Doomsday Bunker Upgrade

Chapter 798: The Plan Begins

On the frozen lake in the Dongting Lake area, a group of engineers are drilling holes into the ice, and after drilling to a certain depth, they bury the explosives prepared in advance.

They are not going to blast the ice, but intend to use the shock waves generated by the explosion to conduct geological exploration underground and determine the location and trend of the underground cave.

This is to prepare for the tunneling attack plan formulated by Chen Xin.

Although Chen Xin made preparations for how to defend against the destruction of the shield machine and tunnel by the alien creatures in the underground cave when designing this plan, but if possible, both the military and Chen Xin himself hope to find out A tunneling route that avoids those existing underground caverns.

On the one hand, this can save a lot of trouble. After all, if you can dig down to the alien creature's lair without interference, and then attack directly, it will really save worry and effort.

For the military, this is undoubtedly the most ideal state.

On the other hand, it is to minimize the construction difficulty in the excavation process.

The shield machine prepared by Chen Xin for this excavation task is at least 70 meters long and more than ten meters in diameter. If such a huge body is dug into a certain cavity and the machine falls, it will undoubtedly damage the machine. causing great damage.

Therefore, planning a reasonable excavation route has become an important prerequisite for the implementation of the entire plan.

While these engineers were burying the explosives, another group of engineers were coordinating with the engineers to carry out intensive construction in the original urban area.

Their task is to dig a large foundation hole here for placing the shield machine.

Although this digging attack is not like the subway construction that requires digging down first and then hoisting the shield machine down, it still needs to dig a hole in advance and clear the starting position to facilitate the digging.

After all, the entire shield machine is tens of meters long and weighs an astonishing amount, and the excavation is carried out obliquely at a certain angle. It is impossible for the tail of the entire shield machine to rise to the sky.

On the construction site, Chen Xin was inspecting the progress of the construction.

"The construction period is very tight, are you confident to complete the task?" Chen Xin asked the construction manager beside him.

Because both the high-level and the military hope to solve the problems in the Dongting Lake area as soon as possible, they are very stubborn about the construction schedule.

"Please don't worry, we have divided the workers into three shifts, 24 hours a day without stopping the machine, to ensure that the construction of the foundation tunnel will be completed within the specified time!" The person in charge seemed very confident with his eloquence.

In fact, the person in charge is really confident in completing the construction. On the one hand, he has sufficient manpower, and the military even provided some engineers to assist in the construction.

On the other hand, the construction itself is not a particularly complicated and large-scale construction. It is just digging a deep pit to complete the foundation tunnel erected by the shield machine.

Although the construction requirements are very strict and the construction period is very tight, it is still within a range that can be completed, but the construction needs to be very efficient, and there is no time to make mistakes and waste.

However, this is not too harsh a requirement, as long as there are no mistakes in the construction, the smooth completion of this task can basically be guaranteed.

Chen Xin nodded in satisfaction. Since the person in charge was so confident, he naturally wouldn't say anything more.

While the construction was going on, a huge shield machine was being assembled on the side of the construction site.

This is the shield machine Chen Xin needed for this mission after upgrading the system with a finished shield machine ordered from the factory.

He spent almost a week trying repeatedly, and finally obtained this machine that can dig 50 meters a day.

This machine, Chen Xin, borrowed concepts and assumptions from some sci-fi movies that he had watched long ago, and made further improvements to the cutter head of the original shield machine.

In addition to improving the material and structural efficiency of the cutter head, Chen Xin also installed a directional sound wave emitter on the cutter head.

This is somewhat similar to a sonic cannon. The transmitter emits ultra-high-frequency sound waves in the direction of excavation to achieve the effect of loosening soil and breaking rocks and improving excavation efficiency.

In fact, 50 meters a day is not the limit of this machine. According to Chen Xin's design and the simulation results, if this machine excavates at its maximum power, it can even excavate more than 100 meters a day at most. The tunnel construction can not keep up.

Therefore, after careful calculation and evaluation, Chen Xin controlled the excavation speed at the most suitable speed of 50 meters a day.

This can not only ensure the construction of each section of excavation, but also ensure the speed of excavation without delaying too much time.

According to Chen Xin's estimate, the entire excavation project needs to be excavated for a distance of about 4,000 to 5,000 meters. Because it is an oblique excavation, the distance is several times the vertical depth.

The time he prepared for the whole plan was about nine months, and the construction period was about three to four months. The remaining time reserved was for the military to fight.

The military has no objection to this. According to their calculations, if the mothers used by alien creatures to produce combat daughters can be successfully removed in the first wave of attack, and their supply of soldiers is cut off, then the military is confident that they will be able to survive within three months. end the fight within.

Chen Xin is not optimistic about this. He is always worried that there are higher-level units of alien creatures, and it is uncertain what the alien creatures are hiding in the underground at a depth of more than a thousand meters.

The military's estimate of the end of the operation in three months is only the result of an estimate based on the current situation.

According to Chen Xin's calculations, even if the offensive goes well, it may take four to five months for the military to end the entire campaign.

If anything, the whole operation will last much longer.

Chen Xin also expressed his concerns to the military, and the military also made plans and adjustments for this, but they did not intend to modify the original timetable, and still planned to complete all the cleanup within three months fight.

This inevitably made Chen Xin feel a little worried, whether the military was too confident.

However, the combat plan formulated by the military is very rigorous, and all aspects have left enough margin for emergencies, and have prepared a backup plan. It really doesn't look like excess confidence.

Faced with this situation, Chen Xin had no choice but to let go of his worries and put all his energy into the implementation of the plan.

After all, to dig to a depth of more than 1,000 meters underground within three months, and to launch a large-scale battle, there are a lot of things to consider and prepare for. As the proposer of the plan, Chen Xin still has a lot of things to do. Do.

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