Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 156: : Open the gate

The entire central square suddenly became quiet, and everyone's eyes focused on the forestry.

After adjusting the strings and trying the sound test, Forestry said "the fate of this life".

After speaking, he sang slowly.

We are on the road in this life

As long as we never forget each other

Friend let us

Remember it together

Don't care about the sadness and sadness

Friend let us

Remember it together

Don't care about the sadness and sadness


Infected by the singing, many people sang along, and softly followed the music to those who couldn't sing.

The singing gradually gathered together and formed a piece.

Some people sang and couldn't help but shed tears, and some people sang together with their comrades-in-arms and friends, holding each other's hands tightly.

It is fate to meet in this life. It is only after life and death to understand the rare friendship. Cherish it at this moment, and it will be long in the future.

Looking at the people singing together, Xiang Jing also tapped the beat with his chopsticks and sang softly together.

Over the past year, he felt that he had lived longer than his previous life, met more people, and experienced more things.

Time and time again, almost survived, life experience and experience is nothing more than this.

After a night of celebration, the next day with a gradual passion, the people in Tiankui City continued to perform their duties and began to work hard.

In this case, Beijing specially asked the staff who issued the ID certificate, as well as the city guards and security inspectors, to carefully check every person who enters and exits the city and handles the certificate.

Recently, their workload will be very large. As things fermented yesterday, Tiankui City will usher in a population explosion in the future.

Xiang Jing didn't want the order of the entire city to fall into chaos because of this incident.

At the same time, a light curtain was used to form an announcement at the four-sided city gate, which recorded the requirements for entering Tiankui City and the rules that must be followed.

After yesterday's World War I, three hundred people who were unable to reserve were also incorporated into the official first echelon by Xiang Jing.

Xiang Jing broke up the more than 400 unavailable members and sent them to various places to cooperate in maintaining law and order.

The task of guarding the city gate was also given to Lin Yaozu, Li Yuan, Gao Ming, and Wang Han. Li Qiang, Linyuan Baishan Li Qiang and the others were transferred back by Xiang Jing to help manage the city.

Before the city gate was opened in the morning, the construction workers climbed the city wall and saw a lot of people gathered outside, including men, women and children of all kinds.

Seeing this, Lin Yaozu, who was in charge of sitting on the east city gate, stood on the city wall, looking at the crowd gathered below, and said, "If you want to enter Tiankui City, make two rows and follow the rules of the light curtain at the door, one by one."

When the people below listened, they lined up in two bustling rows. Standing outside the door, a long dragon stretched to a hundred meters away.

"Hey, why do you jump in the line!"

"What happened to labor and capital just jumping in the line? Why do you have an opinion?"

There was a sudden noise from below, and Lin Yaozu looked down. A big man with a big face was turning back and staring at the students who looked like students behind him.

Lin Yaozu's eyes were cold, and he raised a hand with a cloud of green energy condensed in his hand, followed by the lasing shot, and the target was the big man.

The big man felt a chill behind him, and he instinctively turned around to block him, but how could his strength be comparable to Lin Yaozu.


The man covered his hands and screamed. At this moment, his palm was pierced by a half-foot-long wooden stake, and blood donation kept flowing down from the wound.

"I'll say it one last time, follow the rules on the light curtain, and another time, kill without mercy!"

Whose rules? The rules of Tiankui City are also those of Xiang Jing, and the rules set by Xiang Jing are that all the people of Tiankui City must abide by and defend, otherwise they are hitting Xiang Jing in the face, all of them and Tiankui. The face of the city.

This kind of thing is absolutely not allowed to happen.

Lin Yaozu's cold voice sounded in the ears of everyone below, and an invisible pressure covered their heads, causing them to breathe.

This is the coercion from the strong, and the weak can only look up and fear.

The big man was so frightened that he didn't dare to say anything, holding his hands and ran to the back of the team griefly.

Lin Yaozu glanced coldly at the crowd below and said, "Open the gate!"


The metal gate made of special materials makes a heavy noise under the operation of gear machinery.

The heavy door, which was enough to pass eight cars at the same time, opened slowly, and the two rows of people at the door looked so small in comparison.

Behind the city gate, there are already special inspectors and identity certification personnel waiting.

The inspector is responsible for the income of the city fee, and the member who issues the proof of identity is to issue the temporary residence certificate. The specific time is determined by the person who enters the city voluntarily.

However, these people are all carefully selected, who are engaged in human resources and headhunting. Among the elites in the shopping malls and workplaces, the worst are the first-level human resource divisions. It can be said that they are all sweet and pastry before.

These are all talents, the sales level and everything are top-notch, and they are all different.

Now they are all arranged by the forestry to recruit talents for Tiankui City.

They are not strong, but they all have a vicious vision. They are not 100% correct, but they are still very stable. It can be said that it is a simplified version of the data analyzer.

And beside them, there were some people who couldn't stand there, there were shadows in the dark, and Lin Yaozu was sitting in town.

With the lessons learned from that big man, all the people who entered the city were honest and did not dare to go beyond half a minute to break the rules.

People who had some thoughts before also put away their careful thoughts.

The people in Nyima Tiankui City are too cruel, and they do it if they don't agree with each other, and they are so strong, the fool thinks that he has enough life to make trouble here.

The same situation also happened in the other three city gates, all under the deterrence of absolute strength, this group of talents was honest.

Especially the cleverly guarded North City, logically speaking, they should come the least.

Because of the remote location and the mountains and forests a few hundred meters away, monsters will appear from time to time, which is more dangerous than the other three gates.

However, someone detoured here, wanting to see the battlefield yesterday.

As a result, after they arrived here, with the exception of a few corpses, the battlefield where the corpses were supposed to run across the wild and blood was clean, just like yesterday's battle was just showing them a movie.

This made them doubt the authenticity of yesterday's battle.

Yesterday there were so many monsters, the scalp was numb, and the corpses were covered with several layers. As a result, there is no hair now.

A few unbearable annoyed people opened their mouths and shouted, Tiankui City was shameless, and Xiang Jing was hypocritical.

Gao Ming, guarding the north gate of the city, is a two-meter-long hunk. He is only in his twenties. His muscles match his height very well. Those who don't know think he is a bodybuilder.

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