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To say that the arrival of Fengfenyu, the most unexpected person is Li Wei, because she did not post the phoenix powder, I really do not understand what this person wants to do.

Li Wei stared at Fengfen, and looked at the other side before she came to her. Then she glanced at the child who came with me. The dark skin was very cute, but it was really impossible to be held in the hands of Fengfen. I like people again, and even Li Wei has become bored.

Because the banquet was not bad, the original Li Wei listened to people's complaints and felt unhappy, and Feng Yuxi deliberately alienated her, and sat down to Xuantian song, let her want to go forward and continue. The set is almost impossible. Li Wei was a fire in the stomach, and now she saw Feng Biao 黛 lead a broken child, and suddenly found the emotional vent.

Pink this time just stood still, not waiting for the ceremony, just listened to Li Yan’s cold voice and asked: “What are you doing? Who is going to enter the palace? Where is the palace? Come here, who is the waist for you!"

When this was said, Fengfen smirked on the spot, and laughed very unpretentiously, giggling, letting Feng Yu think that this girl was attached to Han. However, the phoenix phoenix also occasionally has a bit of a smile with Han, but it is quite different from her charming mother. Li Wei didn't like her, she didn't care. Similarly, she didn't like Li Wei. She is looking for Li, but it is a use of the relationship, and this use has now brought a little threat. She said: "I can't get into the palace. It's not the Lily goddess. You have the final say. Anyone who goes in and out of the palace doesn't need to report it to a donkey. The reason why I can enter the palace and support me." People must be five princes, how, the goddess has opinions?"

Li Wei also knows that she has just said that she is too levelless. She is like this person. She has no idea. Her mind is always easy to impulsive. If she says it under impulsiveness, she will not think much about it. Now let Fengfen look for the wrong place. There is no light on the surface. But she still can squeeze out some truths - "This palace is talking about this Changning Palace! Who allowed you to come in?"

Pink eyes, "Isn't it a palace feast? The maidens return to the squatting place, people come to give gifts, and the emperors also look at the faces of the six princes. I am here today. On behalf of him, he gave a gift to the niece."

When she finished, she gestured to the box holding the hand holding the winter cherry. Li Wei is a bit embarrassed, and she has a banner for giving gifts. She is not good at saying anything more, let alone people say that they will give gifts to the five halls. If they pick up at this time, they will not be phoated, but five. Your Highness. She is confused again, and she understands that she should not set too many enemies for her son. Even if those emperors are sons' competitors, they should not start from her. So, adjust the mood, and this is again: "Since it is here, let's make a fun!" After that, he gestured to the left child, but he pointed his finger to the nearest place near the door: "Let the phoenix Miss Jia sat there."

The position where the white scorpion did not care was assigned, and took the hand of Xiao Bao and followed the left child. After sitting down, the mood is faint, but a pair of eyes have been staring at Li Wei, seeing Li Xin's heart hair. When she entered the palace today, she wanted to see the partner who had taken the initiative to come to the door. Under her many coercion and temptation, the woman did not have any action or reaction. She had to wonder what the idea was. .

Of course, it is natural to think that Li Wei does not want to assist others, but wants to push his son to the throne. According to her, the six emperors can not be a person who can stand up to the unification. The six emperors themselves are repelling themselves. But this reason she understands, Li Wei will naturally understand, but Li Wei is still working **** this goal, which makes the whitefly a little more conjecture. Is this beautiful, is it possible to have other dependencies?

She blinked and wished the empty mountain, and she evaluated it in her heart. If Lie's backing is the head of Yuangui, it is even more impossible. Yuangui has his own son. The Eight Emperors are the hottest candidates for the throne. How could they turn their heads to Lizhao? It’s hard to be... Lily decided to give up the decision to let the six emperors fight for the situation and turn to assist the Eight Emperors?

The more she thinks, the more she feels that this is possible. If it is, then there is no half benefit for herself. The five emperors are alone, no one expects anything. If Li Lan can't take it anymore, her dreams will be broken.

The more you want to get angry, the more fists are held, and the hand is pinched to Xiaobao’s hand. Xiaobao gently screams “pain”, and she has come back. At this moment, I saw Li Wei walked down from the main position, and eagerly rushed to Feng Yu, and I couldn’t help Xuan Tiange to be on the side, and before I squeezed it, I went to pull the sleeves of Feng Yu’s jacket. Open the door: "Auntie, you see that you are sitting so far, we both have no time to talk for a while."

Li Wei’s eagerness made Xuan Tiange, who was squeezed aside, frown, and couldn’t help but whispered to the two sisters around me: “When did you become a girl? Is there such a relative?”

Feng Tianyu thought for a moment and said, "Is it going to be the relationship between the six halls? After all, the six priests and the aunts are still good. Auntie told us to come together, not to say that they are selling the six halls. Face?"

Xuan Tiange thought about it. In addition to this, there was no other possibility. So he nodded, but he couldn’t help but say: "I made myself closer to the aunt than Yunxiao. What is this? Is it six? Brother has never had a favorite girl, is Lily too anxious? So who is catching it?"

She was puzzled by this, and when she saw Fengfen, she saw some doorways, and there was a lady who was not far away at this time. She said: "Hey! I don’t know if I think it’s a girl." My daughter-in-law! This is almost enviable. It is almost in a moment to guess the mind of Li Wei, but I also want to take a mouth at a moment.

This is really ridiculous! If Li Wei really has such a mind, then Li Wei is a neuropathy! How can I think of planning with a neuropathy? Going to cooperate?

She laughed, but she also had some expectations. I don't know what kind of things Lixi would do under such thoughts. She really wanted to see something special, so it was lively! It is best for the Nine Emperors to smother Li Xi and his mother in a rage, and this Dashun future emperor will have a lesser memory.

Li Yan’s head was holding Feng Yu’s chattering hot, and she did not say that Feng Yu’s attitude was cold or hot. The visitors of this flower hall looked very glaring. Those who felt that the palace feast was not like a palace feast in the early days began to be unbalanced. Some even said: "I knew that the Lord did not send such a heavy gift, and Li Wei was so stingy that it would be annoying to watch!"

"No! Can it be that this day, let us sit down?" Another lady took the table. "A few broken fruits have been eaten, and I don’t want to send them up. Is this a Changning Palace or a cold palace?" Ah! Why aren’t there any pets?”

I wish the empty mountain to look at this scene, consciously some out of control, thought about it, just got up and walked to the front of Li Wei, regardless of her eagerly chatting with Feng Yu, forcibly interjected: "Auntie, it is better to be the empty mountain for all of you." Play a song? It is also considered a feast for this Yang Palace feast."

Li Yimei picked it up, it was very polite: "How? Is this house too cold? Is it too good to be hospitalized? Don't worry, your big mother should come again, and you will be with her." Go back and hide this boring."

I wish you a glimpse of the empty mountain, and quickly sighed and apologized: "The second mother is not strange, empty mountain does not mean this."

Li Wei didn't care about her anymore, her head twisted and she smiled and looked at Feng Yu.

I wish the empty mountain bite my teeth and get up and return to the seat. She can't figure out what it is. What did Yuangui do to make Lily unhappy, or Feng Yuyi intentionally crowded them? If it is intentionally crowded out, what is the other party using to attract all the thoughts of Li Wei?

Finally, Yuan Guiren came, Feng Yujun stopped the next topic about the six emperors that Li Wei had to carry out, and kindly reminded: "The goddess should go back to the main position, so that it is more convenient for visitors to see the ceremony."

Li Wei especially didn't want to leave Feng Yu's three-point land, but Feng Yu's words made her feel good. Then look at the Yuangui who has already entered the flower hall. She nodded and said: "It’s still aunt who wants to be thoughtful."

And her forefoot just left, Xuantian song several people got together, very gossip to ask her: "What kind of medicine did Li Wei eat wrong?"

Feng Yu is cold and cold, and he is not at all polite: "The six brothers are so smart, it seems that they are all inherited from the father! This is really a headache if you follow Li Wei a little bit. ”

Xuantian songs did not have time to guess the meaning of her words. I saw that the Yuangui people had already walked to the front of Lishao. It was very ceremonially and worshipped according to the order, and respectfully said: "Yu Chen See Li Yan Niang, Niangniang Ankang."

At this time, Li Wei was just a little charming and sturdy when she spoke to Feng Yuxi. A face was solemn and rigid, and her head was slightly raised. The frame of the squat was pulled open instantly. It is a bit lower than the status of a noble person.

In the face of the Yuangui people's salute, she did not immediately pick up the words, but her eyes scorned and scorned for a while, then slowly opened: "Oh, who is this palace, it was originally living in the Palace of the Palace An expensive person. Let's go! The comers are all guests, the left child, the seat."

Yuangui people got up, but they didn't care about Li's attitude. That big drama was framed, and Li could not know that she was doing something from it, unless the man was stupid. Obviously, Li Wei is not stupid to that extent, but it is obvious that she is not smart enough to show her attitude before the people.

She refused that the left child would lead her to the place where the other nobles were sitting. Instead, she looked around at the flower hall and shook her head. Then, she went a few steps away from the field. One **** sat on the side of Li Wei, with a smile on the face: "The emperor said, our sisters are deep, the common niece has done good deeds outside, and rewarding you or rewarding me is the same. Sister, you are right ?"

A sister's deep feelings, detained the hat of Emperor Wu of Heaven, Li Yan was not waiting to see and did not dare to refute, and struggled for a long time, in the end still nodded, don't be awkward to say: "Yes." It’s a bite in the dark, and I hate the peak of this sister...

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