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Feng Yuxi did not understand what the meaning of the Six Emperors was dangerous. Xuan Tianming explained to her: "If I did not make a mistake, the Six Brothers came back for the 30,000 military powers. He should not hand over the military power easily. But the father has already made a decree. This matter is either his resistance, or... I am afraid that Lao Ba will start with him."

"Resistance? How to resist?" Feng Yuxi's understanding of this era is the imperial power, she can't think of how the six emperors are right against Tianwu.

Xuantian Ming told her: "The best way is to avoid seeing him. Since he returned to Beijing at this time, he did not want to alarm anyone, Ji'an County could not find anyone, the capital could not find anyone, the soldier would It’s always in his hands. The 30,000-strong army is actually his own soldier, and he holds the soldier in his hand. No matter when, as long as he calls, 30,000 people will respond immediately. You said, stay one People are hiding in the dark, how can the old eight not dig up him? And the **** of the six brothers, I am afraid that I can’t ask for the oldest."

"What should I do?" Feng Yuxi also had some concerns. The analysis of Xuantian was right. The six emperors could not give up the soldiers. In this situation, if he let it, it would help, and the six emperors were A person who distinguishes right from wrong, he can't watch the court give birth to such a change. "Six brothers will join us?" she asked. "Before he gave 30,000 soldiers to the seventh brother, I want to come, is it on your side?"

Xuantian nodded, "It is indeed close to us, so since he returned to Beijing, he should soon come to the door. Let's discuss it again. In any case, you can't let the old eight get it." ""

The two said a little while, for the mourning of Li Yang's yang, Xuan Tianming only said: "The six brothers are back, this matter is handed over to him. It is not normal here -" he said While pointing to my own brain, "Whoever wants to care about it with her is a fool. As for Yang’s mourning, I have the same attitude as my sixth brother. Lishao should not be the kind of suspenseful thing. She But I heard the story."

Xuan Tian Ming said this, what can Feng Yuxi say? The two said something for a while, and when they saw the dawn, Xuan Tianming went to the early morning. When I left, I put the tiger's character in my hand into the space of Feng Yuxi. For him, only the space of his own daughter-in-law is the safest place.

After Xuantian’s departure, Feng Yuxi began to sleep. This feeling has been sleeping until noon. Huang Quan enters the house happily to wake her up. It’s hard to pull people out of the bed. This is loudly: “Miss The young master of Rui Rui is back! Forgot the news from the river, and then I will enter the city gate in half an hour. The lady will wake up, let's pick up the young master!"

When I heard that Zirui was back, Feng Yuxi also immediately came to the spirit, and quickly got up and washed, and even had no time to eat, and hurriedly followed Huang Quan. Until their carriage arrived in front of the North Gate, there was still some work to do from the "half hour" that Huang Quan said.

Feng Yuyu couldn't sit still in the carriage, and he just came down and asked the driver to drive the carriage to the side of the empty space. She took Huang Quan to the city gate, and she was very anxious to look out the city gate.

Huang Quan smiled and said: "Miss is too anxious. When the carriage enters the city, it will naturally be seen."

She also admitted that she was in a hurry and shook her head and said with a smile: "I haven't seen Zirui for a long time, and I want to panic." After that, I went to see the soldiers who were defending the city. After a while, I frowned. "The old eight is to change the soldiers who have defended the city? When did the nine things belong to him?"

"Estimating is also a matter of recent days. The emperor listened to the words of the Eight Emperors and Yuan Shuzhen, and the people who wanted to change the Nine Gates were not their words." Huang Quan looked at the gates of the city, it was very unfair. "I don't know where the people of the previous nine gates were taken. Are these people separated from the 30,000 soldiers in the Sixth Hall?"

Feng Yuqi shook his head. "It shouldn't. The gate is the place. He can't choose from the 30,000 people. In my opinion, it should be the Yulin army in the original palace. Let's go to the south for a few months." The Yulin army has been changed all over again. Those people are naturally his cronies. If you want to come, he will definitely be the one in the important position."

When they talked and looked at the gate, they saw that all the people who went out of the city had to be carefully checked by the defenders. Some people who were suspected of suspiciously had to open their bags, and all the carriages that went out of the city were even more It is a careful search, regardless of men and women, they must be questioned before they can be released.

Huang Quan frowned and said: "What is this doing? Make it like a prisoner, is it a thief in the capital?"

Feng Yuxi did not know why this was, but he could see the cautiousness of Xuantianmo. Regardless of whether there is a thief in the capital, under this investigation, anyone who has any guilty conscience will be picked up, for example, a half-size child who has only stolen the rich son and son. She shrugged: "If you can manage the security of the capital, it will be a blessing."

During the talk, a big horse outside the city came in and was inspecting the soldiers at the gate. Huang Quan saw the wooden sign hanging on the carriage and wrote a big "Yao" character. She was happy to jump up and immediately pointed to the past: "Miss, you see, the young master is back!"

Feng Yujun naturally saw the Yao family's carriage, but she did not immediately go forward, and stood far away, watching the soldiers on the carriage check. Seeing Huang Quan’s incomprehension, she explained: “The two sides are opposite. I don’t want to go. I’m sure I’m looking for it. When I stepped forward, I’m afraid I’m going to be more careful. More than one thing is less, now the capital. But it is no more than before."

It’s true that no one has ever dared to check the carriage of the Yao family in the past. The soldiers are all released, not only released, but also accompanied by smiles. Who doesn't know that it is the grandfather's family of the Ji'an County. They have eaten the bear heart and the leopard dare to doubt the Yao family? But now it's different. Nowadays, people are old eight. If there is no wind, you have to pick up three layers of waves. If Feng Yuyu goes up, I am afraid that the other side will find something wrong.

But even if she didn't go forward, the check on the Yao family carriage was much stricter than other carriages, so that the car head Miao, Zi Rui and the little girl primrose were all driven down, even with the forgetting Sichuan, and Miao A gimmick. A few people stood on the ground and were asked to turn around again and beating. Until they were sure that there was no object on the body, this was released. Huang Quan clearly saw the unwillingness from the eyes of the soldiers. She said: "These people What do you want to check?"

Feng Yuxi sneered and said: "I am afraid that it is a self-defense dagger, and it will become the handle of their writing." She finished, no longer standing in the same place, went a few steps forward, shouted at the front - - "Zi Rui!"

Feng Zirui was unhappy by the officers and men, but he did not endure it. He was eleven years old and thought he was already a big man, not a child. The gentleman said that when people grow up, they must have their own special thinking, instead of doing what they want to do like a child, and how to express their emotions by expressing their emotions. The difference between an adult and a child is that when you have your own thoughts in your heart, you should learn to think about how the idea should be expressed.

Therefore, although he was dissatisfied with his heart when he was interviewed, he still did not express it. Instead, he accepted the investigation in a bright and honest manner. At the same time, he was also thinking about why the capital would become so strict in Beijing. He didn't know that Beijing had changed, but when he first entered the city, a completely different atmosphere from the past made the child alert.

However, this kind of alertness and consciousness after growing up completely collapsed in the voice of Feng Yuying. He looked at him with a sigh of relief. In the crowd, he saw his sister standing there and watching him. He flew past and went straight to Feng Yu’s arms.

This kid has grown up, his height is high, and his strength is also great. This is a slap in the face of Feng Yu, and if Huang Quan is behind him, he will fall.

Feng Yu smiled and smiled. He reached out and grabbed his brother. He smiled and said: "I haven't seen it for more than half a year. My son Rui grew up. Sure enough, the boy is the fastest growing time. It used to be several months before. Seeing one side, but I don’t think this change is big!” She said that she stretched out her hand and couldn’t help but sigh again. “I’m going to my sister’s shoulder, and after half a year, I’m afraid I’m higher than my sister.”

Zi Rui looked up and said with a smile: "It’s better than my sister, so I can protect my sister. After going out, Zirui is in front, always keeping my sister behind me, no matter what danger I am afraid of." Proudly, after releasing Feng Yu, he raised his arm and said: "Sister, I have a hard time in Xiaozhou! The school is decorated with Wenwu. The gentleman said, my physical condition is very good, suitable for martial arts, so specially I asked the martial artist to teach me an hour more every day after class. But when I look back, I want to find a brother-in-law to make a plan. If you can't keep it, he can't beat me."

In the end, it was a child. After studying for a few days, I felt that I was very powerful. This time I was amused by Feng Yu and Huang Quan. In the laughter, Miao Shi and Forget Chuan also walked over here, and the driver drove the big carriage to the side, trying not to block the pedestrian.

Feng Yu met Miao’s rushing to the front and thanked Miao for the ceremony. “Auntie has seen three mothers. Thanks to the three mothers who went to Xiaozhou to take care of their younger brothers for Auntie. Auntie’s heart is grateful.”

Miao quickly lifted her up, and even said: "Auntie, what are you doing? You are now a royal prince, but it is not good to give me a street. Besides, Zirui is my nephew, I should take care of him. She said while pulling the child Ruidao: "Auntie, let's take a quick look, is Ziru a lot taller? This half year is really growing fast, even I can see you at his side." His people can see it!"

Feng Yuqi nodded, very gratified to say: "It is the aunt who cares well, no matter what status the aunt is, in front of the aunt is a younger generation, the ceremony is the line. It is his mysterious heaven, seeing the aunt is also to salute. ”

Miao's is a hundred favorite for Feng Yu, who took Feng Yu's hand and patted the back of her hand, all in her eyes.

At this time, the forgotten Sichuan who stood behind Miao’s body looked at Feng Yu’s body, but saw a team of officers and men looking serious and coming to this side. The leader was actually an eunuch. She couldn't help but frown, and her heart raised a bad feeling...

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