Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 388: : Yunxi

Then he looked at Xiang Jing anxiously with tears in his eyes, gesturing with something in his hand.

Xiang Jing smiled, took out the bamboo slip and asked, "Is it this?"

Seeing the bamboo slips in Xiang Jing's hand, Yun Xi nodded happily.

Xiang Jing looked into Yun Xi's eyes, confirmed that she was not lying, and handed the bamboo slips in her hands to her, "Keep them well. If you lose them next time, you won't get them back."

Yun Xi nodded obediently and carefully placed the bamboo slips next to her body.

A few days later, under Xiang Jing's recuperation, Yun Xi's voice was almost better, but she could not speak too hard.

For this newly joined little girl, Qin Tian and Yu Wenyu fully demonstrated the image of the big brother and took good care of her.

Yun Xi is not the kind of eldest lady who doesn't understand people's sophistication. She is grateful for Xiang Jing, a life-saver, and basically rushes to do everything.

Seeing her well-behaved and sensible, Xiang Jing wondered whether to accept her as a disciple. After all, he guessed that she might also have some twists and turns and bizarre protagonist stories, but this matter is not in a hurry, take your time.

After more than a month, Xiang Jing and the others finally came to the capital of Xia State. On the way, Xiang Jing spent some money to find someone Hei Yunxi to apply for the permit, otherwise there would be a lot of trouble along the way.

Looking at the towering city wall in front of him, Xiang Jing nodded, fighting with the gates of Tiankui City, and even more quaint atmosphere.

After showing the pass orders to the guards at the gate, Xiang Jing and his party drove a carriage into the middle of the Daxia Kingdom.

To enter the Daxia State Capital, you must first settle down. Xiang Jing first opened three guest rooms in an inn.

It has to be said that the prices in Daxiaguodu are indeed more expensive than those in other places, even if you live in a store, it is twice as expensive as normal.

Xiang Jing thought about renting for half a month in one breath. There is no fixed place to stay, so it can be cheaper.

Along the way, the more than ten thousand taels of silver tickets brought out from Liangcheng, now there are only about ten thousand taels left.

The money is not enough. Xiang Jing ordered the remaining money in his hand. He planned to rent a small yard in Daxia Country. It must be a lot of money. There is also a teacher for two apprentices. , Now there are three, and there is an extra Yunxi girl.

Xiang Jing pouted his lips, and it seemed that he had to find a way to make some money, otherwise, sooner or later he would sit back and forth.

Xiang Jing asked Qin Tian and Yu Wenyu to accompany Yunxi at the inn to protect her, while he went out to find a way to make money.

In Liangcheng, the trick of deceiving the white wolf with empty gloves is definitely not enough. There are countless experts in this big country. It is joking to want to make small moves under their noses, and there are countless masters in this place. It is this way. Xiang Jing saw many immortal cultivators with strong aura.

Before growing up, try to keep a low profile and then keep a low profile.

As soon as he walked out of the door of the inn, Xiang Jing suddenly heard the voice of Origin.

"Ding, the side mission is released: rescue Su Zhe who was hunted down."

"Mission completed: reward energy crystal × 10, Cangming Sacred Code building foundation scroll fragment × 1."

"Mission failed: cancel all rewards."

"Yo roar, good luck, there will be tasks when you go out."

Thinking about this, Xiang Jing searched the crowd, trying to find the people who were chased and killed.

After a while, out of the corner of Xiang Jing's eyes, he saw a figure on the left front quickly rushing into an alley, and many people were chasing in immediately.

Xiang Jing quickened his pace and walked towards the alley.

As soon as I arrived at the entrance of the alley, I heard the threatening and provocative dialogue inside.

"Fourth Young Master Su, there is no way to escape. Be acquainted and take a trip with your brother. Otherwise, we are all rough and rough, and we have no sense of measure. If you accidentally hurt Fourth Young Master Su, we will break our arm. It’s inaccurate."

There was a cold hum from deep in the alley, "Jinhu, I think you don't want to live anymore, dare to move me, don't you want to open the Golden Gate Escort!?"

"Don't scare us, if we don't have such confidence, would we dare to stop you here?"

The person named Su Si Gongzi was silent, as if he had thought of something, or could not find any reason to refute.

"In broad daylight, there is a lot of heaven and earth, you and the others dare to do the act of robbing the house, is there any king in your eyes!"

Just when the atmosphere was extremely tense, a rather powerful voice sounded from behind them.

Then I saw a gust of wind blowing, and when I looked back, the Fourth Young Master Su who had been surrounded by them had disappeared.

"Who? Chase!"

The headed Jinhu frowned and immediately ordered.

A group of people from the Golden Gate Escort quickly searched the vicinity of the alley. This person who was supposed to be able to get it was rescued under their noses. If they knew it, they couldn't eat it.

At this time, Xiang Jing had taken the Fourth Young Master Su away from that place and arrived at the gate of a brothel in the capital of Daxia.

Then, regardless of what the Fourth Young Master thinks, he took him in directly on the first floor shoulder.

The girl at the door immediately surrounded them and led them into the brothel.

The old bustard who picked up the guests saw the visitor, and Xiang Jing didn’t know him, but how the Fourth Young Master Su said that this great Xia country had a face with a face, and he recognized it at a glance. Fourth Young Master Su, why are you in the mood to come to our Drunken Fairy Tower today."

Xiang Jing glanced at the old bustard and said, "Let's get a box first, then two beautiful girls, and bring good wine and food."

The old bustard glanced at Xiang Jing. After thinking about it, he couldn't remember that there was this person in the circle of Daxia Kingdom. He couldn't help but curiously asked, "Fourth Young Master Su, is this your friend? Looks a bit face-to-face. ."

The Fourth Young Master Su was also at a loss at this time. He was still blocked by someone just now. Why did he come to the brothel in a blink of an eye.

Frowning, the Fourth Young Master Su said, "Listen to him, prepare a quieter room for me, and the girl will be spared when the food and wine come up."

"Okay, please, Lan Xin takes two distinguished guests up there."

"Yes, mother"

A sweet-looking girl twisted her waist to lead the way, and from time to time she turned her head to wink, of course, she mainly looked at Fourth Young Master Su.

It has to be said that the Fourth Young Master Su is really handsome, and it is a match for some of the top stars on the earth, of course, he is still so much worse than Xiang Jinglai.

After entering the room, Xiang Jing asked the girl to see how the food was going, and closed the door with his backhand.

The Fourth Young Master Su sat at the table and poured himself a glass of water, then frowned and looked at Xiang Jing and asked, "Who are you? Why do you want to save me?"

Xiang Jing turned around and buttoned his nose and said, "If the road sees unevenness, draw a knife to help."

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