Jiang Juan is a female soldier, and a relatively rare female auto soldier.

Before the disaster, with the idea of ​​exercising herself, she signed up to join the army after graduating from college, and then obeyed and assigned to be an auto soldier.

This is not too common in the military. Although the military also follows the principle of equality between men and women and recruits female soldiers in many arms, there is still a certain gap between the number of female soldiers and male soldiers. .

This also led to the fact that female motor soldiers are indeed very rare in the army.

Originally, Jiang Juan could return home after serving in the army and live a normal life again, but when disaster struck, everyone's retirement time was postponed indefinitely, which led to her staying in the army.

Later, the military selected Titan pilots. Although auto soldiers like Jiang Juan were not the first priority, they were also within the scope of selection.

And Jiang Juan was also very lucky to pass the screening and became, although not the first batch of Titan reserve pilots.

However, because Titan always has more drivers than aircraft, Jiang Juan has been receiving training at the Titan driver training base before, only occasionally getting a chance to actually drive.

Originally, Jiang Juan had no objection to this. In her opinion, as long as the country continues to produce new Titans and she strives to improve her driving skills, it will be her turn to become an official pilot and have her own body.

However, this opportunity came much sooner than Jiang Juan expected, and it was much beyond imagination.

The invasion of alien creatures caused all the Titans to be put into the front line, and the factories in the rear were also working overtime to produce new airframes. As for their batch of reserve pilots, all those who could operate the airframes on the battlefield were stuffed into the newly created ones. In the Titan, sent to the battlefield.

It was under such circumstances that Jiang Juan got on the Titan that she had been thinking about all along, and then drove it onto the battlefield.

The fierceness of the war was beyond Jiang Juan's imagination. Even the solid and reliable Titans in her opinion would also be destroyed by alien creatures.

Relying on her own driving skills, although Jiang Juan's body was also damaged, but basically they were minor injuries that could be fixed with a little repair, and did not cause the loss of the precious Titan.

It's just a pity that in the previous battle centered on the Honghu area, Jiang Juan's Titan was attacked by vesicle daughters, the frontal armor was eroded, the Titan's engine was damaged, and the nuclear battery package was damaged, causing radiation leakage.

Although Jiang Juan worked very hard to drive her plane back to the maintenance point at the rear, the excessive radiation level still made the ground crew technician at the maintenance point declare that the plane could not be repaired and could only be recycled.

Jiang Juan, who lost her own plane, was also sent to the rear, waiting for a new airframe.

This made Jiang Juan very depressed for a while. Although it is normal for such things to happen in wars, the machine she liked very much was lost after driving for less than a month, which still made Jiang Juan feel that she had committed a crime. unforgivable mistake.

She clearly knew how precious a Titan was, otherwise she wouldn't have risked excessive radiation after the package of the Titan's nuclear battery was damaged, driving the body back, hoping to get it repaired.

However, excessive radiation was leaked from the airframe, and the engine was damaged. Her beloved plane had obviously lost its value for repair and rescue, so the only useful parts could only be disassembled, and the rest were sent to the rear for remanufacturing.

This caused Jiang Juan to fall into self-blame and remorse for a while, and she even began to doubt whether she was really qualified to drive the Titan.

However, during the war, there was no time for her to doubt and deny herself. After the new Titan was produced, she was assigned to a new body again and returned to the battlefield.

It's just that this time, she is not equipped with the familiar general-purpose type, but a new type that Chen Xin intends to carry out actual combat tests, a new type of titan currently named the public officer type titan.

Compared with the general-purpose Titan that Jiang Juan is familiar with, the official Titan is obviously much simpler in structure and driving.

But after getting familiar with the airframe, Jiang Juan found that although the structure of the airframe is much simpler, the firepower of the airframe has been greatly enhanced.

The whole body has a total of three weapon slots, all of which are modular in design, and can be replaced with different weapons at the maintenance point at any time, which makes Jiang Juan very satisfied.

The previous universal type used a hand-held design. Although the weapon can be replaced quickly, because of the handheld method, it is difficult for the universal type to hold both hands and fire two weapons at the same time.

However, the Gongshi model has obviously been strengthened in this regard. Including the overhead weapon position, the weapons installed in the three weapon positions can fire at the same time, which greatly enhances the firepower output intensity per unit time.

This undoubtedly made Jiang Juan and other drivers very satisfied. After all, although the previous general-purpose weapons were also very powerful, they were still not as good as the official weapons.

In particular, Jiang Juan was satisfied that the types of weapons in the three weapon positions are not fixed, but can be selected by the driver according to the different tasks to be performed.

Due to the experience of being destroyed by the vesicles last time, Jiang Juan did not replace the Phalanx on the top of her official-shaped head. In her opinion, this thing can effectively protect the body from the vesicles. attack.

After all, this thing is used to hit missiles. Even if the rate of fire is reduced, it is still no problem to use it to hit those flying vesicles. Even if it means carrying an extra ammunition box and increasing the load of the body, in Jiang Juan's opinion It is also worth it.

As for the weapons for both hands, Jiang Juan chose a six-barreled cannon to shoot alien creatures, while the other hand was equipped with a chainsaw sword, a new melee equipment that had never been seen before.

According to Jiang Juan's previous combat experience, the 75mm short-barreled cannon equipped by Titan is actually not very effective in killing. If it is really more efficient than killing, the machine gun is the best.

As for the chainsaw sword, it was Jiang Juan's plan to use it for close-range combat. Before that, she had a comrade-in-arms whose body was dismantled alive by the fighting daughter who rushed to the front.

So in order to resist possible close combat, Jiang Juan specially chose this chainsaw sword.

As for the other four mechas with her, although not everyone chose the chainsaw sword, they were basically the same in the choice of other weapons.

Everyone gave up heavy firepower such as short-barreled guns, but chose more efficient rapid-fire weapons such as cannons and machine guns.

After completing the selection of weapons and equipment and the supply of ammunition, these five brand-new male-type Titans were sent to the battlefield.

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