muscles and bones are moving one by one, his whole body seems to be like a Rubik's cube, and his body is severely distorted.

"You're all going to die!"

He had a ferocious face, as if he was in great pain, and immediately, Sun Leihu's eyes lost their luster and became like ghosts.

This potion was found in the murloc village. Because there was no instruction manual, Sun Leihu experimented with an ordinary man, and the results were shocking.

That ordinary person only ingested a few drops, and became violent and bloodthirsty, like a wild beast, whose overall strength has increased many times, and the same sacrifice is quite a lot. The person died, but his body was still alive. He saw He killed everyone, and finally Sun Leihu and others worked together to kill him. In this way, several awakened people were lost.


Sun Leihu has completely lost his human form, and his whole body is a distorted flesh and blood body. His skin has completely peeled off, and there are still many sticky blood-red naked muscles.

His legs and arms have shifted, and he walks with his arms pointing. His legs replace his arms and he can swing flexibly.


Xiao Yuxi immediately used the entanglement skill, and the green vines rising from the ground quickly entangled Sun Leihu, but these thick vines were not effective against him and were easily broken by him.

"Let's run, the boss is going crazy, it will kill all the life forms around it." Chen Yunfei quickly got up and prepared to escape, he planned to take advantage of the chaos to escape, as long as he left with a few awakened ones, he would be the future boss.



There was a sound of tearing flesh, and Chen Yunfei screamed, and then saw his body being torn apart by Sun Leihu.

"Boss...you...no, this is not true!"

Chen Yunfei stretched out his hands and struggled to grasp, trying to grab a few life-saving straws, but he only felt the cold wind pass through the gap between his fingers, and then fell to the ground.

"It's not real, I'm dreaming, right?"

His internal organs leaked all over the floor, and his lower body was far away. Chen Yunfei didn't believe it was real, he was going to deceive himself, it was a bit funny.

"Damn! Help, save us quickly!"

Li Zhiying and Xiao Liu desperately hid in the crowd, but they were both blocked by people holding weapons, and they continued to maintain the enveloping formation.

"Boss...I'm Xiao Hei...don't...don't..."

The monster Sun Leihu turned into still had a mutilated limb in his mouth, and Xiao Hei's head was missing more than half. He hadn't died yet, so he could only watch his head being eaten in horror. This was undoubtedly the most desperate.

Perhaps because he stayed with his little friends for a long time, Sun Leihu took the lead in killing his subordinates. He liked to tear people in half alive, and then ruthlessly ate the upper body.

He was growing and changing, from a deformed and weird monster to a disgusting and twisted weird creature.



There was a strange sound of drilling through bones and skin, and two thick arms emerged from Sun Leihu's armpits. These two arms looked like two legs, with three-fingered ferocious claws.

"Are you evolving?" Zhao Yunxiang frowned and whispered, "Promote evolution by absorbing the energy of the awakened flesh and blood?"

The monster Sun Leihu turns into will give priority to killing the awakened, because the awakened body is rich in energy, which can make it stronger in a short time.


He noticed the two gangsters behind Zhao Yunxiang. They were very quiet at the moment, looking at the thing in front of them with puzzled faces.

"Oh Sam, seeing it reminds me of when I was constipated as a kid and I used to poop once a day as normal,

But that time I didn't pull it for a whole week, and the thing pulled out in the end looked like him! "

Zhang Debai is still recalling the good times of his childhood.

"Hey! Xiaobai, I really envy you as the chief's son, you can have delicious food. When I was a child, I couldn't get enough to eat several times. Whenever there was no food, my mother would make mud cakes for me..." Sam stared at Zhang Debai resentfully, like a little bitch.

"Mud pie? That's super delicious, I miss my mom..."

"You guys are enough. Is it really okay to still talk about this kind of topic at this time?" Xiao Yuxi stared helplessly at the two guys. Is there such a gap because of the difference in the country?

Seeing this disgusting thing that Sun Leihu turned into, I first thought of the thing that was pulled out from constipation for 7 days, and then I thought of eating, and it was still eating mud.....

The disgusting monster seemed to feel that his evolution was complete. He began to shift his target to Zhao Yunxiang and others. Most of them were awakened. Because Zhao Yunxiang fused with the ancient gods, he carried a very pure energy, which made this monster covet. .

He flew towards Zhao Yunxiang, leaping high, as if he wanted to crush Zhao Yunxiang into meat sauce.

"A charged blow!!"

Zhang Debai quickly shot an arrow. He was the only long-range attacker in this team, and he was the first to attack when he encountered danger.


The arrow pierced the monster's body, and its defense was not as strong as expected, the whole thing was like rubber.

Level 4 elite!

At this moment, Sun Leihu has definitely reached the standard of a fourth-level elite!

"You all back off, let me deal with this!" Zhao Yunxiang smiled excitedly, and stepped forward to entangle with the monster that Sun Leihu had turned into.

The left hand clenched a fist and swung it fiercely towards the monster's chest. This fist seemed to hit the cotton, and all the power that was originally concentrated at one point was dispersed. The monster was naturally safe and sound.

"Quack~~ roar~!!"

The monster smiled ferociously, and tried to grab Zhao Yunxiang with its four rough arms, but unfortunately he dodged it slipperily, moved sideways, turned around gorgeously, came to the back of the monster, and then swung the knife.

"Blood! Cross Slash!!"

A huge red cross was imprinted on the monster's back, and his body was pierced with several large cuts, but the cross gradually dissipated after touching his body.

The cross cut is gone?

This skill is a domineering skill that even a Tyrannosaurus rex can crush on the ground. Why is it suddenly gone?

"what happened?"

Zhao Yunxiang frowned, and quickly dodged the monster's fierce attack. Just now, the cross cut clearly cut into the monster's body, and it also cut bloodstains, but the cross dissipated instantly when it touched the monster's flesh and blood.

"This guy!!"

"He can absorb damage?"

The monster's self-healing ability is very strong. Such a large bloodstain began to heal in just a few seconds. Its muscles were slowly squirming, and after the wound was healed, it began to evolve to the next step!

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