Doomsday Bunker Upgrade

Chapter 769: Hans Recruit

"Get out of the car, you pigs!" A non-commissioned officer with a loud voice was yelling, and a line of military vehicles lined up in front of him, and the recruits on it were getting off the vehicle.

Like everyone else, amidst the sergeant's roar, Erwin jumped out of the car with his luggage, and stood in a row shivering in the snow while looking around Looking at the place where he is now.

The location they were in should be a playground, where many transport vehicles were parked, and a large number of people like Erwin were gathering here.

A lot of lampposts were erected around, and the light from the searchlights illuminated the playground as bright as day, and Erwin couldn't help covering his face with his hands. He hadn't felt such strong light for a long time.

Some tall buildings surround the playground, but perhaps the light from the searchlights is too strong, causing these buildings to be basically shrouded in shadows, looking like a giant beast hiding its body in the darkness, exuding A different kind of breath.

Amidst the sergeant's roar, Alwin and the others formed a simple line and walked towards one of the buildings.

Walking up to the building, Erwin recognized that it was a huge hangar, which made Erwin feel a lot more at ease, and he couldn't help feeling a little familiar with the building in front of him.

As a ground crew of the airline before the disaster, he was very familiar with the hangar Alwin, which greatly reduced his fear of this strange military camp.

Although the German army has not been put into the front line against alien creatures, everyone knows that this will happen sooner or later as the war continues.

And now, Elwin feels that the countries are preparing to send the Germans to the front line.

But this is not a problem for Alwin.

Compared to the dangers that he might encounter on the battlefield, Erwin felt that starving to death or freezing to death was more terrifying.

It was also for this reason that Erwin was one of the few people here who volunteered to enlist in the army.

Most of the remaining people are basically recruited by the compulsory enlistment of various countries. In the eyes of these people, feeding insects on the front line is the most terrifying thing.

However, for Alwin, as long as he can eat enough to join the army, he doesn't mind going to the front to fight alien creatures. Even if he is killed in battle and fed alien creatures, at least he can eat enough when he is alive , so as not to starve to death.

Several years have passed since the disaster struck. During these years, Alwin lost his family, and he hardly had enough to eat.

Although he has been working for the German government in exchange for some food, but in today's environment, if he doesn't save a little, it is very likely that there will be no next meal after one meal.

This also led to Elwin taking the initiative to join the army after hearing that joining the army would give him a full meal, and then he was sent to this barracks.

Originally, Alwin thought that he might just be trained briefly, and then he would be sent to the battlefield as cannon fodder.

Just like the war stories his grandfather told him when he was a child.

During World War II, his grandfather was drafted into the army and then sent to Stalingrad, where he survived one of the worst winters in German history, and Erwin's grandfather was lucky to survive.

But the German veteran who survived World War II died long before the disaster, and he failed to survive disease and aging.

It's just that as Alwin entered the hangar after going through the sanitary quarantine at the entrance of the hangar, he found that he didn't seem to be here as cannon fodder.

Because in the huge hangar he walked into, many soldiers were undergoing training, and they were all equipped with exoskeletons and power armor that Erwin had only seen in sci-fi movies and games before. The same recruits were randomly assigned to squads.

Seeing this scene, Alwin's originally uneasy heart seemed to calm down all of a sudden.

If you can put on an exoskeleton or power armor, how can you not count yourself as cannon fodder that can be consumed casually?

After all, no one would equip cannon fodder with such advanced equipment, would they?

Unexpectedly, however, Erwin was not assigned to the squad equipped with exoskeletons and power armor, but was brought in front of a group of people who looked like ground crew technicians.

"This is your supplementary recruit. They all have experience in mechanical maintenance." The sergeant who led the team assigned Alwin and the other two recruits to this squad, and then continued to assign other recruits.

This made Alwin feel a little regretful. Although it is said that the possibility of the local soldiers surviving is far greater than that of combat soldiers, looking at those handsome exoskeletons and power armor that only appear in science fiction works, he Still have the urge to try it.

The veteran on the side seemed to see what he was thinking, reached out and patted Ai Erwen on the shoulder, and smiled at him: "Boy, don't be envious, we are the maintenance team, and their handsome big toys will eventually be delivered We are here to repair, if you want to play, you will have a chance."

"Thank you, I understand." After being comforted by the veteran, Erwin also reacted, and hurriedly greeted the veteran: "Hello, my name is Erwin, and I am from Berlin. Eat your fill."

"Ah, another guy who came to serve in the army just to get enough to eat!" The veterans all laughed, showing goodwill to Erwin's reason for joining the army.

One of the veterans also took out an energy bar from his body and threw it to Alwin, smiled at him and said: "Eat, you can really have a full meal here, and we are ground staff, so we don't need to train like them. Just fix these big toys."

Seeing the energy bar thrown to him, although Alwin wanted to put it in his pocket, but feeling his hungry stomach, he couldn't help but unwrap the package and put the energy bar in his mouth.

"Hey, what did the three of you do before? Have you ever repaired anything?" The veteran who looked like the squad leader of their maintenance team asked Alwin and the other two recruits.

After the two recruits beside Alwin glanced at each other, one of them said, "I'm studying car repair. Before the disaster, I opened a repair shop by myself. This is my younger brother. He learned the same things as me. .”

"I used to be an aircraft ground handler and worked in an airline company. After the disaster, the planes couldn't fly, and the company went bankrupt. Before that, I was living in Berlin." Alwin also ate the energy bar, doing self-doing to several veterans. introduce.

And when they were introducing themselves, other teams were doing the same thing, but relatively speaking, the requirements of other teams were obviously much stricter than those of the ground crew.

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