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The original five sisters, this year, there are two fewer. Both Bai Furong and Ren Xifeng went to Ji'an County, so that Xuan Tiange and Feng Tianyu were envious. Feng Yuzhen said to her two people: "I am afraid that it will be too late to go at this time. Otherwise, you can go out and avoid the limelight."

Xuan Tiange said with a sullen voice: "Tianyu can go, but I can't. In the end, it is a royal princess. It is not easy for me to go out."

Fengtianyu said: "How do I feel that it is not easy for me to go out? Even if it is Xifeng, if she is going to go early, I am afraid that I should have said that it is too late," she said. After reading a few people, I lowered my voice and said: "Auntie has already married, no need to worry about this matter. I am going to remind you of one thing, be careful that the Eight Emperors will put their ideas on our heads. Especially Tiange, you are the only daughter of the princess and Wen Xuanwang, and I am the prostitute in the right-hand house. The eight emperors want to hold the political affairs. The two of us are the biggest resistance that he can't get. Be careful with him. Start."

Xuan Tian’s eyebrows wrinkled, and the head turned around. He also understood a few points. “What do you mean, he will marry the uncle’s marriage, so that we have to be biased towards him?”

Feng Tianyu nodded, and the eyebrows were full of worry. "You are her sister. Don't worry about other thoughts. I am afraid that he has not got a big marriage or a marriage contract. If he wants to hit the right-hand government again." Come, do you say that I am hanged or poisoned when I arrive? Or is there any other way to die?"

Xuan Tiange also felt that he was a big fan and worried about himself: "He can't beat my own idea, but it doesn't mean not playing my idea for others. Tianyu, you said this, my heart. I also made a sudden surprise!" After that, I also looked at it and said: "I want to let you know that you and your seventh brother have to make a quick decision. Don't think that your Feng family has no power now, you can sit back and relax. But don't forget, you still have a second sister! It is the best way to threaten your aunt with you."

I want to let her both talk about the whole body, but how can she grasp this kind of thing? Although the attitude of her seven steps to her in these days is a bit embarrassing, she always feels that the feeling is not true. Xuan Tianhua always mixed up with some complicated emotions for her goodness, and she felt endless sorrow, so that she did not dare to enjoy the care too much, not to mention anything that was not set.

Feng Yuying looked at the three worried eyes, and did not know how to persuade. Feng Tianyu’s worries did not come out of thin air. She had already thought about this matter. Nowadays, Lao Ba controls the former dynasty. Yuan Shuzhen controls the harem. Once the two of them want to exert their strength, then the Xuantian song and Fengtianyu in the slogan will bear the brunt and become the target of the two. Emperor Tianwu now listens to Yuan Shuzhen every single thing. As long as Yuan Shuzheng says a word, it is very likely that they will marry these two people tomorrow. As for the various death methods that Feng Tianyu said, it is obviously a slogan. At that time, Yuan Shuzheng and the Eight Emperors had the means to make them survive without asking for death. The threat of the family alone is enough for her. People will commit. If the wind Tianyu commits suicide, he must copy the right-handed family. Does she dare to die?

A few people went to Jingci Palace step by step with their enthusiasm, and worshipped the Queen Empress. This is the first thing that the ladies of the palace entertained from Ruimen every year. In the past, this avenue leading to Jingci Palace was the most lively. The mountains and the seas could not see the head and tail, but today it is different, cold and clear, and those who go to Jingci Palace can count their hands.

There was a sigh of sighing and sighing, but helplessly said: "Most of the people have gone to the Shoushan Palace. Now the wind in the palace is turning too fast. They would rather go to worship Yuan Shuzhen than to go to the scene. Ci Gong came. But the Queen is still the Queen? Yuan Shuzhen is so brazen, she is not afraid of retribution?"

There was another cockroach on the side of the hurry: "It can be a little bit louder, if it is heard by others, but we have a good look. The palace is now inside and outside of them, no longer like before." ”

"No problem." The old man who had spoken before waved his hand. "There are people who can go to the Jingci Palace. They have not sent the good palace. ""

Feng Yuying listened to such words, and her heart was a bit desolate, but what can she do? It is impossible to change the Emperor Wu of Heaven back to the past, and everything is empty talk. She entered the palace today, except to have to come, but still want to try to see if she can take Zi Rui out, leaving Zi Rui in the palace is always a knot in her heart, she can not be guarded for twenty-four hours, It’s really awkward all the time, for fear of a surprise. She once thought that if she can't take Zirui away from the bright future, then come in tomorrow night and steal Zirui out. This potted water, saying that you have to give the old eight buckle on the head.

Finally, Jingci Palace arrived, because there were few people, so they did not enter in batches. Simply everyone went in and prayed to the Queen. The Queen did not have the momentum of the past, looking at the individuals who were sparsely pulling down, reluctantly sighed and raised the handcuffs: "Get up, no outsiders, don't be tied to these rituals. You can get here today. On the other hand, this palace is very gratifying, but except for the gratification, you can't give you any more. The Jade Temple is preparing at the end, and if you want to come again, someone will come and ask, you will sit at random and wait. ”

The Queen looked tired and did not care to pick up the gifts that were handed in before, and they were taken away by Fang Yi and then handed over to the small palace woman. People also know that today is different from the past, one by one is also languid, three or five people rushed to a small voice to talk.

The Queen recruited a few people toward Feng Yu, and Xuan Tiange took the lead and walked up to the Queen. "My mother told me that I am not feeling well. I am not in the palace today." And spread the hand: "The girl knows, those people at the gate of the palace are too much."

The Queen of the Palace Gate also heard about it. Unfortunately, she has no right now. Those who are guarding the palace gate are the eight emperors and Yuan Shuzhen, and no one can listen to her. I just sighed and said to Xuantian: "If you don't come, you can save yourself from the white palace. Your mother's body has never been tough, let her raise it in the house, and return to the palace. People bring some warm things and you take them back."

Xuan Tiange nodded, "Thank you, God." Then I went to the side and found a position to sit down. She knew that the Queen told them to come over, mainly because they wanted to talk to Feng Yu.

Sure enough, after a few people chilled a few words, the Queen left Feng Yuyu around, and then let Fang Yi go out to call Zhang Yuan.

In the Jingci Palace, I saw Zhang Yuanfeng Yu’s stunned accidents. Then I saw Zhang Chang’s skinny in a few days. Both hands were red and swollen and straight into the sleeves, and I couldn’t help but frown. The Queen told her: "This is the inevitable result of people entering the sin slave. Zhang Yuan is still good. He has not lost his life. He has only suffered some crimes. This palace thinks that it should be Yuan Shuzhen’s intentional torture. So I left him a life!" After that, he looked at Zhang Yuan and shook his head helplessly. "Don't hide your two hands, and stick out to see Yu Wang, now I dare to show you the injury." It’s only Yu Wang’s one person.” After that, he yelled at Feng Yu: “The Palace has put a face in the emperor to bring him to Jingci Palace. He thought that the emperor would wake up one day and should I want to see this slave. Auntie, you give him a look at the wound, and it is really tossed in the sinner."

Feng Yu nodded, did not say anything, eyes on the two hands that Zhang Yuan extended, the heart is full of emotion.

A little **** who used to be red, every time she saw this chapter far from the scene of Tianwu Emperor, she felt that she was full of emotions, but she did not expect to fall into such a field. She reached into her sleeve and transferred the ointment and anti-inflammatory oral medicine from the space to hand to Zhang Yuan. It was no different from the medicine she gave last time. Zhang Yuan knew how to use it at a glance, and quickly squatted down and thanked, but was phoenix. Yu Yu gave it up and then whispered to him: "Leave your life, believe me, one day the emperor will wake up."

This sentence of Feng Yuxi is the best medicine in Zhang Yuan. In a word, it is like giving him the vitality. Let this little **** suddenly become alive and kicking. He wants to say a few more words with Feng Yu, but there are so many people at the moment. It’s really bad to say anything, so he has to continually thank him until the red-faced Feng Zhaolian floats out, and he retreats. Go behind, stand at the position of the slave.

Feng Zhaolian didn't take herself as an outsider, she sat directly next to the Queen, and then waved her hand at Feng Yu: "Auntie, you are coming!"

Feng Yuyu wants to swear! What do you mean? In the palace, it’s so confusing, how is it that the surname is still fat? The look is more rosy, the whole child is just like the girl of Sichun, how to look at it... look good. Really enchanting! She sighed in her heart, and then looked at her and looked at it. Sure enough, she was staring at Feng Zhaolian, and her hands were almost twisted out of the water.

Feng Zhaolian did not have the consciousness of being a rival. She even rushed to say hello: "Hey! The three heads of the Feng family, hello! Why are you wearing this kind of gas today? Do you not know the favorite of His Royal Highness? Is the color red?"

In a word, the face that I thought of is immediately red, and I simply bowed my head and didn't want to care for him.

Feng Yu took the seal of Zhao Zhaolian: "Try my sister again, be careful I will smoke you."

"Auntie, you are still so violent." Feng Zhaolian said with a smile: "I am just kidding. Is it because you like the atmosphere and you are always dull? The days in the palace have been hard and long, and if you are so sad all day, How do people still live?" After that, ask the Queen: "Do you say it?"

The Queen didn't have a way for her. Naturally, she wouldn't take care of his unruly words, but there is a message to tell Feng Zhaolian.

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