Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 176: : Guards

Xiang Jing, who came from the station, said calmly, "It's okay to search, is there a search warrant?"

The leading burly man calmly took out a red-bottomed search warrant plated with gold rim, which clearly stated the search for wanted criminals and so on.

Xiang Jing's eyes flickered, he turned his body sideways, and walked out of the manor behind him and said, "Please."

The guards of the manor also dispersed and returned to their posts.

More than twenty guards swarmed into the manor, searching every corner quickly and carefully.

On the other hand, Xiang Jing found a pair of fishing gear, placed the fishing rod at will by the lake, set up his recliner and looked up at the night sky leisurely.

It didn't take long for the guards to search for it. They first looked around the lake, but after not finding it, several people jumped into the lake to look for it.

It didn't take long for the water to surge, and the guards who went down jumped up, with a crimson figure in their hands.

Xiang Jing calmly watched them come to him with the royal family.

The brawny man in the lead waved his hand, and the men beside him quickly surrounded Xiang Jing.

Xiang Jing sat upright, looked at the royal family who had passed out, calmly said, "You have caught the wanted criminal, now please leave my manor."

The strong man in the lead didn't seem to have heard it. He said, "Sokhalu has secretly concealed the most wanted criminal, suspected of kidnapping the royal family, in violation of national law, in the name of the fourth prince, officially arrested and won!"

Following the order of the strong man, the guards surrounding Xiang Jing shot together, preparing to take him.

Xiang Jing raised his eyebrows, unexpectedly did not resist, and was very cooperatively restrained like shackles.

Xiang Jing said calmly, "The micro-monitoring in my manor and the exclusive satellites in space have backed up all the information you came here. The crime of framing will be sentenced to multiple crimes in Modoco. I don’t need to say more. Got it."


The leading brawny snorted coldly, "Take it away!"

Abbey Road walked out from the side and led the guards to stop the guards.

"My honorable lord, I would like to ask Master Sokalu what crime has been committed, and you will arrest him."

The leading brawny looked at the hundreds of people gathered around him, and said blankly, "Smuggling a wanted criminal, suspected of kidnapping a royal family, why, do you want to shield him? The crime of shielding is equivalent to the above crimes, and the minimum life-long loss of personal freedom. The highest death penalty."

"Keep the way out!"

The strong man said that he was about to push Abby Road away.

But Abbey didn't take a step back, and said without rushing, "Motoco Star Law, I also know, Lord Sokalu only stayed here today. As long as you call up the records in the manor, everything is naturally clear."

The leading brawny obviously lost his patience, his hand was already holding the long sword at his waist.

Abbey looked directly at him, wondering when a dark silver rapier appeared in his hand, looking like a Western fencing.

Seeing the sword in Abbey Road's hand, the leading strong man squinted his eyes, his hand holding the hilt tight.

"Abby Road"

When the battle was about to start, Xiang Jing said to Abby Road and they said, "I think there must be some misunderstanding in this. I believe that the guards of the Fourth Prince will not be indiscriminately wronging good people."

"But Master Sokalu!"

Abby Lu obviously didn't expect Sokarlu to say this, and he was anxious. He knew the royal family and knew better what the Guards of the Fourth Prince meant.

Those are a group of living demons who eat people without spitting out bones. As long as they are taken away, there will be no one who can survive.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine."

Xiang Jing gave Abby Road a reassuring smile, and then looked at the leading brawny and said, "Let's go, solve it earlier, I also want to taste the richest breakfast tomorrow morning."

The leading brawny man didn't expect Xiang Jing to be so cooperative for a while. After a little thought, he led Xiang Jing to leave the manor.

Before leaving, Xiang Jing didn't forget the body shape of Abby Road, so he should not forget to prepare breakfast and wait for him to return.

Abby Lu looked at Xiang Jing's departure and nodded silently.

In the night, three dark red high-tech metal armored vehicles passed through the night.

Xiang Jing and the royal family were sitting in the middle car at the moment, guarded by the leading strong man and five guards.

Xiang Jing looked around this high-tech armored vehicle.

The entire car is huge, comparable to trucks on Earth, but it is also a normal size on the planet of Modoco.

However, all aspects of facilities, weapons and equipment, etc., are extremely top-notch. From Xiang Jing's current point of view, this type of armored vehicle can be said to be the fastest and most robust one on the planet of Modoco.

After looking around, Xiang Jing asked, "Where are we going?"

No one ignored him.

"Is the fourth prince's residence? Or is it your headquarters?"

Still no one answered him.

Xiang Jing smiled and continued self-consciously, "I don't know where it caught your attention. It takes so much time and effort to arrest me for an unnecessary charge."

"Hey, over there, don't pretend to be dead, you and them are in the same group."

The leading brawny finally couldn't help but said, "I don't mind making you suffer a bit first when talking too much."

Xiang Jing smiled indifferently, closed his eyes and leaned against the cold metal car body.

He also wants to know who is watching him, the Fourth Prince? It's possible, that's why he stared at him, he didn't even know this so-called fourth prince, and he himself was here on the first day.

Is there a bug in the system? It is also unlikely that the information implanted in the system and the identity assigned to him should be seamless.

It's just that I'm idle, it's better to see what medicine they sell in the gourd.

The car galloped all the way, the interior was completely sealed, and there was a high-end balancer, unable to distinguish the direction, Xiang Jing did not know where he was now.

The car was steady, the rear door opened, and the outside was dark, and there were two rows of heavily armed guards standing on either side.

Xiang Jing was escorted out of the car and looked around.

It should be a warehouse-like place, very big, surrounded by a huge space in all directions.

Countless micro drones and high-end surveillance equipment, as well as a torrent of steel that can't be seen, and a team of fully armed guards wearing dark red armor, looking like a military camp.

Before he had time to take a closer look, the leading strong man took Xiang Jing to walk forward.

The surrounding two guards followed closely, and those who didn't know thought they were escorting some important people.

Xiang Jing was escorted to a small dark room by a strong man. In terms of the size of a Mordochian, this room is indeed a bit small, just like an interrogation room.

Xiang Jing is controlled on a high-tech metal chair, and there are a lot of high-tech equipment around, which makes people feel uncomfortable looking at it.

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