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The imperial palace ban, except for the opening of the early morning period, the rest of the time without calling, no one is allowed to enter. Those ministers who have gone to the DPRK, if they have government affairs, they will go to the political hall to deal with them. If there is no government affairs, as long as they leave the palace gate, they will not want to return again on the same day. Even the emperor is no exception. They are all delusions.

These things, as early as on the way back to Beijing, Xuan Tianyi has already heard of one or two, but he does not believe that evil! According to his understanding of Emperor Wu of Heaven, this is simply impossible. As for the temper of Tianwu Emperor, he wouldn’t want his sons to see him in the palace. Although the sons have good and bad, they are parents, but they always look forward to enjoying the sky wheel. The scene to the children and grandchildren. Therefore, Xuantian did not take the people’s report on the palace as a matter of fact, riding the horse straight to Deyangmen.

However, the Palace Gate, which was closed tightly during the day, stopped him from being outside the palace.

Xuantian squinted and looked at the door in front of him. The man sat on the horse and listened to the Yulin army under him. He said to him: "The time has passed since the early dynasty, and the palace begins. If you want to enter the palace, please ask tomorrow. Line entry."

He looked down at the Guards of the Imperial Army, his strange face, his face arrogant, and he was even bigger than his prince. Even after saying that, another Yulin army took the sentence: "Four Highness, please come back!"

He was angry and burned. He wanted to learn the whips of Xuantian, and he slammed these dogs into a deadly meal. Unfortunately, he did not have the sigh of Xuantian. Not once before, not even now. It is still the emperor, but it has already lost the throne. In addition, he has participated in the black history of the third year, and his status in Beijing has been plummeting in the past few years. If he was not a big heart, he could not survive.

But in the end, there were still some doubts in my heart. He asked the two Guardsmen: "Why should I ban? Who is this order?"

One of the other party said: "Return to the four halls, the order of the palace is up and down. As for why the palace is banned, please forgive the subordinates."

"Holy?" Xuantian was cold and cold. "Is not afraid of the Holy Spirit, but the meaning of your master?"

The Yulin army answered the question: "They are guarding the palace, and the emperor is the master of their subordinates. This is naturally the meaning of the emperor."

"Hey!" Xuantian had no intention of talking to these slaves any more, and the whip went on the snow. "But, I will come again tomorrow."

The eyes of Xuan Tianyi’s horse ran away, and the two guards of the gatekeeper Yu Linjun looked at each other and saw the meaning of contempt from the other’s eyes. One of them said: "It’s just a ruined emperor. What kind of prestige is running?"

Another person also cooperated and said: "Is it impossible to make a mess, he thought they forgot?"

Xuantian’s Ma Yue ran farther and went to the gate of Pingwang Palace. The fear of returning to Beijing from this road did not really rise to the peak until this moment. The intuition told him that the palace had to change, and this change will continue until it is irreparable. Suddenly, I regretted returning to Beijing. I knew that when I said this, he would like to leave the gimmick in Ji’an County. It’s better to be happy at that end than to get involved in this storm. That girl is the sister of Feng Yuxi, and Feng Yuzhen is now a pro with the old nine. He always feels that this matter will lead a person sooner or later, even if he wants to let him, he can’t escape.

"I can't do it. I will persuade the girl to go back tomorrow!" Xuantian whispered, and at the same time ridiculed himself: "A prince who has been cut by the throne, what can I do in Beijing? Early morning? I am going."

In the royal palace, Xuantian Ming did not come back. I wanted Rong Rong to talk about the thing in Ji’an County. She told Feng Yuxi: "Since the Sixth House left, the big things at that end were taken down by Qian Zhizhou. Locking up, I was the master of my mother. Now Ji'an County is developing very well. It is more like Yuzhou and Haizhou. Qian Zhizhou always said that after so many years of officials, it is not good. Anjun County lived here for a few months. He said that he had never seen such a good governance in Ji’an County in his life, especially the kind of public carriage, which greatly facilitated the connection between several counties. People's exchanges, and because of the reasonable price, many people who used to have no money to hire a carriage and want to visit relatives and friends can now come out from time to time."

I was very excited to say that from the public carriage, to the governance in Ji’an County, to the school opened by the Six Emperors, and the Baicao and Jade mines there, every place is thriving. Finally, she summed up and said: "I used to live in the capital, I feel that the outside is a barbaric land, how can it not be as prosperous as in Beijing. But later, there is Ji'an County, I now feel that compared to the capital, Ji'an County is ours. The best place in Dashun, now everyone’s heart is thinking about it, and everyone is going to make it happen. Everyone wants the county to develop better. Second sister, when can you go back? What? Everyone misses you."

Listening to the story of Ji’an County, Feng Yu’s heart was also excited. It can be said that the development of Ji'an County is an experiment conducted by her in the Dashun Dynasty according to the social form of later generations. The success of Ji’an County has made her see hope. One day, the governance method will be further promoted, which is the real benefit for the people. Just, is there really one day? Think about the current political situation, and I can't help but worry.

At this time, the voice of Mrs. Zhou was raised outside the door - "Wang Hao, the old slave has something to report."

Forgetting Sichuan quickly opened the door, Feng Yuxi’s words were also closely followed: “I have long said that the wife does not have to claim to be a slave in the house. I have never seen you as a slave.”

Mrs. Zhou smiled and went forward, and said: "That is the care of the masters, but the old slaves can't help but know what to do." Speaking, and rushing to give a gift, said: "I have seen Miss Three."

I wanted to get up and return to the ceremony, and I was very flattered and said: "Mrs. Zhou is desperate to be a man, and she wants to be a woman. The Zhouren is a gift."

Mrs. Zhou looked at her and smiled and said: "Miss San is really grown up. The old slave remembers to go to Fengfu to go to the dowry. The first time she saw Miss San, she was still a little girl hiding behind her family."

I wanted to face my face and thought of my own state. I couldn’t help but smile. "Yeah, how dare I was so small?" In a word, several people laughed.

Mrs. Zhou revisited Feng Yu: "Wang Ye sent someone to send a message, saying that he went directly to the palace after he came out of the palace. He also said that Wang Hao would go down there and go to the evening with the Yunxiao Niang. "When I finished, I handed a post in my hand and said, "This is the post from the palace. It is for the New Year's Day dinner. Not only please Wang Hao, also invited Miss San."

"Please me?" I was shocked. "How come you please? I don't have a Feng family now. I am a civilian girl. What do you want me to do? Besides, I just returned to Beijing today! How do you know me in the palace?" came back?"

Feng Yuqi took the post and didn't think it was strange. He just said: "Look, hide, you can't hide. Every time you have a feast, you have to give birth to something. How can this toss be tossed? As for returning to Beijing, I am afraid that I have not yet entered the city gate, and people are already well-informed." She said, looking at it: "Because you are my sister, understand?"

I want to nod and nod, she is very good at her head now, and Feng Yuxi can only understand what it is. Because of the special status of Feng Yuxi, even the sister who took her has to be watched together. Even in this palace feast, there may be something unexpected that falls on her head. But I don't want to be afraid, I can fight side by side with her second sister, which is what she has been looking forward to. She told Feng Yuxi: "Since I have invited me, then I will go and accompany my second sister to see what kind of trouble they are going to make."

"Good." Feng Yuxi was very satisfied with this attitude. "This is like my sister Feng Yuxi. I tell you, no matter what happens, don't be afraid, the soldiers will stop, those who are born, can't help. "Where am I." After that, I thought about the head of the room, like the warm heart of a child. "Let me go to the palace with me, just go to see the clouds."

When I heard that I was going to go to the palace, I finally felt strong and stunned. The two little hands subconsciously went to the corners of the clothes and saw that Mrs. Zhou’s eyebrows were smiling. Only the three ladies of this Feng family, in the end is still a child, can not hide. I just don't know what kind of result she can exchange for her heart.

Feng Yuxi took the opportunity to meet the king's palace, and he was calling for the banner of Yunxiao. When I came back from Ji’an County, I brought a few embroidered embroidered pieces. I originally wanted to send some sisters to Beijing after returning to Beijing, including Xuantian Song Fengtianyu and Ren Xifeng. On the way back, I heard that Ren Xifeng went to Ji'an County to see Bai Furong. The two went on a road. After they missed it, they saved a gift. Today, I can just send it to Yunxiao. Although the gift is light, she knows that there is nothing in the cloud. It is superfluous to send anything, but it is a matter of heart. Fortunately, this embroidery is strange. There is still no Jingli. Appeared.

The two of them went to the royal palace, but I heard that Xuan Tianming had just left, and went to the head of the criminal department to meet with Xu Jingyuan to discuss some things. Before the temporary trip, Feng Yuyu was waiting for him at the Wangfu House, and he would come back for dinner.

It’s not that Feng Yu’s arrival is not so. She is a frequent visitor to the Wangfu House. Plus, now Yunxiao lives here, and as a daughter-in-law to see her mother-in-law, she is even more justifiable. I just wanted to see some of the cramps in the sky. After I got the meeting, I hid behind Feng Yu’s, and instantly changed back to what I was a few years ago.

Feng Yu smirked and said to himself with Yunxiao: "The three sisters of the daughter-in-law saw that the mother-in-law was nervous!"

Yunxiao didn't take it for granted: "I see what I am nervous about? I don't eat people. It's not a palace here, but it's just that the family meets, there are no rules. Three girls, you can sit down!" She left the palace. I don’t even claim to be the palace, but the mountain temperament is revealed again. While I want to sit down and look at the embroidered pieces, I look at it and wonder: "It’s a good thing! Not only is the embroidery good, it is embroidered. I have never seen the pattern, this is... what is it?"

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