Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 1087: meat eaters in the howard family

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When the carriage returned to the Howard family estate, 'Ben' had not returned.

Lin Mo wondered if this guy really wanted to come back, right?

Lin Mo has always been very curious, the Howard family's attitude towards the dream demon is too loose.

Just like yourself, you can walk around the manor at will.

Are the Howard family not afraid?

It was only later that they found out that they were also afraid.

It's just that the core members of the family are all in the inner court manor.

The manor where he is located is the outer court manor, which is separated from each other by walls.

In addition to the wall, there is also a forest of thorns, and it is said that only people with the blood of the Howard family can pass through that thorn forest.

Lin Mo is not interested in knowing what the Inner Court Manor looks like.

Anyway, he felt that the manor outside was luxurious enough.

Lin Mo's murderous reputation that he acted on a disagreement before had obviously had the desired effect. He wandered around the manor for a long time, hiding from him, whether it was a dead man or a dream demon.

All right, be quiet.

It is said that there is a large garden in the manor with a very strange pattern. After entering it, it looks like a maze.

Lin Mo heard about it and decided to go over and take a look.

There was just over an hour before the bell was ringing, and that was not enough time for anything else.

Lada Lada is enough.

Walking to the entrance of the garden labyrinth, Lin Mo looked at the dark and eerie environment ahead, overgrown with weeds, and the entrance looked like a thousand-year-old tree demon with its mouth wide open, very infiltrating.

A wooden sign stands at the entrance.


so dangerous?

Then don't go.

Lin Mo has always listened to people's persuasion, and he refuses to commit suicide.

Although he is stronger now, and his family background is also thick, when Sister Yue is upgraded, he will have the strength to gain a firm foothold in the third-layer dreamland.

Ke Linmo still maintains his original intention.

Still cautious.

Just when Lin Mo was about to leave, someone walked out from the entrance of the garden.

The other party guessed that there was no one standing outside, so he was stunned.

The two looked at each other.

Then the man pretended to be calm and lowered his head to leave.

Lin Mo made a gesture.

Pointed to the corner of his mouth.

The other party wiped the corner of his mouth subconsciously, and found that there was still some blood on it.

Then he ran away without looking back.

Looking at the clothes, the other party is obviously dressed as a noble lady, and she is a little shy.

It smells of perfume.

But it couldn't hide the smell of a carnivore.

There are also meat eaters in the Howard family?

Lin Mo looked at the entrance of the weird garden.

Under normal circumstances, he doesn't want to meddle in his own business, but because it involves the promotion of the curse of the glutton, Lin Mo is very interested in all clues about the meat eater.

So this weird garden has to go in and see.

Because it might be very winding inside, Lin Mo wasn't sure that he could walk in and out easily, so he stuck spider silk on a hidden place at the entrance.

The spider silk is thin and transparent. When Lin Mo walks in, the spider silk can be stretched infinitely, so that even if he gets lost, he can rely on the spider silk to get out of the maze.

Not to mention, the spider invaded Lin Mo's body at first, but it became Lin Mo's tool in the end.

From this point of view, the spider is still good.

The spooky garden labyrinth is quiet and dark.

But there is very little smog here.

The spooky plants in the garden have the ability to absorb smog.

On the contrary, the air is much cleaner than outside.

There is absolutely no need to wear a gas mask here.

Taking off the gas mask, Lin Mo looked around.

There are many passages and forks here. Thinking of the garden labyrinth, people will always inadvertently think of the gardens in the fairy tale world, full of romance.

But this place has nothing to do with romance.

Lin Mo sniffed the smell in the air.

The perfume smell from the noble lady just now still lingers here. Following the smell, Lin Mo wandered around and found a place.

This is a small tree house in a garden.

You can climb up the wooden ladder.

After going up, you will find a restaurant.

Because of the table.

There was a dinner plate on the table with blood on it.

There are knives and forks beside it.

Apparently someone just finished a good dinner.

It is estimated that it was left by the noble lady from before.

As for what she was eating, it was already obvious.

In the depths of this restaurant, there is a large wooden eucalyptus board with a corpse lying on it.

The corpse was very fresh. At least one-third of the flesh on the body had been cut off. The flesh was bright red and covered in blood.

Isn't this new?

quite fresh.

This bookstore restaurant is full of meat eaters.

Obviously, that noble lady is only one of them, and she is definitely not the only meat eater who patronizes this place.

After all, she can't eat so much meat alone.

Lin Mo looked at his pocket watch.

There is still a little time.

It is estimated that 'Ben' has returned, and there is only half an hour left before the bell is ringing.

There shouldn't be anyone going to this place anymore.

Lin Mo was about to leave, thinking of coming back after the bell was ringing.

But at this moment, footsteps were heard outside.

someone is coming?

Lin Mo listened, footsteps stepped on the wooden ladder, and then the door opened.

A man walked in.

The other party glanced at Lin Mo. To be honest, Lin Mo imagined a lot of possibilities at this moment, but this guy's response was the one that Lin Mo thought was less likely.

People just smiled and nodded as a greeting, UU reading www. then took off his coat and hung it on the hanger, then wiped his hands, took a dinner plate and a knife and fork from a cabinet next to him, and then happily walked over to the corpse over there, Start cutting the meat.


Lin Mo probably understood what was going on here.

This man is obviously also a member of the Howard family and is a meat eater.

Because cannibalism is unacceptable even in a place like this, meat eaters are actually breaking the law.

That's right.

The city still has laws.

But no one follows it.

Even the lingering sense of morality engenders some sense of superiority.

For example, normal dead people despise and despise meat eaters.

Think they are perverted, disgusting, evil.

However, as far as Lin Mo knows, these meat eaters are actually infected with a curse, and meat is an irresistible temptation for them.

I wanted to eat, but I didn't dare to eat it upright, so I secretly set up a cafeteria in this garden maze, and came to eat secretly.

The person in front of him was just a very ordinary meat eater, without any special ability, he could sense the aura of the same kind in Lin Mo, so he regarded Lin Mo as a meat eater.

The light is very dim here.

Half of Lin Mo's body was hidden in the darkness, and the other party didn't actually see Lin Mo clearly.

After all, in the past two days, Lin Mo is definitely a figure in the Howard family, and there are only a few who don't know him.

Soon the man filled the plate with fresh meat, then walked back to the table with great interest, pulled out the chair and sat down.

He glanced at Lin Mo again.

I guess it's because I think why Lin Mo doesn't eat.

But soon he found a used dinner plate on the table with blood on it.

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