Leordo Parr was worried.

As an executive dispatched to Longzhou from Kou Zeshufang's headquarters, he has been very busy in the past two years, and he has been even more busy in recent months, wishing he could break it into two.

His former colleagues and current employees all think this is a good sign. The busier the business, the more it shows that the Kouze brand is thriving and is in a critical period of forging ahead.

Lealdo knew it well, but he still couldn't stop worrying. He always felt that everything was going too fast. There was a saying in Longzhou that "you can't become fat with one bite", and Lealdo felt that it was justified.

"Have you decided yet?"

Leordo heard conversations not far away through the jagged and colorful partition walls.

Kou Zeshufang's meeting room is different from the common design. It uses brightly colored hanging pictures, screens and other items as partitions to gently divide the space into small worlds, creating a comfortable and relaxing atmosphere, and fully stimulating the desire for expression of both partners. .

This kind of small conference room is usually used for multi-party negotiations before the formal signing of the contract, or for some interviews. The content is not so serious and does not involve commercial secrets, so Leordo has no taboos, slow down and listen carefully.

"Yes, I have a relationship with this animal, and I also like the clothing of this series."

Another voice sounded, the timbre is very memorable, with a little natural bubble sound. Although the first reaction is a male voice, it is reasonable to say that it is a contralto.

How do you feel and where you heard it.

Leordo walked more slowly, frowning.

"That would be great! My colleague is still preparing the contract, would you mind recording a little interview first?"

"Of course you don't mind, please."

"Mr. Qin, in your opinion, what are the connections between Eagle series products and Eagle? Which of these connections attract you?"

"When mentioning an eagle, the first word that comes to my mind is eagle attacking the sky. The eagle is a predator in the sky. It has strong eyesight, great strength, and excellent flying ability. It can easily be associated with strength, agility, and precision. , freedom, limit these keywords.

"The products of the Eagle series are mainly jackets. Compared with clothing, jackets, I prefer to call them 'equipment'. It can adapt to extreme environments, meet the needs of outdoor adventures and extreme sports, and it has a unique design and function. A simple and precise aesthetic feeling, which fits very well with animals like eagles.

"Put the eagle and the jacket together, and it almost immediately reminds people of the meanings of chasing heights, challenging limits, and pursuing freedom. This is very attractive to me."

Leordo, who is in charge of the entire animal series, nodded while listening.

The employee in charge of the interview acted as Leordo's substitute in the air, applauding and applauding:

"It's really a very wonderful understanding! It coincides with our company's design philosophy. I believe that those who hear these words or read this text will not be surprised that you, Mr. Qin, endorse the Eagle series of."

"It's amazing, I can feel this way because the Eagle series itself is very good."

After the polite and appropriate business exchange, the interviewer asked some other questions. Leordo quietly listened to the interviewed Eagle series spokesperson's fluent answers, and his inner favor and affirmation gradually increased.

"The last question, Mr. Qin, if you were asked to choose a word as the core of the promotion of Eagle series products, what would you choose? In other words, what is the deepest impression of Eagle on you?"

Leordo, who was standing outside the partition wall, heard a silence.

After a long while, the person honored as "Mr. Qin" opened his mouth and said:


Time seems to freeze at this second. Leordo's Chinese level is not low, but he never thought that he would get such an answer, so that he couldn't react at first glance.

After he realized which word it was and what it meant, his eyes were shocked, as if enlightened.


"I had the good fortune to meet an eagle. She was very close to her master and was his most loyal companion. She was by his side until the last moment of her life."

Mr. Qin's voice sank, a few words, filled with endless nostalgia, regret and emotion.

"Sometimes being strong doesn't matter so much, loyalty does.

"The products of the Eagle series also make me feel the same way. When everyone is looking for all kinds of good-looking clothes, it is like an old man, silent, not showy, but full of strength. Calling must lead, this feeling of 'I am here', 'I am waiting for you', 'I will give you the bottom line', 'I will accompany you to the end' is very stable, very safe, and it is a kind of possession. The peace of mind of your back.

"I learned that the Kouze brand has always put product quality first since its inception, and even released 'Because the quality was so good in the early days, it was not thrown away because it was worn out, but put away because it was tired of wearing. ' It's a joke, before I came here today, I also searched Kou Ze's official flagship store on a certain treasure, and I saw many comments saying 'Ku Ze's clothes are not bad, and I can buy one for several years, and there is no excuse to buy it new'.

"A clothing brand can do this, which shows its sincerity and conscience.

"Although most consumers like the new and dislike the old, the people of Longguo, especially the elderly, are generally very affectionate.

"I am very happy to see that Kou Zeshufang attaches great importance to the Longzhou market. Companionship is the longest confession of love. Those target users who will be attracted by the Eagle series, such as outdoor campers and extreme sports enthusiasts who love to go out, will not be mentioned for the time being. If I were a parent, I would buy my child an all-purpose jacket that is durable and durable. It can keep warm in autumn and winter and can be waterproof in rainy days. Whether it fits the child’s aesthetics is another matter, but it will definitely be useful and will not be a waste of money;

"If I were a young man, when I didn't know how to choose a gift, I would also buy a strong jacket for my elders that would last for many years, so that they would be able to show off to others with a smile when they mentioned it more than ten years later. The juniors at home are considerate and sensible.

"A Kou Ze jacket is kept at home, so you may not wear it every time, but once you put it on, it will definitely live up to your expectations. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

"The eagle in my memory, as an animal, is extremely loyal to its master.

"The eagle series products I will endorse, as a piece of clothing, can also be extraordinarily loyal to its owner and its holder.

"That's why I chose it, and that's why I chose the word."

Leordo was short of breath and flushed.

That's right, that's right!

This is exactly what he has been thinking about!

Kouze Shufang is not the kind of clothing brand that is advertised with great fanfare. It does not need those gorgeous marketing, but should be based on quality and humanized design, so that it can be comfortable to wear, and you get what you pay for, so that consumers can feel it from the bottom of their hearts. To "you can not wear it, but you must not have it at home"!

Like a giant bear running out of the dense forest, Leordo bypassed the colored partition wall in three or two steps, and broke into the small meeting room with flannel sofa, low coffee table and hot fruit tea.

"Mr. Qin!"

He eagerly held the hand of the young man who was so handsome that he could tell he was the spokesperson at a glance, and his originally proficient Chinese was slightly out of tune due to excitement:

"I'm Leordo Parr, the general manager of Kou Zeshu's Longzhou branch, can I get to know you?"


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