After returning to his sanctuary after a long absence, Chen Xin was inevitably a little melancholy and emotional.

This sanctuary cost him a lot of hard work and energy. Thinking back to the beginning of the disaster, everyone was in a state of panic, hoping that the country could solve this crisis, but he took the lead in spending all his savings to build this sanctuary for himself. Just to be able to survive under the apocalypse.

However, no one expected the change of things later. A person who only wanted to survive had a completely different experience because of an opportunity.

Having obtained the system, he not only greatly improved and improved his living environment, but also brought back his parents who were far away from his hometown, and even let his ex-girlfriend and confidante live together, so that he could enjoy the blessings of the people of Qi. He even became an academician of the Academy of Sciences. It can be said that this is something that Chen Xin never dared to think about before.

Not to mention what Chen Xin experienced later, the disaster relief of the Southwest Earthquake, Chen Xin still can't forget those who were buried under the rubble; he went to Lucia to receive the black technology during the Cold War and help them rebuild the capital, minus 100 The extreme low temperature is definitely fresh in Chen Xin's memory; Chen Xin never felt that he was so busy when he was helping countries in Europe to fight alien creatures, restore production and stabilize social order...

During this period, Chen Xin, perhaps for his own interests, or for the sake of the country, came up with a series of power armor, exoskeletons, mechas, Titans, mobile bases, floating battleships, etc. It can be said that the status quo of the Yan Kingdom has been completely changed.

Before the disaster, even Chen Xin, the original writer of online novels, would not have dared to imagine that the country would become so "sci-fi" because of his influence in a few years.

This time, he revisited the old place and returned to the sanctuary he built with his own hands. Chen Xin couldn't help feeling that if he hadn't picked up that system, what would have happened.

If there is no system, Chen Xin's life will definitely not be as good as it is now, the country may not be what it is now, and he will definitely not become an academician of the Academy of Sciences, and whether he can even get back with Qin Lan or Mo Qingyan Unknown.

And it is also unknown whether his original rudimentary shelter can withstand the cold wave and cooling that was once colder.

It's even possible that he couldn't make it through the first year and had to give up the shelter because of a lack of fuel and food, go to the city's official shelter to make a living, and then died of starvation and disease.

This made Chen Xin have to sigh that he is an ordinary person, because by chance, he has obtained a fortuitous encounter, and this is how he can get to where he is today.

I went back to my sanctuary and saw that everything was the same as when I left two years ago, except that a thick layer of ash had accumulated everywhere, and the crops in the greenhouse had become a mess because no one was taking care of them. Chen Xin could not help but feel the passage of time.

In the past two years, Chen Xin has been busy almost all the time, rarely able to take time off, let alone feel the passage of time.

However, when he revisited his hometown now, he still couldn't help sighing that this thing is right and wrong.

Chen Xin is very satisfied and likes this shelter that he built himself and has undergone system upgrades.

Whether it is the comfort of living or the various decorations and furnishings here, Chen Xin is most satisfied with it, not to mention the various things that have happened here, which are memories that he cannot give up.

When I came to the wine cellar that was specially built for Mo Qingyan, her treasures are still stored here.

Fortunately, it has not been affected by the war, and the nuclear battery installed in the shelter is still working well, and the wine in the wine cellar is still well preserved.

Picking out a bottle, after opening it, he found a glass and poured himself a glass. Chen Xin didn't clean up, so he sat on the dusty sofa and tasted it by himself.

This familiar but dusty environment gave Chen Xin a different feeling. The alcohol that stimulated his taste buds and the feeling of being slightly drunk made him relax his body and mind after a long absence. On the sofa, I completely emptied my thoughts.

Perhaps to outsiders, Chen Xin is a little nervous at the moment. Sitting in a dusty room and drinking is not something normal people can do.

But for Chen Xin, this is just a feeling.

But after sitting for a while, the dust in the room still affected the mood.

It's just that Chen Xin didn't want to clean up the room. You must know that the entire refuge has become very large after the last upgrade before he left. If you want to clean up this place, it will undoubtedly be a very troublesome thing. Clean up all day.

And Chen Xin doesn't live here anymore. Even if the military has returned the scientific research center to him, it is obviously impossible for the research department that has settled in Dome New City to move back.

Naturally, Chen Xin will not come back to live here, so it becomes somewhat unnecessary to clean up here.

However, people are always emotional, not to mention that for Chen Xin, this sanctuary has additional meaning to him, not just a residence.

"Maybe we can put a part of the scientific research team here?" Chen Xin muttered to himself. After drinking, he couldn't help but feel a little irrational, but he didn't make any random decisions: "The land over there in Xincheng. It’s limited, I was still reporting to Senior Sister to ask for a new experimental site, since the military here is no longer in use, we can let some of them come here, otherwise such a large facility would be a waste.”

Because the scientific research center is used as a front-line headquarters by the military, it is still well preserved. It is not like the urban area has been completely smashed and transformed into a defense line.

So it's not a problem to move a part of the research team that needs a new test site back.

As for moving back, these people don't have to worry about the food and accommodation issues. Back then, the scientific research center had all the living facilities.

Besides, it really doesn't work, doesn't Chen Xin still have a system? One upgrade can fix all the problems.

Thinking of this, Chen Xin didn't know if it was the effect of alcohol, or if it was really better in Chen Xin's opinion, he drank the remaining wine in the glass in one gulp, and he stood up from the sofa, ignoring the clothes he got on. Dust, he snapped his fingers against the air.

And as he snapped his fingers, the long-lost green light network once again lit up in this refuge, and after sweeping across the entire refuge in an instant, it spread towards the scientific research center outside.

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