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Feng Yuxi did not know what the surprises Xuan Tianhua said, and asked them, but no one said that she was so anxious that she jumped to the feet, which led to a burst of laughter.

However, when laughing, the atmosphere looks so relaxed, but in the hearts of three people, depression is everywhere.

Finally, I couldn’t hold it anymore. Feng Yuxi offered a question: “Would the Father’s Emperor want to leave the tiger in your hand?” She said to Xuantian: “The 30,000 terracotta horses that the Six Brothers loaned to the Seven Brothers were I took it back and ordered the sixth brother to return to Beijing in the New Year and hand over the soldiers. There are 30,000 soldiers and horses in front, I am worried about the tigers in your hands, and the military power in your hands. If the father is really controlled by the martial arts So, these things are handed to the old eight, it is a matter of time."

Xuan Tian Ming shrugged. "Jiangshan is the old man. He has the right to choose. When the mountains are high, we will leave."

"But that is not the true will of the father." Feng Yuxi said a bit lonely. "He is only in the middle of it, controlled by people. Have you said it before? This Jiangshan we are not waiting to see, but we can't do it." But not to mention, he... is your father, we can't watch him, so I will live my old age. Otherwise, no matter where I go, I will regret it one day sooner or later." She took Xuantian's hand, Tell him: "Do our best to help Dashun through this difficult time and help the father to find his will. Even if I can't do it in the end, at least we will try our best."

Xuan Tianming looked at her, reached out to touch her head, and cares for a long time, and finally said: "My sister grew up."

She nodded. "Yes! We have passed the age of arbitrariness. People can't always stay in their original state. Just like you don't just pick up people, I can't deal with the current situation as I used to deal with Fengfu." The person facing you. When you grow up, you must deal with things in a more mature way, solve the problem, not kill it with a stick. It seems to live more than before, but this is a necessary price for maturity. What's more, Dashun's country is not a house. If you take the wrong step, it will harm many innocent people. I can kill the old eight directly, but what is the difference between it and the gangster?"

"Good." Xuantian meditation: "Do everything you can, turn to the Kun. The knife and the sea, I will protect you." Finished, then look to Xuan Tianhua, smiled, "Seven brothers look, our little girl Have ambitions!"

Three people, eventually drank six pots of wine, so that Xuan Tianhua was slightly drunk, but did not stay in Yuwangfu. After all, Yunxiao is in the palace of the king, and he is not very relieved to leave her alone at home.

This night, lingering, throwing away the violent and passion of the wedding, the rest is more than the former sweetheart...

The next day, Xuantian dynasty was on the way, and after Feng Yuqi got up, Huang Quan ran in from the outside and said to her: "Miss, I received the news from Xiaozhou over there, the young master of Rui Rui and Mrs. Yao San. Already on the way back to Beijing, it is estimated that Beijing will be the same thing for two days." When it comes to Zirui, Huang Quan is on the brow. "The young master is a long-body, and he hasn’t seen it for more than half a year. It has grown a lot higher."

Feng Yuxi was also sighed. Yesterday, Yao Xian also said that Zirui and Miao should be coming back soon. He used to go to the Baicaotang in Xiaozhou. He heard the sound of Jingli and he was in a hurry. Come back with Zi Rui. I thought it would take at least three or five days to see Zirui. I didn't expect them to arrive later. As Huang Quan said, he did not see Zirui for more than half a year, and the kid must have grown taller.

Feng Yu smiled on the face, this is the best news I have heard these days, but she also has some hidden concerns. "The situation in Beijing is complicated, but I hope that Zi Rui will come back to do something else."

Forgetting Sichuan Huangquan knows her heart, forgetting Sichuan’s initiative: “The slaves go out of town to the direction of Xiaozhou to welcome them! It’s just to talk about the things in Jingli with Mrs. Yao San. Some preparations are better than nothing. ""

She nodded. "Well, let's go! I only hope that they can come back safely, it is better than anything."

Forgetting Sichuan to pick up Zirui, Huang Quan was with Feng Yuzhen, and after using the breakfast in the government, Feng Yuzhen decided to go to Lu. She said that she was very concerned about what she said yesterday. If it is really related to 蛊 ,, then this thing is not very easy to handle. The mystery of the martial arts is that she has never been exposed to it even though she lived in the past two years. She used to be in the military, and she was exposed to the most advanced modern medicine. Even if the family is a century-old Chinese medicine, it can be completely untouchable with the nursery. With.

She knows that Grandpa has also tried to study cockroaches, and even went to Miaojiang only, but after arriving at that place, she realized that even if the modern society has progressed to the extent of the 21st century, there are still places on the Miaojiang side where the world cannot get involved. Even the local government. The government departments have no means for many Miao tribes. Miao people are divided into seedlings and mature seedlings, and the mature seedlings are basically finished, which is no different from the outside world. But the seedlings are different, they have their own beliefs, they have their own laws and regulations, and even in many people's eyes, the seedlings belong to the primitive people who are isolated from the world and are not fully civilized. Their thoughts are completely different from those of the outside world. Different, still living in their own spiritual realm.

Of course, the so-called seedlings are just a definition of the people outside the world. In fact, for Miao people, they simply don’t understand what is seedlings, but they know that there is a kind of seedlings. They will raise baboons, and those who will raise babies will live in the deeper parts of the mountains, even if they are the same, they are different from them. They call it: seedlings.

No one dared to provoke the seedlings. Yao Xian went to Miaojiang at the beginning. Before doing it, he did a lot of homework and checked a lot of information. In the end, he still had nothing to gain.

But after returning, Yao Xian also had his own understanding of 蛊, in his view, 蛊 is still related to bacteria, can be regarded as a kind of bacteria cultivation and reproduction. For example, someone has been shackled in the stomach. When the scorpion venom is attacked, a lot of worms will be produced in the stomach in a very short period of time. This is a kind of bacterial reproduction.

However, this is also an idea. After many trials, it finally failed. They have no way to create 蛊 copy 蛊. For this kind of thing, it still stays in the original strangeness and mystery.

Nowadays, there is a suspicious martial art in Dashun, and it is applied to Tianwu Emperor. How can she not worry? It is said that the only person who wants to solve the problem is to find the squatter and use the other party's means to relieve the smuggling. Where can I find this person? Will it be in the palace?

Now the only person who can make her think about it is Lu Ping. She remembers that Lu Ping’s face was bitten by water bugs. Lu Ping once told her that it was a locust, from southern Xinjiang, even if she There is no way to lift the scar from the medical practice. Feng Yu thought, maybe Lu Ping could hear more news about him.

She went to Zuo Xiangfu, and the empty-handed entrance was always bad. So I bought a lot of things in the middle of the road, which is a bit of a treat. Lu Song’s Shangchao has not yet returned. Mrs. Ge’s seeing Feng Yuxi personally came to the door. It was a bit of an accident. After the ceremony, he took the initiative to ask: “Wang Hao came to Lufu but something?” Then there was some concern, “It’s not my father’s What provoked the unhappy things of His Royal Highness and Wang Hao?"

Feng Yuzhen only felt that this family had some scared birds. Even if Lu Song had something to provoke her, she would not personally go to the door? Is it hard to fight? She smiled and persuaded Ge: "The lady wants more. I have nothing to do with Lu Xiang today. I am visiting Miss Lu Ping."

Ge's a glimpse, she couldn't think of this Feng Yu 珩 suddenly running to see Lu Ping is why, the relationship between the two is so good? But this can not be asked, as soon as the girl’s family walks around, she does not make sense to be a mother-in-law, let alone Feng Yu’s identity. Secondly, Lu Jia is willing to let Lu Ping be able to make good friends with Feng Yu, where there is a reason to stop. So Ge Shi happily led Feng Yu to the courtyard of Lu Ping, and he was very warm along the way. He also stayed in the house to eat Feng Yu. After being refused by Feng Yuzhen, he did not feel guilty. He still had a decent smile on his face. He always sent people to the door of Lu Ping’s courtyard, and he left.

When Feng Yuqi entered the hospital, the next person in the yard recognized her. She was very nervous and led the person to Lu Ping's house. Then she explained to her the bad aroma of the house: "Wang Hao is no wonder, Missy is no way."

Feng Yu swayed and waved, indicating that there was nothing. After Lu Ping had driven the next person out, she said: "I really admire you, and I have done so in my own house. Your hidden illness is clear. Why bother to use this spice? I am not afraid to smoke myself."

Lu Ping and her are also acquaintances, and they don’t get along as much as they are. After I sat down, Feng Yuxi explained and said, "I have any way. This room seems to follow me, but except for me. Other than the simple one, the other ones are listening to my father and aunt's words. If I relax, this thing will be passed to their ears, a daughter who has no hidden disease and grows like me. You I think Lu Jia will let me go?" She said as she shook her head and also gave Feng Yu a tea. "The new brew is still hot, not a good tea. Wang Hao holds a warm hand." I also sat on the chair opposite Feng Yuxi, and sighed again: "In this way, my father refused to let me go, and I thought about the relationship with General Pingnan. I think this thing is also awkward." Can you hear about it?"

Feng Yuzhen did hear it, and even knew that Ren Xifeng had to turn her people to Ji’an County in order to let her brother break this thought, just to give Lu’s chance to win. In the words of Ren Xifeng, she still remembers that Lu Yao had hooked up Yao Shu at the beginning, and she was afraid that Lu’s family would re-apply and let Lu Ping hook her brother’s soul.

But this is not easy to say in the face of Lu Ping, she had no choice but to nod and whispered, "still depends on fate."

Lu Ping can certainly hear the meaning of her words, and she does not hide. She bluntly said: "I don’t know what kind of person Lu’s grandson is, but it doesn’t look like bad. But I will never It’s at the mercy of Lu’s family, no matter who the other person is, no matter how good it is.” She said, reaching out to touch her face and saying to herself, “It’s a pity, how is this face?” With that scar, and my hidden illness, it’s a pity that Lu’s family wants to make me a fuss and does nothing.”

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