When Sheng Jing came back from the dinner, he saw that it was late, so he didn't bother Shen Tianxing.

When he woke up, it was already dark.

Sheng Jingtong quickly got up to freshen up and change clothes. After packing everything, he went to knock on Shen Tianxing's door.

Shen Tianxing got up early in the morning, called the waiter to bring breakfast, and finished breakfast with Ye Feng.

She thought that she was going to attend the International Wine Festival soon, so she let Ye Feng stay in the room and play by herself until she came back.

When she heard a knock on the door, she guessed that it was Sheng Jing who came with them to find her.

The venue of the International Wine Festival is located on the large lawn of Long Island Manor.

At this time, the stage, judges and audience areas, and rest areas have been set up on the big green lawn.

Top wines from all over the world have also been displayed on the stage.

The invited band has also played beautiful music.

Guests are arriving one after another...

James did not see Shen Tianxing at yesterday's dinner. He asked Sheng Jingtong again and found out that Shen Tianxing was tired and was resting in the room and did not come to the welcome dinner.

He felt a little disappointed, and his dream of dancing and having a relationship with the Eastern Angel was shattered again.

He knew that Shen Tianxing would definitely be present today, so he arrived at the venue early in the morning and waited for Shen Tianxing to arrive.

When the eager James saw that Shen Tianxing, Sheng Jing and the others had finally arrived, he hurriedly greeted them with a smile, "Mr. Sheng, Miss Shen, and all my friends, welcome to the venue of the International Wine Festival. Please come inside!"

When Sheng Jingtong saw this James again, he couldn't help but have a headache.

At yesterday's dinner, this James had been asking him about Shen Tianxing.

Although James told him that he would not have any intentions towards Shen Tianxing, who was already a famous woman, Sheng Jingtong did not dare to trust him, let alone allow him to contact Shen Tianxing.

If he really offended the prince because of him, then he wouldn't have to live anymore.

But this James is like candy, he sticks to it and can't shake it off!

Sheng Jingtong had no choice but to regard himself as Shen Tianxing's shield again, stopping James from talking, just not letting him talk to Shen Tianxing.

James had done this trick yesterday. Today he learned a lesson. He had found someone from the organizer early in the morning and asked him to talk to Captain Sheng and hold him back so that he could There was a chance to contact Shen Tianxing.

Even for the other members, James found someone to communicate with.

I have to say that James' strategy is very good.

The men surrounding Shen Tianxing were all taken away from Shen Tianxing unknowingly.

Shen Tianxing had noticed it a long time ago, but she remained calm, just wanting to see what James was up to? Do you really just want to be friends with her?

When James saw that all the men around Shen Tianxing were gone, he immediately came to Shen Tianxing's side with a smile on his face, deliberately made a distressed look and said, "Dear Crown Princess, I want to say a word to you, but it's really difficult. Oh! These gentlemen around you really protected you so well that I never had a chance to find you. Now it’s fine, I can finally talk to you. "

Shen Tianxing smiled softly, "I wonder if Mr. Moore has anything to say to me? I'm all ears."

James immediately put his hand on his left chest, bowed to Shen Tianxing, and gave their country's most respected salute, "Dear Crown Princess, please accept my highest respect for you. I heard that your country has chosen to send you a secret. Ge Ling Liquor is made by the Crown Princess. I admire you very much, so I want to be your friend, is that okay?"

Seeing James eagerly hoping that she would agree, Shen Tianxing smiled softly and said, "Of course."

She had just seen James' face. He was a big boy who was enthusiastic, cheerful, and without any scheming. He was very loyal and eager to help others. When you associate with friends like him, you don't have to worry about being betrayed.

James, who was already prepared to be rejected by her, suddenly heard Shen Tianxing say "Of course", and he was instantly stunned.

After a while, he cheered, "Oh, God must have heard my prayer. I am so honored and happy to be friends with the Crown Princess!"

Shen Tianxing smiled politely, "I'm very honored too."

James chatted with Shen Tianxing about the culture and scenery of China.

He said that he has been fascinated by the ancient civilization of China for a long time, but he has never been able to make the trip.

He also asked Shen Tianxing, "Princess, if I go to your country, can you be my guide?"

Just as Shen Tianxing was about to answer, he saw a woman in sexy clothes walking towards James in a hurry, twisting her waist.

As soon as she approached James, she hooked his arm forcefully and asked him affectionately, "My dear, I have been looking for you for a long time, and you are here! I don't know where this rich girl came from. Miss? Why have I never seen her before?"

As soon as Shen Tianxing saw this woman speaking rudely, he nodded slightly to James and said, "Mr. Moore, since you have something to do, I'll excuse you now!"

After saying that, Shen Tianxing turned around and left.

Although she had no problem with James, she hated trouble, so it was best to just take action.

When James heard what Nivea said just now, he knew something was going to be bad.

Now when I heard Shen Tianxing's words and saw her turning around and leaving, I suddenly felt angry and anxious.

He shook off Nivea's hand forcefully and chased after Shen Tianxing, "Crown Princess, Crown Princess, please wait a moment, please wait a moment..."

Nivea was so angry that she felt the gazes from all around and felt that she had lost all face.

She watched James catch up with Shen Tianxing, seemingly explaining something to her, but the woman just smiled faintly, as if she didn't care. Nivea was so angry that she wanted to beat her.

What she had always cared about and pursued was actually dismissed in Shen Tianxing's eyes.

Why is this yellow-skinned monkey from the East so arrogant?

Who does she think she is?

In a big place like the capital of the Federal Empire, is there a place where a yellow-skinned monkey like her can be so arrogant?

Nivea's resentful eyes were fixed on Shen Tianxing, as if she wanted to burn a hole in her and relieve her resentment.

Naturally, Nivea's strong resentment could not escape Shen Tianxing's induction.

A hint of coldness flashed in Shen Tianxing's eyes.

I hope this stupid woman doesn't seek death, otherwise, she will definitely teach her how to behave!

Shen Tianxing ignored James who came forward to please her, and went to sit down where the Chinese delegation was, waiting for the official start of the International Wine Festival competition.

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