Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 318: :Happening

Now he retreated all over, until he left the Vatican and determined that no one would catch up, Xiang Jing stopped to rest.

The pope did have something, and the two sides fought to this point, and this ended with a narrow victory.

Xiang Jing, who was slowing down, took a long breath several times, and two air columns gushing out from his nostrils.


Slowly opening his eyes, Xiang Jing moved his body twice before he felt more comfortable.

Although he didn't suffer any injuries, it was the first time for the end of the world to fight such an overdraft force in so many years.

But now that they have won, Xiang Jing and the Holy See can be said to be completely unending.

But it will also leave an indelible shadow on them.

After Xiang Jing regained part of his strength, the Vatican must still go to plan the next plan. The little girl's affairs must be figured out. There must be some secrets that the pope has not said.

But for the time being, let’s just wait and see the changes. The Vatican has been engaged in this way by itself, and there will definitely be actions on the blood side, especially the Pope.

Just like that, it is estimated that it was choked by himself, and if the blood race made some articles at this time, it would be enough for the Holy See to drink a pot.

Especially once things here spread out, it will definitely affect the balance of the battle ahead.

The riot in the Holy See came to an end. Xiang Jing found a place to live near the Vatican and planned to go to the Pope to talk about life, ideals, and the future in a few days.


"City Lord, there is a situation in Tiankui City!"

A few days later, Xiang Jing suddenly received an emergency report from Forestry, informing him that there was an emergency in Tiankui City.

"what happened?"

Xiang Jing established a single-channel connection with the forestry through the super long-distance communication of the Star Network.

"City Lord, two days ago, Tang Jiajing was suddenly surrounded by a cloud of white light, and then suddenly, like a different person, he beat our NPC."

"Also on the East China Sea, the black fog that had left has returned, and it is eroding the landing place bit by bit. This time we can't deal with him with electromagnetic guns."

"Several countries bordering our northeastern China have been restless recently, and they often sexually harass our borders."

Li Qiang and Forestry will report the domestic situation to Xiang Jing every once in a while.

It has been so long in the past without any major problems, this time a brainstorming report came out, it must be that the situation has exceeded their control.

"Let Li Qiang suppress it in the northeast, let our people in the East China Sea evacuate to a safe area first. Tang Jiajing sends people to find them, and the rest will wait until I come back."


Xiang Jing immediately issued a series of orders. When forestry Li Qiang, Linyuan Baishan, and the six generals were all present, these things also happened, explaining the seriousness of the situation.

Xiang Jing didn't want it. He hadn't expanded to the outside world, and what happened to the country he had worked so hard to defeat.

"It seems that things here can only be delayed for a while."

The person has been found, but it seems that he can't take it back temporarily.

According to the pope's words, the little girl estimated that there would be no danger, and she also left her spirit armor, unless it was a desperate attack by a powerful person of the pope's level, otherwise she should not be hurt.

However, on the battlefield here, Xiang Jing thought about it carefully. He destroyed St. Peter's Basilica and beat the Pope into doubt about his life. He just left, and the battlefield ahead will definitely be affected.

Xiang Jing didn't want the Holy See to lose, or to say that he didn't want the little girl to lose. Once the main battlefield lost, the life of the Holy See would be sad.

Therefore, if Xiang Jing wanted to find a way to restore the balance between the Holy See and the blood family, what he could do.

Xiang Jing carefully calculated it, clapped his hands for the last time and said, "Yes."

A few days later, in the church of St. Margaret, the mysterious man picked the Holy See, the Holy See, the Vatican, defeated the Pope, and ruined St. Peter's Basilica, which had spread throughout Europe.

The blood race took this great opportunity to boost morale and launched a general offensive today. A group of blood races bravely launched a charge, vowing to seize the Church of St. Margaret.

The garrison of the Holy See, even though the bishop in white and the cardinal in white are present to stabilize the hearts of the people, they are still somewhat flustered.

The most important thing was that there was no news coming from the rear, just letting them stick to their positions, not even telling the situation of His Majesty the Pope, which left them very confused.

Seeing the kinsmen launch a general offensive, the bishop in white, the supreme leader of the Holy See here, can only order to do his best to defend.

Now the Vatican is in panic, the rear situation is unknown, and the combat power can be said to have been reduced by half. At this time, heading against the blood clan will only accelerate the demise of the Vatican.

The bishop in white prayed silently, praying for a miracle to come.

It's not that they don't have the power of the first battle, but the blood race also has the strong. Once one of the strongest takes the initiative, then the whole battle will be upgraded in an all-round way.

The Holy See can't fight head-on with the blood races now, and can only delay time, waiting for the opportunity, a chance that can make everyone alive and exciting.

But wanting an opportunity like this is not easy.

Yeah, under the indiscriminate bombardment of the kinsmen, the guards of the Holy See have been holding on for three days and three nights. For the Holy See, this is undoubtedly the desired result.

However, in the same way, they were almost exhausted, the supply route in the rear had been cut off, and the resources in St. Margaret's Church were running low, and they had become an isolated city.

Under such circumstances, the blood family besieged and not attacked, just to obliterate the last hope of the remaining people in St. Margaret's Church, and make them fall into boundless fear and finally despair.

Just when the blood race thought the overall situation was settled and the Holy See was still praying for a miracle to happen, a figure suddenly fell from the sky. Apart from anything, it was an old punch at the blood race camp, and there were countless deaths and injuries in the blood race camp.

This person is naturally Xiang Jing. He came to the sky above the blood clan camp, clenched his fists, and bombarded the piles of blood clan below.

With each punch, a huge shadow of a fist will be gathered, just like a missile. As long as it is a blood clan that bumps into it, it is either dead or injured, and the one that is hit is not dead.

The blood camp was in a mess in an instant, and Xiang Jing was like a Gatling with missiles.

The people who were beaten in the whole blood camp suddenly turned over and screamed again and again, the body fell to the ground, and the blood gathered into boxes.

"Eight Demon Breakers"

A cheat book that Xiang Jing once obtained doubles its power every time he learns one style. Xiang Jing has now learned all eight styles, and every punch is an earth-shattering power.

For example, his flat A is equal to someone else's big move, and someone else's big move costs a lot of money and requires a CD, but he can release it as if it's opened, making them doubt life.

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