Doomsday Bunker Upgrade

Chapter 706 Thunderstorm Experiment

In the sky above Dongting Lake, the thunderclouds had already begun to stir, and lightning flashed across from time to time, lighting up the sky briefly.

At this time, the atmosphere in the position seemed a little dull. Although they were still actively defending, they only needed a little care and attention to find that everyone seemed to be preparing for something, as if they were holding their breath.

Recently, with the completion of the permanent fortifications, the defensive conditions on the defense line have improved a lot.

The newly built bunker allows soldiers to have a safer combat environment. They can stand in the safe bunker and use the added defensive cannon to cause more effective damage to the attacking alien creatures, without the need to fight in the During the entire rotation time, he has been nailed to the defense line and fought the alien creatures with the weapons in his hands.

The solid bunker can effectively resist the attacks of combat daughters and worker ants. While serving as a defensive support on the line of defense, it can also serve as a place for soldiers to rest and rotate, making the rotation of troops on the battlefield more efficient and safer. .

In addition, the newly installed defensive machine guns on the defense line and the anti-aircraft guns that are almost out of the stage of history have been leveled, and their lethality against alien creatures is extremely good.

With these conditions, the pressure on the defense line should have been reduced a lot, and it was true before, and the soldiers had indeed become a lot calmer when dealing with the attacks of alien creatures after the fortifications were repaired.

Not so today.

After the high-level officials approved Chen Xin's plan to use the weather controller to create a thunderstorm, the frontline defense forces were also notified to cooperate with the experiment.

In the past, due to the problem of human combat power and quantity, human beings have been in a passive defensive position in this war. Even if nuclear bombs, the most powerful weapon in the hands of human beings, were used, they still only stabilized the defense line and were unable to fight back. .

We have been doing our best to resist the attack of alien creatures before, so naturally everyone has no free time to think about it.

However, when the line of defense is stabilized and everyone's survival pressure is not so great, everyone can't help but start to wonder when humans should counterattack.

And with the order from the top to ask the grassroots soldiers to cooperate with the experiment, everyone knew that this was preparing for a counterattack, and naturally took a breath in their hearts, wanting to take this opportunity to teach these alien creatures a lesson and let them Know that humans are not to be messed with.

In addition to the frontline fighters, other departments that have the authority to know about this experiment are also holding their breaths. Everyone hopes that this experiment will achieve good results, so that human beings can have effective means of alien creatures.

In the anticipation of everyone, the experiment finally started.

The clouds in the sky began to stir violently. Along with the strong wind, thunder and lightning kept dancing among the clouds.

Looking at the tyrannical thunder dragon in the sky, some soldiers on the defense line couldn't help but feel startled, and some even couldn't believe that such brilliant heavenly power was actually a power that humans could control.

The scope of the test this time is wider than that of any previous weather controller start-up test. For this test, the military even dispatched the air force to assist in spreading the chemicals used in the test, so that the test's influence range reached The maximum theoretical value.

Also because of this reason, the entire sky over East Dongting Lake, which was selected as the test area, was shrouded in thunderclouds.

When the thunderclouds in the test area released thunder and lightning due to the influence of the weather controller, the spectacular scene of a hundred miles shrouded in thunder really made people marvel and fear.

Of course, this spectacular scene is not the main purpose of this experiment. The main purpose of this experiment is to test the effect and effect of the EMP shock generated by thunderstorms on alien creatures through the EMP shock caused by lightning.

Therefore, only the discharge of the cloud layer cannot achieve the purpose of this experiment.

In fact, before the start of the experiment, the military had spread a large amount of metal powder in the air according to the requirements of the experiment to guide the release of charges in the cloud.

And also threw Chen Xin's special lightning rod on the ground, in order to lead the lightning to the ground, and at the same time guide the energy of the lightning into the ground.

Relying on these preparations, as the weather controller increased its energy release, the first lightning bolt finally struck.

Like a ray of light piercing the night, it hit the ground with a roar, releasing powerful energy.

A simple lightning strike can't cause much impact on alien creatures. Even if it hits it, it's nothing more than killing a child, and it won't have any effect.

But when one thunder after another continuously fell from the sky, covering the entire land like rain, the alien creatures visible to the naked eye became commotion.

"Observed the commotion of extraterrestrial creatures, report to the higher authorities!" On the forward position, an observer observed the commotion of alien creatures, and hurriedly shouted at the correspondent on the side.

Hearing what the observer said, the correspondent hurriedly picked up the phone and reported the discovery to the above.

And reports like this are happening at all the observation posts along the entire defense line, and a lot of information is gathered in the headquarters.

"Academician Chen, there is a report from the forward position that there is an obvious commotion among alien creatures!" A staff officer reported the news to Chen Xin very excitedly.

"A commotion? Isn't it a setback like the previous nuclear explosion?" Chen Xin didn't seem too excited. He just rubbed his chin and fell into thinking when he heard the news.

Instead, a physicist on the side said: "The EMP shock effect produced by a nuclear explosion is stronger than the EMP shock produced by lightning. This difference is normal."

Hearing what the physicist said, Chen Xin shook his head slightly and said, "I've expected the effect to be different, but why is it just a commotion..."

"Is there something wrong?" an officer in the headquarters asked.

When he asked this question, other people in the headquarters also looked at Chen Xin.

Chen Xin didn't speak yet, but a biologist on the side explained: "If the communication and control of alien creatures are affected, it should be a riot or a similar offensive setback like last time, but if it's just a commotion, then It proves that the lightning strike does not have a great impact on their communication, and the lower-level offspring are still under the control of the upper-level offspring."

"And the counterattack opportunity we envisioned is to have a significant impact on alien creatures, weaken their combat effectiveness, and create the possibility of counterattack." At this time, Chen Xin also took over the topic and expressed his opinion: "If it's just a commotion If not, the impact it will cause does not constitute a condition for a counterattack."

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