Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Chapter 292: Site survey

After figuring out the situation, Lin Mo smiled bitterly: "Xu Bureau, you are the strong man who caught me."

Director Xu blushed: "Isn't this a no-brainer? I wanted to contact you yesterday, but I didn't dare to call you. I heard that you were not in the migratory bird market, but you called just now, so I was cheeky. I have invited you, a big expert."

The person who replaced Team Leader Liu over there was a young special forces member, surnamed Lu, with a resolute look on his face, and said at the moment, "Director Xu hasn't slept for two days because of this incident, and because of this mysterious death incident, I have not been able to sleep for the past two days. It's all happening, just an hour ago, a citizen was killed."

No wonder Lao Xu was anxious.

This is simply **** on his forehead. If this matter is not contained and the situation is not checked clearly, then he, the director, will not do it.

"Hey, Team Leader Lu is also doing his best, but this incident involves a nightmare event, so it is difficult for ordinary people to find out, but now, there is no one in the General Bureau."

Director Xu complained.

Lin Mo also understands this matter. To know that the whole of China has grown, how many provinces, how many cities, and how many members of the General Administration's expert group, even adding alternate experts is not enough.

But also because of this reason, so now it is equivalent to the troubled times in ancient times.

Troubled times produce heroes, but heroes do not ask where they come from.

Right now it's almost the same.

As long as there are truly capable people, the General Administration is eclectic, regardless of educational background, regardless of age, even elementary school students, even elderly people in their 70s and 80s, as long as they have the ability, they can join the expert group and contribute to the country. .

"Okay, leave this to me."

Since Lin Mo has encountered it, he must not ignore it.

Besides, glasses are also dead because of this.

That's Lin Mo's friend.

Just for this, Lin Mo had to help to find out.

The fat man next to him is also gearing up: "Brother Lin, I have to help with this matter, even if it's for glasses."


Lin Mo did not refuse.

No matter how bad Fatty is, he is someone who survived in the nightmare world, and Fatty has encountered a lot of terrifying nightmares. He can live up to now, at least he has the courage.

And, you won't be scared to death.

This is much stronger than ordinary people.

Lin Mo has already figured out the basic case and information, mainly because the task force doesn't know much. Between the dead, there is hardly any other connection other than living in a city.

Some of them don't know each other at all, let alone meet.

The investigators concluded that this may have been a random killing.

"Why murder?"

Lin Mo asked.

Because in his opinion, it is also possible that for some reason, these people were polluted alone, so they were marked with nightmares and died in a dream.

"Our analysis shows that this is more artificial. Leader Lu has ruled out the possibility of these people being exposed to pollution sources. Then, excluding natural causes of pollution, there is only one type left, which is artificial and targeted. pollution incidents.”

That said, it makes sense.

Lin Mo did not major in criminal investigation, so professional things had to be handled by professionals.

He can only investigate in his own way.

That is, go directly to the scene to see.

Although it has been detected with instruments and no contaminated areas have been found, Lin Mo believes in his 'seeing is believing'.

The first place to go was at the house of the deceased an hour ago.

This is the one closest to time, so it's most likely to see the problem.

This is a high-rise residential building.

The deceased was on the eleventh floor, a young man.

The body was not taken away, and the scene was inspected by the staff.

The one who lived with this young man was his girlfriend.

A very fashionable girl.

At this time, both eyes of the crying were swollen. It should have been interrogated, and two policewomen were looking at each other.

Lin Mo looked at the girl.


It doesn't mean dress and looks, but there is no nightmare mark on him.

are ordinary people.

Check the body first.

In the bedroom, the corpse looked to be in his twenties, lying on the bed, with no clothes on his upper body, no wounds, a grim expression, and staring eyes, as if he had seen something that terrified him before he died.

Of course, even if you see something, it is in a dream, and there are no such monsters in the real world.

Lin Mo first smelled it, then reached out and touched it.

To be sure, there are nightmare marks on the corpse.

But just like what Team Leader Lu and the others said before, there is indeed no such atmosphere as a normal pollution area.

So, how did this young man get the nightmare stamp?


I asked the forensic doctor, and it was initially judged that the death was an hour ago.

And this judgment is the same as what the deceased's girlfriend said. The other party said that the deceased went to bed about two hours ago.

In other words, the deceased was only contaminated an hour after falling asleep, and then died in a dream.

Lin Mo found a stool at this time, sat next to the dead man, and said to the fat man, "Count the time, wake me up in three minutes."

After speaking, Lin Mo closed his eyes and fell asleep instantly.

He wants to see if there is any polluted area that has been probed and sensed.

It is possible that the contaminated area is small and therefore not detected.

This is also possible.

The truth is exactly what Lin Mo thought.

Sure enough, there was a polluted area that was about to dissipate. When Lin Mo came in, the place was about to be shrouded in black mist again.

There is only a very small gap.

It is also because of this that Lin Mo can enter here after falling into a dream here.

Otherwise, Lin Mo dreams of this place and can only enter the nearest polluted area.

However, there is indeed no smell of any pollution source here.

Lin Mo knew that the polluted area could not appear out of thin air. There must have been a source of pollution at that time, but the energy of this polluted area was extremely small, so it was just a small piece of space torn apart in the black fog.

And after the pollution source leaves, the pollution area cannot be maintained here and will slowly disappear.

Therefore, the detector cannot detect this temporary pollution area.

Don't ask, this is definitely a targeted and purposeful So Director Xu and the others are right in their judgment, this is indeed a murder case.

The question is, who did it.

Lin Mo found nothing unusual.

Three minutes later, Fatty woke up Lin Mo.

"How, what did you find?" Fatty was still very concerned.

Lin Mo shook his head,

At this moment, a person walked in outside, it was Team Leader Lu.

He walked over and whispered; "Xu Bureau and the others have the latest clues. They investigated that the first deceased was the anchor of a live broadcast platform, and he was well-known. Later, it was discovered that the subsequent deceased all had accounts on this platform. Moreover, on the day that the anchor died, they have all been to the live broadcast room of the deceased to watch the live broadcast."

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