Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 148: : Victory in the first battle

The body of the gorilla monster fell from a high altitude and hit a tree.

Zimo, who was taking off a monster's head with his bare hands, saw Han Feng come down, curled his lips and said, "If it weren't for my fist in the end, this gorilla would not be your turn."

Han Feng gave him a silent glance, holding a short spear and continuing to kill the monster.

The six of them rushed into the back of the monster army, really like a wolf into a flock, and they focused on the monsters with strong power.

Among these pioneers, the gorilla was already the highest command and the strongest combat power, and it was easily handled by Han Feng, let alone the rest.

More than four hundred people descended from the sky like divine soldiers, and they continued to rush through the army. Wherever they went, the corpses ran across the wild and blood flowed into rivers.

In just over ten minutes, no fewer than thousands of monsters were buried in their hands.

However, the manpower is limited, and even the brave troops may be exhausted.

Half an hour later, Xiang Jing fired three more shots, implying retreat.

Under the cover of the six Han Fengqimo people, more than 400 people retreated all over and returned to Tiankui City, leaving behind a corpse.

The green mountain forest had been dyed scarlet at this time, and various monster corpses had been covered in a whole layer.

The remaining alive is constantly retreating, shrinking the formation, and retreating into the forest.

In the light curtain, the eye-catching corpses and blood outside the city wall were so dazzling, more than 400 people climbed on the city wall and watched the scene hundreds of meters away, with infinite heroism in their hearts.

In this battle, they won the battle, and the seemingly irresistible monster was destroyed by the loss of helmets and armor.


Zimo opened his arms and let out a triumphant cheer.

More than four hundred people around him screamed escalating screams, and the excitement in their hearts at the moment was relieved.


"we won!"

The people in the city were infected, cheering and cheering, happily hugging the compatriots beside them, venting their excitement.

Those who were physically disabled and unable to see the scene on the light curtain shed tears of excitement.

At this moment, they have been waiting for too long. Since the end of the world, human beings fell from the top of the food chain to the altar and became a species like ants.

Mankind has been lingering in the cracks, and now being able to fight this group of monsters in an open and fair manner and winning a big victory indicates that mankind is rising step by step while struggling at the bottom of the world.

Most of this was due to Xiang Jing, who wanted to use krypton gold like money, which directly shortened the human growth process by about five or six years.

Facts have proved that Xiang Jing made no wrong choice, and all his efforts have seen results today.

Seeing this scene of victory and cheering, Xiang Jing was also very pleased. The victory of this battle proved that all the hard work during this period of time was worthwhile.

Xiang Jing left the Temple Orbital Gun at the North City Gate, and set it up directly after the city wall was built. He thought about building a little high-tech with heavy firepower and putting it into mass production.

In addition to the powerful single-point force, weapons of ranged destruction also need to be assembled, and other people who are not strong are also armed, so that in future greater wars, more powerful forces can be exerted.

The first war was initiated by Tiankui City and won a complete victory. After the victory of the first battle, the entire city was boiling.

Then 483 people were sent to garrison in Beicheng, and another attack would be launched at the same time tomorrow, with Li Qiang swept by the side.

While sharpening them, we must also weaken the strength of this group of vanguard forces as much as possible. The more weakened, the more beneficial it will be for the subsequent war.

Moreover, the news of Tiankui City's sudden attack this time will soon be transmitted back to their high-levels, and the main force will definitely speed up and rush over, and the battlefield behind will only be more tragic.

For the next three days, a team of just over 400 people ran tens of thousands of corpses killed by an army of monsters all over the field, and once slammed into the hinterland from above, surrounded by the three and three layers of the monster army, and finally Li Qiang Take them out only after they shot.

At the same time, the time for the opening of the different space has arrived. This time with the six of Han Feng Zimo, Xiang Jing has obtained more than 10 million hunting points.

Xiang Jing is not such a domineering person either. The monsters they killed outside the city in the past few days, the mutant crystal nuclei that they cleaned up the battlefield all belong to them.

At the same time, the merits on the merit exchange list are also increasing, enough for them to improve their use.

With this ten million hunting points, Xiang Jing used more than 8 million to purchase a lot of things for city construction according to the original plan.

All was invested in the construction and development of the city, and now it is mainly based on the geological transformation instrument, which has selected a few bumps such as mountain packs and transformed all these places.

Anyway, these places must be leveled out and used as waste, but it will take some time to rebuild.

As long as this batch of raw materials, ore and the like are mined, many things will be able to operate.

As soon as possible, the soil modification instrument will be built to transform the spiritual soil for planting medicinal materials, and then the education base medical school will also speed up preparations for construction.

With the remaining two million hunting points, Xiang Jing used to purchase the medicinal materials needed for the Dragon Blood Transformation Liquid, and finally succeeded in getting everything together.

In the city lord's office, Xiang Jing rubbed his hands and felt a little excited. The Dragon Blood Reconstruction Liquid obtained from the Kleen clan didn't know how effective it would be after it was perfected.

The dragon blood transformation liquid and a bunch of medicinal materials were selected, and all the brains were thrown into the fusion function, and then the source took over the trade, deducting the so-called labor cost of 500,000 hunting points, and then a 24:00 hour appeared. Countdown.

Xiang Jing pouted his lips and withdrew from the system store. After waiting so long anyway, it was not bad for this day.

And this time, more than 10 million hunting points were almost used up, and there were more than a hundred thousand.

"City Lord, there is movement outside the North City Gate."

After receiving Li Qiang's communication, Xiang Jing unfolded the Wings of Steel and flew towards the North City Gate, and soon fell on the city wall that was still under construction.

Li Qiang and the 400-odd people were fully guarded and stared outside the city.

Xiang Jing followed their gaze and looked out of the city. In the mountains and forests hundreds of meters away, monsters kept rushing out.

It is not a direct attack on the Tiankui City side, but a neat row of rows, standing on the side of the zombies and the mutant beasts, and then standing according to different ethnic groups or heights, just like a well-trained army.

Seeing this scene, Xiang Jing squinted his eyes. He knew that the real big boss was coming. It was not easy to see this battle.




Suddenly, a shock came from underfoot from far and near.

Standing on the city wall, Xiang Jing and the others could clearly see that a monster that was truly comparable to a mountain was moving towards the mountain forest.

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