Doomsday Bunker Upgrade

Chapter 806 Prepare to Plant Mushrooms

In the underground tunnel of Dongting Lake, the troops who were fighting bravely and advancing steadily all received orders from their superiors and began to evacuate from the tunnel in an orderly manner.

"Platoon leader, what does this mean above! The position that was finally defeated, just give up and retreat?" A soldier operating a heavy mecha replaced the empty rocket launcher, and pointed at his own the platoon leader asked.

As soldiers of the Yan Kingdom, they have a very glorious tradition. Even if it is a mountain of swords and seas of fire, they will not even frown.

But for this army, there is one order that is the most difficult to accept, and that is to abandon the position and retreat.

For the soldiers of Yan Kingdom, their heads can be broken, their blood can be shed, and their positions cannot be lost! Even if the enemy uses bombs to flatten the entire position for several meters, even if only one person is left in the entire company, or even if an army suffers 500% casualties, they will never give up the position they should stick to.

Therefore, the soldiers are undoubtedly emotional about the fact that the military suddenly asked all the troops to abandon the positions they had captured during this period and retreat.

The soldier in front of him is just a representative of thousands of fighters.

Facing the soldiers' questions, the platoon leader did not explain, but said to him: "Don't ask if you shouldn't ask. Soldiers take obedience to orders as their bounden duty! Since it is a military order, it must be carried out to the letter! If you understand it, you must execute it. What you understand must be implemented!"

"I know! But I just can't figure it out!" The soldier was not persuaded by the words of the platoon leader, and still argued unconvinced: "How much sacrifice did we make in fighting this way? Old Li, Dunzi, and Xiao Zhao, seven people were sacrificed in our platoon alone!

There are still so many disabled comrades who may never return to the battlefield! We just gave up the ground we took down, and we retreated like this. I have no face to meet them! "

"Obey orders!" In fact, the platoon leader, like the soldiers in front of him, did not understand why he had to retreat, but since his superiors had given him the task, as a soldier, he could only obey orders.

The army has never been a place where you can talk about favors and conditions.

As he said just now, for orders, those who understand must be executed, and those who do not understand must also be executed.

The army will never explain an order to you because you don't understand it, let alone give up executing an order because a soldier doesn't understand it.

So even the platoon leader himself didn't understand why he received the order to retreat completely, but he still carried out the military order very firmly, organized his platoon to complete the retreat, and blew up the tunnel he was in as required, Make it impossible for the enemy to pursue along the tunnel.

And when they followed the tunnel and withdrew from the ground, the soldiers who had been aggrieved just now suddenly noticed with sharp eyes that at the exit of the tunnel, where the shield machine that had withdrawn from the ground was originally placed, the shield machine It has been hoisted, and a large missile is lying on the original position of the shield machine, and a group of soldiers wearing exoskeletons are busy around the missile.

"Platoon leader, isn't that a mushroom egg?" Seeing this missile, the little soldier's aggrieved look disappeared suddenly, and his eyes were amazingly bright.

"Don't inquire about what you shouldn't. If you really want mushroom eggs, it's a military secret! You forgot the secrecy discipline? Go back and copy the secrecy regulations twenty times!" The platoon leader hurriedly stopped the little soldier from continuing to ask.

Although the moment he saw the missile, he also guessed that it might be a nuclear bomb, and instantly understood why he received the military order to retreat completely, but his integrity as a soldier made him react instantly. The use has always been a top military secret, and it is not something ordinary soldiers like them should inquire about and know.

If you see it, you have to pretend you didn't see it!

With this in mind, the platoon leader hurriedly restrained the soldiers in his platoon, and quickly left the tunnel. Everyone pretended that they didn't know anything, and returned to their camp.

In addition to this platoon, more evacuated soldiers noticed the large missile, and some even identified the model of the missile and the ground-penetrating warhead used.

But everyone chose the same approach as the platoon leader, pretending to know nothing, and returned to the camp with uncontrollable excitement, waiting for further orders.

Yan Kingdom had used nuclear bombs in the Dongting Lake area before, so these soldiers had no doubts about whether the military would use nuclear bombs. If they wanted to use nuclear bombs, they would definitely not let them just stay in the camp. Take anti-nuclear measures.

Sure enough, all the troops soon received further instructions and began to evacuate the temporary camp currently built on the surface of Dongting Lake, and retreated to the semi-permanent camp before the counteroffensive was launched.

And in accordance with the requirements of anti-nuclear, biological and chemical weapons, preparations have been made.

After everyone finished the preparations, the DF missile prepared by the military and upgraded by Chen Xin, equipped with a ground-penetrating warhead, was also loaded on a flatbed truck and pushed into the tunnel.

After pushing the missile into the tunnel, the last group of staff responsible for launching this special missile also evacuated by helicopter.

The entire Dongting Lake area seemed to be evacuated at once, leaving no one behind.

Not only the troops who attacked the tunnel before, but also the troops who entered the underground tunnel from other directions, and even the troops responsible for holding on to it also withdrew.

After all, this time the military is using a strategic nuclear bomb with a megaton equivalent. The tactical nuclear bombs used before are not at the same level, and the purpose of the military this time is to use nuclear bombs to destroy the lairs of underground alien creatures. , To block their replenishment of troops, but it may not be that they have not continued their original plan to use nuclear bombs to collapse the underground tunnels in the Dongting Lake area to solve the problem once and for all.

In fact, the military actually asked geological experts to conduct calculations in this regard. The time was at the same time as the geological survey of the entire Dongting Lake area was carried out for the excavation plan.

After obtaining the geological survey report and the distribution of underground tunnels in the Dongting Lake area, the military handed over these data to relevant geological experts for very comprehensive and detailed calculations and calculations.

It's just that at that time, everyone felt that the excavation plan would go smoothly, and the use of nuclear bombs was just the last backup plan.

The military only left a hand when designing the tunnel, designed the tunnel to be a style that can be used to use nuclear bombs, and left some behind-the-scenes in the construction of the tunnel so that it can be used when nuclear bombs need to be used. .

And now, it's time for these backhands to play a role.

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