Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 127: : Back to Germany

Fortunately, everything in the city is under construction and development, and the equipment and materials available today are sufficient.

After a while, all of these production line equipment can be mass-produced and put into practical use. That day, the construction of Kuicheng can be free and enter a stage of rapid development.

Xiang Jing rubbed his brain, feeling a burst of pain in his temple.

Sure enough, this city lord is not that easy to do. Even if he has the foundation of the dynasty, to build a city as big as Tiankui City is tantamount to starting from scratch.

Many things, many things have to be considered, and solutions should be thought of as soon as possible.

He still feels that he lacks talents who can help him share this part of the problem.

Linyuan Corpse King and Li Qiang let them manage people, or deal with some minor issues, and discuss some issues. But managing the city and engaging in construction and development is not enough.

Mo Shangsheng Xiang Jing asked him to concentrate on the development of the intelligence department, but he was not good at this.

Needless to say, Baishan Beastmaster is only suitable for charging forward, and this kind of brain-burning thing cannot be done.

Forestry has a good brain, but it's okay to be responsible for managing people, leading and directing others to do their work. On this kind of problem, it appears to be average.

Xiang Jing now really hopes that Mo Shangsheng from the intelligence department and his shadow can be strengthened, or one can drop directly from the sky, who can help him deal with these things.

However, this type of talent is really not that easy to find. Before being released, it must be someone in the system, either a high-ranking official or a leader.

After all, things like urban construction and development were only managed by the government before it was released. How can ordinary people care about it?

Xiang Jing wondered whether he should let them find out if they were officials. It would be better if they used to be the mayor and governor or something, grab one and do it.

But I just think about it. At this time, being an official is basically useless. The previous official position is now an empty title, and the wool is useless.

Xiang Jing suddenly thought that there seemed to be a department called the Urban Planning Bureau that specialized in urban planning.

You can let Mo Shangsheng pay special attention to and explore it, and it is best to find him a director or some technical talent.

Thinking of this, Xiang Jing instructed Mo Shangsheng to pay more attention.

Urban construction is slowly on track, Xiang Jing spent another 200,000 hunting points, of which 50,000 were the materials on the list given by the forestry.

Fifty thousand is part of the things that may be used, such as firefighting, all of which are hoarded in warehouses and guarded by unreserved teams.

Another 100,000 is to purchase a large amount of equipment and materials related to city construction and put them into use.

Compared to the huge Tiankui City, it may be a drop in the bucket, but it is enough for the time being.

Xiang Jing really wants to cry poor now. Since he came to Sichuan Province to the present, too many things have happened in just a few months.

I spent tens of millions of hunting points here, and none of them added up so much in the past.

He is basically investing in the construction of the entire city, and every hunting point spent is a pain.

But for the task, gritted his teeth and passed.

When everything is officially operated on the right track, Xiang Jing believes that the money spent will be returned with a tenfold gain.

Fortunately, there is also the cash machine in the Grassland Alien Space, Xiang Jing's mood is much better, every week, millions of hunting points are credited, and it is good to think about it.

Two days later, when it was time to enter a different space, Xiang Jing, Li Qiang Linyuan Corpse King, Baishan Beast King and Mo Shangsheng brought him more than 3.6 million hunting points.

Adding the original more than 200,000, Xiang Jing now has more than 3.8 million hunting points.

Don't rush to use these more than three million points of hunting points. They have to develop slowly step by step, and you won't be fat in one breath.

He has invested enough to digest it for a while now, but he is too greedy to chew.

Immediately Xiang Jing considered going back to Germany, where he had sealed the alien space for three months, and it was almost time.

Moreover, his current conditions have been fully satisfied. In this regard, Xiang Jing asked Yuan what was going on in that different space, and why he encountered that situation the first time he entered.

Yuan once said that only if his level is 30 or higher, or his pure physical strength is 300 times or more, he can get the relevant information.

Now he has achieved both of these, and his pure physical power is far beyond that, and he already has the authority to learn this aspect of information.

For Xiang Jing's question, Yuan's answer was that the B-level alien space itself was an extremely large formation, and Xiang Jing entered the formation to break the formation.

With his previous strength, he could only break into the first floor at most, and further down he would not have this ability.

After Xiang Jing heard about it, he asked for relevant information, such as what are the characteristics of that formation? How to break? What will happen after breaking through.

Then Yuanzhi replied coldly, "Doesn't you know if the host personally makes a break?"

The black line on Xiang Jingman's forehead, if it weren't for fear that that alien space was too weird, I wouldn't bother to ask you.

But what Yuan said was right. Whether he knew it or didn't know, he would definitely have to venture into that different space himself.

Tiankui City is still in full swing, and all aspects are developing in an orderly manner.

Xiang Jing asked Li Qiang and the others to stay here to supervise the city construction process while also preventing accidents.

I embarked on the journey to Germany again alone.

Xiang Jing is going to go early this time, and come back as soon as possible before the opening of Alien Space next week. If this is missed, it will be a loss of millions. Thinking about it, it hurts.

Although there is no means of transportation, the plane is superb. Fortunately, Xiang Jing himself is not weak, and with the blessing of the steel wings, the speed is not much slower than the average plane.

Except for halfway energy depletion and standby charge, and necessary rest, Xiang Jing has been flying, and about a day later, he arrived at the hospital in De City that had become a ruin.

That alien space is under the ruins, in the gloomy and cold morgue.

There were some monsters around in twos and threes, and some humans came out looking for supplies.

Seeing Xiang Jing descending from the sky with the wings of steel on his back was also shocked. They evaded one after another, hiding in the far corner and secretly looking towards this side.

Xiang Jing didn't care about them. The steel wings waved vigorously, and the flying hurricane blew away the flying sand and rocks, and the lighter ruins on the surface were all blown away.

Xiang Jing easily moved away a whole collapsed wall and a lot of concrete waste blocks, then punched it down, and made a hole directly in the ground.

With a leap, he came to the corridor of the morgue, walked forward to open the door, and returned to the place where he was deflated a few months ago.

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