Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 174: :a slap

These noble officials came here today, in addition to seeing Sokalu, they were more to watch the play, and also to observe the reaction of the city lord Mojiduo.

The purchase of this place for seven million shows that Sokarlu is rich in money, and Mojido, as the lord of the city, is naturally happy.

But he didn't just want to know this. As the third city lord, he had to figure out a lot of things. Among them, it was not only his mojido, but the entire third city, and even the other cities.

Abbey Road said with a professional smile on his face, "Mr. Saru, you came with Lord Sorkar, and did not receive an official invitation from Lord Sokalu. Please be patient."

It means that this place is the site of Lord Sokalu. You are just an outsider who has not received an invitation.

Saru has been in the mall for many years, and in the entire third city, he can be regarded as a person with a face and a face. How can you not hear the meaning of Abby's words.

Saru's face sank, and he stared at Abbey Road with an unkind expression and said, "What are you, dare to talk to me like this."

"Things that lack discipline, today I will replace your master to teach you how to talk."

As Saru said, the belt around his waist flashed, and a spiky meteor hammer was held in his hand.

Abby Lu's eyes closed slightly, his body tightened, his shoulders relaxed, and he turned his body to his side inadvertently, his expression still unchanged, without the slightest panic.

Mojiduo glanced across the entrances and exits of the hall, retracted his eyes, and said nothing.

The rest of the noble officials had an attitude of watching a good show, sipping tea and eating snacks in a hurry, and even thinking about betting on which of them would win.

"Sorry guys, I'm late."

Just when the atmosphere in the hall had reached the point of tension, an unruly voice sounded at the entrance of the hall.

Soka Road, that is, Xiang Jing, dressed in luxurious clothes of the finest specifications, swaggered into the hall with eight steps.

His pace is not fast, but he has come to Saru in the blink of an eye.

Xiang Jing looked at Saru with a smile, and put his palm lightly on his shoulder, and then only heard a "boom", and Saru had been photographed into the ground.

Inlaid in the ground made of ultra-high hardness ore, the kind that can't be buckled down.

Xiang Jing immediately patted the non-existent dust on his body, adjusted his cuffs, humans and animals harmlessly looked at the others and smiled and said, "Everyone, don't you know if my tea and snacks are still in your appetite?"

The whole hall was silent. Mojido let go of his subconsciously clenched fists. He didn't even look at Saru who got stuck in the ground. He smiled and stood up and said, "Mr. Sokalu, hello, I'm glad to meet you, I It’s Mojido, the lord of the third city, please forgive us for being uninvited."

Xiang Jing looked at this high-ranking Mordorian, the master of the entire third city of Acura.

With his hands folded as a sign of etiquette and respect, Xiang Jing said enthusiastically, "How come, Lord City Lord is coming, I am too late to welcome, Abby Road, to prepare for the highest-level dinner, I want to get drunk with Lord City Lord tonight Fang Xiu."

"Yes, Lord Sokalu." Abbey Road took a silver light back into his sleeve without a trace, and left the hall to arrange a dinner.

Followed Xiang Jing to Mojiduo and sat opposite him. In this position, there were originally two nobles who had not low status in the third city, but the sudden burst of power from Sokalu deterred them.

Moreover, Mojido’s attitude is also very obvious. They don’t want to be enemies with Sokalu. They are nobles. Although they will be arrogant and domineering, they have not yet reached the point where they can’t see the situation clearly. They have been before Xiang Jing came over. He left his seat and stood behind Mojido honestly.

The rest of the noble officials are also mostly like this, standing behind Mojido.

It seems that this can bring them some sense of security.

As for the businessmen, they were all shrunk in the corner of the crowd, incarnate as small and transparent, wishing to find a place to get in, for fear of being noticed by Sokalu.

To ask where the arrogant energy went, just look at Saru, who was slapped in the ground for life and death.

Mojiduo's ability to become the lord of the third city naturally has unique characteristics. After chatting with Xiang Jing for a while, the two of them are like old friends who have not seen each other for many years.

But no one knew what was thinking in each other's heart.

The active help explained the past perfectly when Mojiduo set the Beijing dialect.

Mojiduo did not have too much doubt about Xiang Jing's identity. In his opinion, interstellar files have been established on nearby planets, large and small, and it is easy to verify the authenticity.

In addition, he wanted to know what Xiang Jing came here for.

You know, Modoco star has not been peaceful recently. A mysterious organization entangled the smugglers on Modoco star, and a group of low-level people who resisted the regime, and wanted to riot.

Mojido didn't want bad things to happen in the city under his jurisdiction.

During the small talk, the two parties also inquired about it. They knew what they should know, and would not say what should not be known. As for the truth or falsehood of the information, it depends on how they judged.

"Master Sokalu, Master City Lord, the dinner is ready."

Abby Road walked into the hall and said to Xiang Jing after saluting.

Xiang Jing touched his stomach and said, "Well, I'm really hungry, Lord City Lord, please."

Mojiduo stood up, polite with Xiang Jing, and the two walked side by side towards the banquet hall.

And the remaining noble officials and merchants, standing in place, you see me and I see you, don't know what to do.

Abby met them on the road and stretched out his hand in the other direction of the hall, "Master Sokalu also prepared a great dinner for you."

Upon hearing Abbey Road's words, these people walked in the direction pointed by Abbey Road.

The expressions of some aristocratic officials looked better now.

If Xiang Jing didn't entertain them, dry them here, or even drive them out, they would be helpless. After all, they had not received an official invitation, and the attitude of City Lord Mojiduo also explained a lot of things.

Even some nobles are equal to Mojido in terms of status, or higher than him because of family reasons, but in front of Mojido, who is personally appointed by the Lord of the country and controls the real power of the entire third city, he dare not make a mistake. .

After arranging the group of noble officials, Abby Road returned to the hall and pulled Saru out of the ground with one hand.

The movements were simple and rude, so crisp and sharp that Saru's bones crackled.

When he was brought up, it was already a mess.

Even if you can live, you will have to rely on high-tech items for the rest of your life to maintain a normal life.

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