Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 330: : The Demon Comes

Among them are human beings descended by angels and demons.

This is the result of Li Yuan's interrogation after catching the Thai.

Angels have sacred wedding garments to descend on the earth, and demons have the same means to allow demons to possess humans.

The Thai demon who was caught was also really stubborn. Li Yuan used all means and almost killed him. Then he opened his mouth.

No way, the soul of this product is a demon, and the body has become a mixture of humans and demons. Xiang Jing gave Li Yuan, the mithril holy silver he obtained from the Pope, and this managed him.

According to the demon, they used a method called "evil entanglement", which was similar to the sacred wedding dress, and they were able to possess humans and descend.

It's just that the angels from heaven come from the sacred wedding dress, and the demons from **** come from evil spirits.

No matter what angel or devil, Xiang Jing can fall into his hands, all the value will be squeezed out.

The human beings possessed by angels and demons are constantly sent to prison. This delighted Li Yuan. Not only did he let his men be tortured, but he also took his own hands. The angels and demons were crying fathers and mothers, and completely lost the arrogance of the first time And fierce.

So that Xiang Jing can publish a book about **** and demons, heaven and angels.

It is definitely more detailed than any ancient book of the Western Holy See or the blood race.

These items were collected by the forestry industry, and some less important information was disseminated, so that the people below would pay attention. Anyone who found any signs of being possessed by angels or demons should be reported as soon as possible.

It was enough for the angels to descend. Now the demons have also come to the earth one after another. If there is no important thing or event happening on the earth, Xiang Jingdu does not believe it.

With so many angels and demons sent from heaven and hell, there must be something happening on earth that Xiang Jing doesn't know.

The angels and demons in the prison were caught more and more, and Xiang Jing asked Forestry to release the wind to the European side, and then waited for the results later.

A week later, the Holy See and the kinsmen suddenly sent missions to China in succession. In name, they wanted to establish a good diplomatic relationship, but in fact they all had ghosts.

Moreover, the scale of the mission this time can be said to be unprecedentedly strong. The Holy See is led by the Pope and two bishops in white. The blood group is one of the thirteen ancestors, Dracula Torrido, and the two blood group ancestors. group.

Such a lineup is unprecedented, and they are still going to the same place-China.

For their visit, Xiang Jing handed it over to the forestry company. Only after passing the forestry test can he be qualified to see him.

Xiang Jing is in Country Y in Europe. You are a local snake. I can't deal with you. Now that I have come to my place, it is not so easy to talk.

Forestry looked at the outside of Tiankui City. There were two distinct teams on both sides. The white one on the left must be the Holy See, and the black one on the right must be the blood.

"Why do you come to my Huaxia State?"

This is not only the first collision between the three major forces, but also a contest between the country and the country. Forestry understands this truth, and naturally it can't lose the face of China as a big country.

As for the Holy See, a bishop in white came forward and said kindly, "Your Excellency, on behalf of the newly established government of Country Y, we are here to establish new diplomacy with your country."

Forestry nodded, then looked at the blood clan, "What about you? What are you doing here in China?"

Forestry pretended to be confused, and asked knowingly.

An ancestor walked out of the blood family and said, "We also represent country Y to come to discuss with you about the establishment of diplomatic relations."

Even though this ancestor of the blood race wanted to talk to the forestry peacefully, but for a long time he had a high level of contempt and self-esteem for human beings. What he said was almost meaningless.

Forestry didn't care, looked at them and said, "You all said that it represents the newly established order and government of Country Y. Do you belong to the same organization?"

"of course not!"

The Holy See and the Blood Race said in unison.

The blood race and the Holy See are not the same natural enemies, it is a miracle that they can come here peacefully along the way, and if they are listed in the same camp, wouldn't it be crazy?

"Oh, so, I'm sorry everyone, please go back," Forestry said calmly. "Our Huaxia country insists on the choice of one country and does not recognize the emergence of two forces in country Y."

This is what the forestry thinks at a glance. If you want to establish diplomatic relations, China will only establish a country with Y, and will never recognize a disintegrated country. Otherwise, the relationship between various interests and policies will become complicated and you will die of trouble. .


Forestry can embarrass the Holy See and the blood people.

They would never recognize that the Holy See and the blood race were in the same camp, but in this case, China would not recognize them.

The pope stood up and looked at the forestry. This human being gave him the same sense of oppression as Xiang Jing, and his strength was not inferior to him.

The Pope said, "Your Excellency, we have no intention of offending. We only hope to establish good diplomatic relations with your country and achieve a win-win cooperation. The tens of thousands of followers of the Holy See will become loyal ally of your country."

The Pope speaks very well, that is, he has expressed his intentions and given the last many interests.

Forestry smiled and nodded and said, "I will convey your words to the lord."

The territory of the Huaxia Kingdom has been recovered. To tell the truth, the Kingdom of God has begun to be established, and Xiang Jing is logically called the Lord of the Kingdom.

It’s just that I’m used to calling the city lord. Now facing diplomatic issues, I’m naturally called the lord of the country, and these people don’t know that Xiang Jing is the lord of the Huaxia country.

Seeing the Pope's initiative, Dracula Torrido on the kinship side also stood up and said, "Your Excellency, our kinship also came here with full sincerity, hoping to establish friendly diplomatic relations with your country."

In normal times, the blood race and the Holy See will definitely fight, no matter what will happen, but today there are many angels and demons caught in the city of Quebec, this time, the diplomacy is fake, take away these possessed angels and demons It's true.

All three parties know it well, but they are doing superficial work here.

But this superficial skill also has a lot of knowledge, it depends on how they pick it up.

Forestry looked embarrassed and said, "I know you have brought enough sincerity, but our country owner said that only one country Y is recognized, or you should discuss it again."

After Forestry finished speaking, he withdrew from the top of the city wall, and the soldiers stationed there filled the vacancy, facing the Holy See and the blood people below in full gear.

The stern eyes, sophisticated equipment, and uniform movements all show that this is an elite division.

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