Doomsday Bunker Upgrade

Chapter 467 The dead are gone, the living choose hope

"All in silence!" Before a ruin, everyone headed by the deputy mayor, Chen Xin and the leader of the rescue team bowed their heads and mourned for the dead under the ruins.

After the results of the previous opinion polls came out, the plan to level the ruins and rebuild the home was finally passed.

But despite this, when deciding the construction plan, the plan that would cause the least damage to the remains under the ruins was chosen.

And before the construction began, the city government specially arranged this moment of silence, hoping that the deceased under the rubble could rest in peace.

The weather under the apocalypse is not good, and the wind is very strong today. The snowflakes were blown up by the strong wind, slapping and crackling on the body, and even made people a little unsteady.

But no one moved or avoided, everyone bowed their heads, sincerely praying for the dead under the ruins.

Not only here, but in the settlement, all the survivors are doing the same thing.

Everyone stopped their work, stood silently and solemnly, bowed their heads, and mourned for the dead.

Even the wounded who can't stand up are also praying for those unfortunate people.

On the Chenlong in the sky, the captain himself blew the whistle and made a long sound, which echoed among the extraordinarily quiet ruins, as if to comfort the soul of the deceased.

Strange to say, after the moment of silence began, the violent winds actually stopped.

It was as if God did not want the tumultuous wind to disturb the peace of the dead and destroy the solemnity of silence.

The time of silence was not long, but the short three minutes made people feel very long, and many people shed tears because they thought of their deceased relatives.

Chen Xin was also bowing his head at this time, mourning in silence for the dead.

Just praying for the deceased and wishing them rest in peace, Chen Xin was also thinking about how to avoid such a tragedy from happening again.

Disaster itself is inevitable, and there is not much people can do other than taking precautionary measures and warning in advance.

Perhaps relying on system upgrades and based on something in science fiction, an instrument that can control the movement of the earth's crust and make the disaster disappear from the invisible can finally be upgraded, but this is too far away.

For Chen Xin now, a more practical approach is to improve existing construction techniques so that the rebuilt shelters and cities can withstand disasters.

Thinking of this, Chen Xin couldn't help but think that the island country in the east is the best for earthquake prevention. After all, it is a country with more than 1,000 earthquakes a year, three times a day on average, even more than three meals a day. be frequent.

Although most of the more than 1,000 earthquakes are mild earthquakes that the human body does not feel, it has to be said that the island country has indeed accumulated rich experience in this regard.

Maybe you can learn from relevant construction experience and technology?

Just when Chen Xin was thinking about this, the silence ended.

Although the mood is still heavy, construction has started as planned.

Watching the construction machinery begin to level the ruins where the bodies of the victims were still buried, someone finally couldn't help crying.

With this cry, it seems that the pressure and pain that everyone has endured during this period of time, as well as the grief of losing a loved one, have been released.

However, while releasing the pain, this cry seems to be like the first cry of a newborn, indicating that the city will usher in a new life.


Chen Xin did not stay on the construction site to watch the construction, but returned to the resettlement site.

Although he has not been on the front line of disaster relief during this period of time, nor has he participated in disaster relief even under the obstruction of others, because of his identity, he has a more intuitive and real feeling for this disaster.

For ordinary people, all they can feel is the death of their relatives and the suffering they have suffered.

The death of 300,000 people in a city is a very intuitive number. For survivors, their most intuitive feeling is that their relatives died.

This is enough to occupy all their minds, and they are unable to think about what kind of damage this disaster has brought in addition to the death of their relatives and the destruction of their homes.

However, for Chen Xin, the death of 300,000 people is only the number of people killed in this city.

His identity allowed him to know from the country what a terrible disaster the earthquake that affected the entire three southwestern provinces had caused.

Chen Xin clearly remembers that the great earthquake that occurred in the Yan Kingdom during his college days caused nearly 20 million people to be displaced, nearly 70,000 people died, more than 17,000 people were missing, and ten counties and cities were severely affected. , 41 counties and cities in the hardest hit area and 186 counties and cities in the general disaster area.

However, this earthquake was only stronger or weaker than that earthquake, and the number of people who died was more than doubled.

When receiving the statistical data from the disaster relief teams from all over the world, Chen Xin did not fall asleep all night. The shocking data made him close his eyes, as if he could see the faces of countless victims, and his ears seemed to be able to hear to howl of pain.

If this disaster happened before the meteorite fell, it may not have caused such huge casualties.

But because after the meteorite fell, everyone lived in the shelter, and few people had outdoor activities, which led to the fact that when the disaster struck, most people stayed in the shelter that was supposed to be used to avoid the disaster... …

Those who survived are lucky. Maybe they were lucky not to stay in the shelter when the disaster struck, or the shelter where they were lucky did not collapse, or they escaped in time...

Whatever the reason, they survived, and they were more fortunate than those who were tragically killed.

But if this luck is compared with the misfortune of those who died, no one can be happy.

This also made the atmosphere in the resettlement site very heavy during this period of time, and the heavy number of 300,000 victims was so heavy that everyone could not breathe.

But now, the atmosphere in the resettlement site is not as heavy as it was a few days ago. It seems that the silence just now has also released everyone's grief, which makes the atmosphere of the resettlement site feel a little more hopeful.

Feeling this change, Chen Xin felt better.

Indeed, as it was written in the letter he received, the dead are gone, and the lives of the living must go on.

It is not helpful to dwell on the pain of the past with grief, only with hope can you start a new life.

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