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The palace palace ban, since the reset of Yuan Shuzhen, the management of the palace has become more and more strict. Not only will the idlers not enter the palace, but even the people who were originally in the palace are not allowed to walk around.

Nowadays, the movement between the hustle and bustle is limited to going to the Shoushan Palace. There is no restriction on the coming and going, but the atmosphere in the palace is suppressed, and no one wants to touch the anger at this time.

When Feng Yu broke into the palace, he felt that the palace in this night was even more suffocating. The team's Yulin army kept on patrolling, more than three times more than before. On several occasions, she suddenly emerged from the space, almost slamming into the front of the Royal Forest, forcing her to retract into space.

Gradually, she found that those who walked in the palace were not all Yulin army. After all, the Yulin army could not increase so much in a short time. When I think about it, it should be that the 30,000 soldiers who handed over to the Eight Emperors were taken to the palace and joined the Royal Forest.

She frowned, watching a large number of soldiers and horses traversing in the palace, and suddenly there was a deep concern. 30,000 troops! They are all in the palace. Isn’t this the rhythm of the palace changing? The reason why the old eight has not yet forced the palace, it should be that he has no more military power in his hands, so that he knows that even if he took the palace and sat on the throne, the position was not stable, and he was rushed down sooner or later. Let's go! Therefore, he chose a more secure and more justifiable route to let Tianwu pass the position.

The imminent sense of urgency was once again hit, and she suddenly realized that she could not drag it any more, and then dragged it down. Maybe when Tian Wudi could actually write the book to the writer under the control of the martial arts. Then, at that time, everything was late. They can't always tell the people in the world that the emperor is under the control of people. It is inconvenient to write such a call. Who can believe this kind of words? What about the letter? For the people of the world, whether it is the Eight Emperors or the Nine Emperors, they are the same, they are the sons of the emperor, how the Jiangshan toss is also a surname, there is no difference.

But it is too different for them. If the old eight is so on the throne, then what are these people? What kind of end will there be? Really leave the "home"?

As she thought about this, she went to the Changning Palace where Li Sheng lived. In the cold winter, the night is so cold that people feel uncomfortable. The more they go to the harem, the more cold they feel. The big harem feels like all the cold palaces. All the palaces are closed to the gates. Some even have no gates at the door. Stay, there is no bit of popularity.

Changning Palace is a large palace. Apart from the Jingci Palace where the Queen lives and the Moon Palace in Yunxiao, I am afraid that this place is the most magnificent place. But when she arrived at Changning Palace, she felt that the palace was hazy, and she came out of the space and she consciously shuddered. There was a very uncomfortable feeling.

Feng Yuxi tried to calm his mind and walked in. The more he was close to Li Wei's sleeping hall, the more he felt that something was wrong. He seemed to hear some strange voices in the vagueness, like people crying, and people singing. The movement was strange, and suddenly she was reminded of the professional crying person at the funeral. She even cried and sang, and the atmosphere was very strange.

But how can there be a funeral in this place?

Her heart is strange, the movement is speeding up, and the Changning Palace is not strictly guarded. After all, those guards are not allowed to enter the palace, and several vigils of the vigil are not in the eyes. It was not until the door of the Lily Temple, that it was discovered that in the middle of the night, the candlelight in the dormitory was turned on, and the girl’s left child, who was near the maid of the palace, was now at the door of the dormitory, and looked at it from time to time. Anxious and helpless.

Feng Yu sneaked away from his body shape and used the space to go directly into the dormitory. When he appeared, if she had some psychological preparation in advance, she really had to be shocked by everything in this dormitory.

What is Lily doing? How is this house... like a mourning hall?

Yes, the bedroom of Li Wei’s sleep is arranged in a mourning hall, with a spirit, a fragrant case, a tablet, and even a coffin. There was also a brazier on the ground, and Li Wei was kneeling on the side of the fire basin. He was filling the paper money in one hand and whispering in the mouth: "It should come, go and send you away, you will not return. Road cold, wearing a cotton coat, passing the yin and yang world, everything in the world you can no longer reason. Come here, go, yang, and never leave."

Even Feng Yu, the face of this situation also chilled out of the air. These words are like singing and singing, and the tone is very strange. It is a bit like singing. She looked up and looked at the board carefully, but saw that the name of the eight emperors Xuantian Ming was written on the tablet, and at the hand of Li Wei, a small person with white cloth was placed, and the head was also attached with a note. The words are also the three big characters of Xuantian.

She was shocked at the time. I really didn't think that the night singer Ning Gong would have discovered such a big concealment. What is Lily doing? Xuantian Ming Ming Ming lived well, but she arranged the mourning hall. What does this mean? Fascination?

Fuck! Feng Yu is angry! The right hand raised his mind subconsciously, clasped into the palm of his hand, and rushed to the back of the brain. At this moment, I suddenly felt that someone behind me was approaching quickly, and the light work was very good. Even if it wasn’t worthy of Xuantian and Xuan Tianhua, it would not be much worse. She was shocked, but it was hard to be a beautiful woman. But when she came in, she had already noticed all around, and no suspicious people were found. The people who came were...

She quickly took the action, her body flashed, and the pillar on the left side of the dormitory was hidden. When she arrived, the man behind him also chased him, and her body was better than her. Even before she stepped to the back of the pillar, she reached out and grabbed her mouth, then gestured with her eyes: Don't say anything!

Lily’s kind of person is still stunned and still whispering there. She didn’t even notice the danger behind her. She didn’t know at all. If she followed the emotions of Feng Yu, she would just go down and she would simply It is impossible to have a life. There are not many contradictions in Feng Yu's life. Xuan Tianming is definitely one of them. Let her see that the other party is actually giving a mourning to Xuantian in the palace. The impulse to kill in a moment is definitely not a joke.

Can only say that Li Wei's life is good, someone saved her, and this person who saved Li Wei and smothered Feng Yu's mouth, is nothing else, it is the son of Li Wei, the six emperors Xuantian style. This is why Feng Yuxi did not fight back after seeing people.

For a moment, she even got ready to do it. If this fight is done, it will make the palace unsafe. But when she saw that the coming man was Xuantianfeng, the anger and impulsiveness of her heart suddenly decreased a lot. Although she did not know when Xuantianfeng came back, now she is holding her mouth, but intuition tells She, the other party did not hurt her, even the gaze with a pleading.

She calmed down for a while, reached out and pulled the hand of Xuan Tianfeng on her mouth, and then pointed to the back window, indicating that the two went out to say. Xuan Tianfeng nodded, pulling her figure and quickly smashed out from the window for a long time.

The window was knocked up by the two and opened up a little, and a slight noise was heard. Li Yan glanced at the head and only felt the cold wind rushing in, blowing her a nap. The white candle in front of the mourning hall also blows out two. She stood up and walked forward, and gave it back. The hall was lit up again. She was satisfied, and then returned to the brazier again. Paper money is thrown into the brazier.

And each other, the two who had already left the back window and went to the backyard finally stopped. When they waited for Feng Yu’s opening, they listened to Xuan Tianfeng’s saying: "My brother and sister are envious, leaving my mother’s life, this human brother can Is it good to repay in any way?" He pleaded in his tone, holding a hand of Feng Yu's wrist in one hand and holding it tightly. °C≡miào°C≡°C≡阁°C≡

She pumped her arm and pulled the wrist back from the other hand. She rubbed it with her hand. Instead of directly addressing the topic, she asked the sentence: "When did the six brothers come back? Why didn't you have any news? ”

"I sneaked back." Xuan Tianfeng said, "I heard the sound of the wind in Beijing, don't worry, come back and see."

"What are the six brothers not worried about?" Feng Yu's gaze is somewhat condensed. "Is it not worried about the father, or do you not worry about your mother who will do the trick?" She said, turning her head through the back window to Li I glanced at the sleepy hall, and my eyebrows wrinkled.

Xuantian Tian is a little anxious, and can't speak loudly. He can only lower the voice as much as possible and explain: "Where is she going to swear? It is a comedy, and it is not the same as the martial arts. What can the nine brothers have now?" Discomfort? Can there be signs of lieutenant surgery?"

Feng Yu’s heart angered again: “Even if there is no lieutenant, but I ask you, if someone has sent you a mourning, how do you know? Let her do this? If you really want that, then I can only say that your heart is too big. I am a little woman, not as big as yours, my heart is small! Lily is so cursing my husband, Regardless of the shackles, I can't stand it. Six brothers still have to give me a confession."

"Good." Xuan Tianfeng nodded very happily. "Sister and brother, you can rest assured that the six brothers will give you a confession, and promise you that similar things will never happen again. If there is another time, I... ..." He bit his teeth. "I don't recognize this mother-in-law. Also, brothers and sisters, you believe me, she really doesn't know how to do it. These tricks are nothing more than listening to the old sayings. I will definitely order her." Take all of this, please don't be angry again." The imperial son, so talking is also whispered, but he had to do so. One is his mother, the second is the person who is facing Feng Yu, three, he can see that just Feng Yu is a killer, think about it and fear.

"Besides, Liu Ge, I am waiting for you like a brother, my feelings with Xuan Tianming do not allow anyone to cross in the middle. I don't want Li Tian Niang to have other extra ideas, I hope you can understand, I can make the Lizang goddess understand."

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