"Maltose, monkey?"

Before Zhao Yunxiang passed out some time ago, he did see maltose and monkeys. At first, Lao Zhao thought he was hallucinating, but now it seems that all this seems to be true!

"Are you okay?" Han Qianluo was a little haggard, mainly because this girl had been by Zhao Yunxiang's side recently, helping him clean up.

"It's all right..." Zhao Yunxiang stood up slowly, exercising his stiff limbs, especially his sore neck, "During this time, it seems like I had a very long dream."


Everything in that is like a dream, so that Zhao Yunxiang can't get rid of it, the city of Da! "Maltose is still the same as the little girl before, and I can't believe it. The experience of those days was just a dream.

"Old Zhao, you may not believe it, we have come to a technology and its development has hardly changed at all.

It seems that this time period of eating is not rich!

"Extremely advanced technology?" Zhao Yunxiang frowned in confusion.

"We have crossed mountains, rivers, seas, and the top of the sea of ​​clouds, and now we have come to a huge fortress!" Mengmeng was also here.

"This is Mengmeng's hometown~!" Han Qianluo blinked and said.

"What hometown..." Mengmeng rolled her eyes, "It's just a sad place!"

"???" Zhao Yunxiang was very puzzled, got up and came to the window.

"This is!!"

Looking at the world outside the window, Zhao Yunxiang fell into deep thought. He saw cars, he saw trains...

Are you sure this is not the earth you know?

"This is another plane, a place covered by the long river of history, but this place really exists..." the monkey said while gnawing on a fruit, staring at everything in front of him.

Soon, the door on Zhao Yunxiang's side was kicked open, and a woman came in.

The woman's name is Li Jiajia, and she and Mengmeng were originally good girlfriends.

Mengmeng's family is perfectly hidden here, no different from ordinary people, and Mengmeng usually pretends to be a good girl.

The main purpose is to enable the family members to live more perfectly in the world of ordinary people.

After all, people from Mengmeng's family are very terrifying, and if it is revealed, it may cause panic.

Because the reason why their family came here was entirely because of the expulsion of other groups!

"Mengmeng, I didn't expect you to be here!" Li Jiajia scolded Mengmeng viciously.

"Li Jiajia?" Mengmeng looked at Li Jiajia without any emotion.

"Yo, I didn't expect you, Mengmeng, to raise a little boy here!" Li Jiajia said in a neutral tone.

"Hmm~!" Mengmeng replied so dullly.

"You!!" Li Jiajia was speechless facing Mengmeng, this little girl was always so calm.

"Hehe..." Li Jiajia looked at Mengmeng, and suddenly took out her bag to show off, "This is my bag, it's worth tens of thousands of gold coins, are you envious?"

"I'm not envious..." Mengmeng waved her hand, "If you're here to show off, please go around, my little brother has plenty of money!"

"Tens of thousands of gold coins..." Zhao Yunxiang was speechless, "When did gold coins become so cheap?"

"Inflation here, and there is a lot of gold in the field, just grab a handful of gold." Mengmeng explained.

"Okay, I understand!" Zhao Yunxiang naturally knows about gold. There are many golds on the earth, but for special reasons, the gold is all attracted by the inner core.

If you want to get gold, you have to dig deep into the ground, at least through the mantle.

However, on the earth that Zhao Yunxiang is familiar with, no one has been able to dig through the mantle.

Li Jiajia took a phone call and left...

Mengmeng took out her mobile phone and dialed a number.


There was a man's voice on the phone.

"Go and seduce Li Jiajia's big money for me, I don't like this kind of green tea bitch!" Mengmeng said coldly.

"Okay! Guaranteed to complete the task!"

Immediately afterwards,

A man's voice became a woman's. This voice is so charming that it makes people feel soft all over.

"Damn it, sister, that voice is so nice!" The monkey suddenly became alert, and his eyes were full of light.

"It's just a big guy in women's clothes, don't trust the good-looking lady and the nice voice, because you don't know who the other person is at all!" Mengmeng said.

"I'm going to have a look!" The monkey didn't care about that, he just wanted to have a look.

"I'm going too~!"

Maltose booed.


In a cafe, a man was having a conversation with a super beautiful girl. The woman was dressed in neat sailors, and her two ponytails were tied meticulously, which was very beautiful.

A man, Li Jiajia's rich man, was negotiating business here, when he suddenly saw the girl with twin ponytails, his eyes lit up!

"Hello beauty, I'm Jin Guang. My family owns many businesses. I wonder if I'm lucky enough to know your name?" Jin Guang politely placed the keys of his luxury car first.

"Hi Jin Guang, my surname is Cao, and my name is Cao Jin Guang!" Said the girl supported by the sailor.

"Fuck~!" Jin Guang twitched the corner of his mouth.

"Don't look!" said Maltose on the chandelier beside him, "That guy is the cute girl Mengmeng mentioned!"

"I don't believe it!" Monkey obviously didn't believe it. He pointed to Cao Jinguang below and said, "How can such a beautiful girl be a boy, she is so cute~!"

"As you said, he looks so cute, he must be a boy!" Maltose said helplessly spreading his hands.


Monkey is struggling, he doesn't believe that beautiful girl with a curvaceous figure is a man,

"I want to wait here and watch him come up with the big plan..." Monkey dragged his furry cheeks, "Why don't you stay with me and let's watch together?"

"Hehe..." Maltose lay on the huge chandelier, muttering in his mouth, "I don't want it. I haven't seen Lao Zhao for a long time. It's a pity that I can't be alone with him for too long~!"

"You seem to like Lao Zhao very much!" Monkey squinted at Maltose, "It's been so long since you left Lao Zhao, you're talking about Lao Zhao almost every day~!"

"Of course!" Maltose sighed, "Because he was the first man to let me know that his knees can touch his chest~!"


The monkey almost squirted, and he said with a little contempt, "Don't you usually poop?"

"Is shit okay?" Maltose asked in surprise.

"Hehe..." The monkey raised its middle finger at Maltose contemptuously, and then it was surprised to find that someone seemed to be approaching this way angrily.

"Hey, isn't this the arrogant green tea whore just now!!" Maltose said in surprise.

Obviously, the green tea whore has something to do with Jin Guang!

Now it seems that there is a good show to watch!

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