Doomsday Bunker Upgrade

Chapter 249: County Hospital

The county seat is quite far from the town, and Chen Xin's cousin-in-law has never driven a big car like Chen Xin's RV, so he drove slowly and carefully, so that they didn't arrive at the county seat until the afternoon.

There are more people in the county than in the town. Although there are not many people on the street, the large swathes of life signs on the radar screen still allow Chen Xin to deeply feel how crowded the county is now. , or how many people squeezed in.

Because of the super tsunami caused by the initial meteorite impact and the subsequent high temperature caused by the melting of the glaciers in the Antarctic and South Pole, the southeastern coastal areas of the Yan Kingdom are the hardest hit areas.

Therefore, when Yan Guo first received the news that the meteorite was about to hit the Blue Star, he had already started the migration plan.

However, three months is still too short. Even with the overall coordination of the country and the concerted efforts of various departments, the population in the coastal areas was mainly relocated to neighboring provinces and cities, and only a small part of the population was relocated to the central and northwestern regions.

This has also led to provinces like Anhui, which are adjacent to the coastal provinces, moving in a large number of migrants from the coastal provinces.

Even the small ordinary county town of Chen Xin's hometown has a population of nearly 500,000 people, from 200,000 to 300,000 people in the past. The doubled population almost filled the entire county.

If the migrants did not migrate according to the city, the original municipal, medical, police and other departments are well established, and they can quickly resume operation after arriving in the local area, and coordinate with the local departments. Eating and drinking Lazard can make the moving area completely collapse.

The impact of the population explosion is also reflected in the shortage of medical resources. When Chen Xin and his parents came to the original county hospital, they saw a hospital waiting hall that was even more crowded than before the disaster.

Chen Xin still has a lot of familiarity with the county hospital. His grandmother used to live opposite the county hospital and was an infectious disease doctor in the hospital. Chen Xin's mother's first job after she started working was also in the county hospital.

Even Chen Xin himself, before he left here, spent most of his childhood here.

However, for Chen Xin, the outpatient building that was full of familiarity has long ceased to exist, but has become a building similar to a bunker.

Entering through the open protective door, Chen Xin looked around and figured out what was going on here.

The county hospital has a very long history, and this place has not been changed for decades since the county hospital was established. Therefore, there are also underground air raid shelters dug in the 1970s and 1980s under the county hospital.

Before the disaster, the county government made use of this place, rebuilt the original air-raid shelter, deepened it, and connected it with the outpatient building and inpatient building on the surface, and then demolished the floors above the first floor of the outpatient building. The surface buildings are reinforced, and finally the demolished construction waste and the excavated soil layer are stacked on the building surface to act as a buffer layer, which is what Chen Xin sees now.

There are a large number of people in the outpatient hall at the moment, not only noisy, but also abnormally crowded. Obviously, the low temperature and severe cold have caused a large number of patients.

However, Chen Xin was not greatly affected. Most of these people had colds or colds. There were not many fractures like Chen Xin, so after queuing up for registration, Chen Xin went to the underground department with his parents. .

If it was in the past, Chen Xin's parents had a lot of acquaintances in the hospital. Although most of their acquaintances have retired after so many years, they can still find a lot of connections with a phone call.

However, it has become very troublesome to find a relationship now, and Chen Xin can only see the doctor according to the rules.

Fortunately, there are not many people in the department of orthopedics. Except for Chen Xin, there is only one person who broke his leg, like a construction worker's injury.

When the doctor finished examining the injured patient, it was Chen Xin's turn to see the doctor.

The orthopaedic doctor was obviously much more professional than Zeng Liu's pharmacist who had only studied bone setting. After some inquiry and examination, he asked Chen Xin to take a film.

"Don't worry, young man, the person who set the bones for you has a good technique. There should be no major problems. The main purpose of taking a film is to confirm the condition of the bones and their healing. Don't worry." The doctor also comforted Chen Xin.

Hearing what the doctor said, Chen Xin himself didn't care too much, but his parents felt a lot more at ease. After all, he was his own son, and a fracture was already a big deal for ordinary people.

After taking the X-rays for inspection, the doctor also had an understanding of Chen Xin's arm bones, and put the X-rays on the light box and explained to Chen Xin, "The person who sets your bones has a good technique, but there are still some things that are not in place. , It can be seen that the method is very old-fashioned, but inexperienced, so it is necessary to make some adjustments to avoid problems."

"Need to adjust?" Chen Xin remembered the pain when Zeng Liu set his bones last time, and his face was a little bad.

"Don't worry, it's not a big problem. It's just a small adjustment to make your bones reposition more tightly. After all, you can see that there is still a gap between your two broken bones." The doctor seemed to be looking at Chen Xin hesitated and persuaded him: "Although it's not a big problem to leave it alone, it will still have some impact. Adjusting it can also prevent your hands from being the same length in the future!"

Hearing what the doctor said, Chen Xin hesitated for a while, but still gritted his teeth and nodded.

Seeing this, the doctor didn't delay. He swiftly untied the bandages and splints on Chen Xin's arm, and performed another bone setting on his arm according to the X-rays.

Fortunately, Zeng Liu had already repositioned his broken bone, and now the doctor only needs to make some minor adjustments. Although Chen Xin still felt a burst of pain, the pain was much worse than when Zeng Liu set his bones before. Much smaller.

The doctor made some adjustments, gave Chen Xin medicine again, and then said to him after re-bandaging: "If you used to, you could go back and eat more bone broth and milk to speed up the recovery of the bones, but now... …Eat more nutritious food.”

The doctor's expression was also very helpless. Now that there is a shortage of supplies, let alone bone broth, even milk has disappeared. What can be called nutritious are mouse meat and synthetic vitamin tablets. .

Chen Xin also took down the doctor's advice and went to the pharmacy to prescribe the medicine with the prescription.

I have to say that after the disaster, one thing is very good, that is, medical care is free.

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