Doomsday Bunker Upgrade

Chapter 672 The Temptation of Overload Mode

The precious living samples were captured, and the research on alien organisms was undoubtedly injected with new vitality, which made the research quickly make a lot of progress.

Although the weakness of alien creatures has not been cracked so far, it has also given humans a certain understanding of the habits of alien creatures.

This is of great significance to how humans should deal with the attacks of alien creatures in the future, and even the subsequent strategic counterattacks.

However, while the biologists were seriously studying these precious living samples, people from the military approached Chen Xin and asked him about the sudden burst of combat power when he was driving a white dragon.

"What do you say? That's Bailong's overclocking mode. It can be regarded as a secret weapon I installed for Bailong. By overloading, the output of the body can be increased to 300%, which can greatly enhance the combat power of the body in a short period of time. "Chen Xin didn't hide the matter of the overload mode, but said it outright.

In fact, he also expected that the military would pay attention to this matter. After all, the combat power displayed by the white dragon before is really amazing. If the Titans can have such combat power, then the human plan to counterattack alien creatures can be put on the agenda. .

Therefore, the military also put forward such ideas and suggestions to Chen Xin as a matter of course, hoping that he can equip the general-purpose Titan currently equipped by the military with the same overload system.

However, facing the military's request, Chen Mo shook his head and said: "Bailong can use the overload mode because it is a special machine specially built by me. Reserved, not all released, so the combat power can be tripled in overload mode.

However, the general-purpose Titan is weaker than Bailong in terms of body performance. Although there is still a certain potential to be tapped, if the overload mode is installed, the body performance will be increased to about 150%~170% at most, and there will be no big difference. improvement. "

Hearing this, the people in the military are not too disappointed. They also understand the performance gap between the specially installed machine and the general-purpose mass-produced machine. It is good to be able to actually improve combat power, even if it is only a little bit.

Therefore, the people in the military still asked Chen Xin hopefully: "150% is also good! Then Academician Chen, can the batch of Titans currently equipped by the army pretend to be in this overload mode?

You have also been on the battlefield, and you must know that on the battlefield, the more combat power the soldiers have, the more likely they are to survive. Although the Universal Titan is not as powerful as your White Dragon, it can still stand up if it is overloaded at a critical moment. to a great effect. "

If the general-purpose Titan is equipped with an overload mode, it can indeed turn the tide of the battle or save the lives of soldiers on the battlefield at critical moments.

"It can be installed, but I want to remind you that even if it is Bailong, considering the tolerance of the airframe and the driver, it can only run for five minutes at most after starting the overload mode, and after overloading, it must go into the field for overhaul. The overload mode can only be used again after replacing the parts.” Chen Xin explained to the military personnel that although he didn’t think there was any problem with installing the overload mode on ordinary Titans, he still had to clarify the disadvantages: “If it is a general-purpose Titan, , limited by the performance of the airframe itself and material issues, although they can use the overload mode, they are basically used once and then discarded. If it becomes a routine tactic, then I suggest you change your mind.”

Overload can be exchanged for a powerful burst, but the body will be scrapped after it is used up, which obviously does not meet the military's ideas and requirements.

Although it is not impossible to say this, Titans are not cheap mass-produced products. The cost of one Titan is almost more than three main battle tanks. The military has always had a fine tradition of thrift.

So after a little hesitation, the military personnel asked Chen Xin: "Academician Chen, is there any way to make adjustments? Can you reduce the increase in output after overloading, prolong the time of overloading, or reduce the damage to the body caused by overloading?" Woolen cloth?"

The solution is very simple. Since overloading causes great damage to the body, can I reduce the damage by reducing overloading? Or prolong a little overload?

Regarding this question, Chen Xin nodded after thinking for a while and said: "It is possible, but it is not very meaningful. Instead of using ordinary general-purpose Titans to modify and install overload mode, and turn mass-produced machines into consumables, it is better to concentrate more resources, build an elite squad with specially installed machines, equip these specially installed machines with overload mode, and play a greater role on the battlefield.”

Chen Xin's idea is not unusual, it is nothing more than two different ways of strengthening ordinary troops and forming special forces.

The military naturally wants both. Although the country's overall resources are not as abundant as before the disaster, the post-disaster reconstruction work has been going well in the past two years, and the production of various materials can still be supplied.

It's just that because war was unlikely to break out in this environment, basically all resources were allocated to production and reconstruction, and used for people's livelihood construction.

Now that the war has broken out, the country has also transformed from economic construction to war mode, and various resources have been allocated to military production. Now the military hopes to get general-purpose Titans and elite special machines equipped with overload mode. This can still be done. .

Although Titans are expensive, the military can still afford one or two hundred general-purpose Titans and a dozen or twenty specially installed machines.

So of course, they asked Chen Xin for both.

Chen Xin didn't have any opinion on this, he just thought about it and replied: "I'm trying to produce a new model of Universal Titan. Since you have made such a request, I can try to upgrade and improve the new model. In this mode, there will not be much improvement in combat power, but it will not be scrapped after one use.

As for the specially installed machine, everyone has different usage habits and has different requirements for the machine body. I need the driver to connect with me personally. "

"Then we'll pick the driver when we go back!" The military immediately felt a little excited after receiving Chen Xin's promise.

Chen Xin's achievements with Bailong, Zhu Luan, and Lu Shu were truly astonishing. Thinking of forming such a powerful Titan team, the military's confidence in winning this war increased a lot. point.

After all, although the war can be won by bloodshed and sacrifice, who would not want to be able to consume equipment instead of human life in exchange for victory?

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