Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 192: : The Burton family

Widow glanced at Xiang Jing, waved his hand and said, "Let him go."

Xiang Jing moved his arm and said, "Hey, it doesn't mean anything? Why don't you give me some points?"

He rubbed his index finger and thumb in a mean manner.

Widow frowned, took out a gold coin from his arms and threw it to Xiang Jing, "Quickly leave!"

Xiang Jing took the gold coin, twitched his eyes and said, "The safety of your princess is worth a gold coin in your eyes. Tsk tusk tusk, I can see it, the legendary princess guard, the captain of the Victoria Guard, the original princess That’s the weight in your heart."

"Civilian" Widow looked at Xiang Jing coldly, "Don't try to challenge the majesty of the royal family, this is a consequence that you cannot bear."

"Uncle Vidor" Princess Irene took out a purse and said, "I am a little tired and want to go back to rest. Please give him this for me. This is the reward I promised to give him before."

"Princess Lord" Vidor wanted to say something more, but seeing the princess look tired, she opened her mouth and held back.

"Common people, thank you Princess Princess for giving you the favor."

Widow handed the purse to Xiang Jing. Although he was unhappy, he still couldn't violate the Princess's orders.

Xiang Jing squeezed the purse in his hand, and then smiled contentedly and said, "This is pretty much the same, thank you, goodbye."

After collecting the purse, Xiang Jing swaggered out and left. He looked so coquettish and coquettish.

Widow snorted and looked back at Princess Irene with concern and said, "Princess, we will **** you back to the palace. It is estimated that the lord and wife of the lord are in a state of anxiety at this moment."

Yilin glanced at the direction Xiang Jing was leaving, nodded, and got into the luxury car back to the palace.

Xiang Jing put the bag away, but he was blocked by a group of people before he went far.

Xiang Jing looked at the few people in front of him, and from the stern movements and sturdy body shapes, he could infer that they should be of military origin.

The leader with a scar on his face said, "Hand over the purse and you can go."

Xiang Jing raised his eyebrows and said, "What if I don't pay?

The leader said blankly, "I advise you one last time and hand over the money bag. We are not those little gangsters."

Xiang Jing pretended to think and pretended to say, "You are not small gangsters, are you big gangsters? Is it different from those few, because they are stronger than them?"

The leader didn't say much, and a calloused iron fist greeted Xiang Jing directly.

If the punch is firm, the bruises and swelling of the nose will be mild, and he may pass out directly.

Xiang Jing held the purse with one hand, bent his palm into claws and firmly grasped the leader's iron fist.

Afterwards, he twisted it with force, and only heard a crisp sound, the arm joint of the leader was directly removed.

The other people saw that the boss was under control and stepped forward to help. They acted in an orderly manner, focused on the key joints, and sealed all Xiang Jing's dodge positions. They had obviously received professional training.

However, this is just a few more seconds for Xiang Jing.

It didn't take long for this group of men and women to fall to the ground and all their limbs and joints were removed by Xiang Jing.

This is still the mercy of Xiang Jing's men, otherwise this group of people have to explain here today.

Xiang Jing knelt down and looked at the leader and said, "Let's talk about it, who sent you and why you want this purse? You are not like desperadoes."

The leader closed his eyes, looking as if he was being slaughtered, and said nothing.

Xiang Jing didn't want to waste time on them, he started groping on them, and finally found a badge from each of them.

The badge has a red bottom and a yellow border, and a gorgeous purple flower is engraved on it. The blooming flowers are full of nobility and beauty.

"The emblem of the Burton family" Xiang Jing looked at the badge in his hand, and instantly understood something.

He seemed to be talking to himself, “Hill Burton, the eldest son of Grand Duke Lake Burton, has always admired the princess. You are here to stop me because Hill Burton learned the news here. Right."

"But" Xiang Jing suddenly changed his voice, "How could Hill Burton know that the princess had an accident so quickly, how could she send someone to intercept me when the princess walked away on the back foot."

"Or" Xiang Jing's face suddenly showed a harmless smile. "Hill Burton has been secretly tracking and investigating the princess. This time the princess has something to do with him."

When Xiang Jing said this, the strong man in the lead couldn't help it completely, and he opened his eyes and roared, "You dare to slander Master Hill Burton, the eldest son of Grand Duke Rick Burton. According to the law, you will be hanged!"

"You are sincere."

Xiang Jing smiled and said, "According to the law, to frame and murder the royal family, to be banished to the nine tribes, and to be assigned to the frontier star field, three generations of people cannot return to the star of Modoco."

"You!" The leading brawny glared at Xiang Jing and wanted to continue arguing, but was slapped and fainted by Xiang Jing.

Xiang Jing stood up and said, "It's great that someone gives pillows if you want to sleep."

Putting away the Burton family badge, Xiang Jing left here.


Austrian Finland, the most chaotic three-regardless zone in the first city, the military government nobles have no power to intervene here.

This is the gray area of ​​the first city, a paradise for desperadoes.

At this time, Xiang Jing was sitting at the poker table in a very bad, but crowded casino. With a cigarette in his hand, Xiang Jing counted the cards in his hand, exposing two swear words from time to time, and he was just like a senior gambler.

A man with glasses sitting next to him looked at the few gold coins in front of him, his eyes straightened, but he didn't dare to act rashly.

Because someone just wanted to do it, now he is lying in the corner.

The man with glasses smiled and asked Xiang Jing and said, "Brother, you are rich in capital, why are you looking for a place like ours? Is there a bigger and better casino in the city."

Xiang Jing glanced at him, took a puff of cigarette and said, "Do you think I look like a rich man?"

"Why don't it look like this, are you unclear?" The spectacle man said and glanced at the shiny gold coins in front of Xiang Jing.

"I'm telling you," Xiang Jing said with some complacency. "Many times, people are fateful. You are like me yesterday. You have a meal without a meal, and you have this today. This is fate. "

"Yes, yes," the man in glasses said with a smile on his face. "You are born to be rich."

Xiang Jing was seen to be a little fluttering, pretending to be mysterious and said, "Want to know where my gold coin came from?"

The spectacle man did not answer, but nodded honestly, his eyes lit up, and he approached some Xiang Jing.

Xiang Jing patted the gold coin on the table, took it in his hand and said, "Today I want to go to the city to try my luck and see if I can get something good. Guess what?"

"what happens?"

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