Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 398: :Thirty three-class pill

"150,000 taels!"

Sitting in the middle of the auditorium, a man with a painted face mask said lightly.

The upstart in the front didn't even look at the back. He opened his mouth and said, "Three hundred thousand taels!"

A master is rich, you can do what I look like.

"Three hundred and fifty thousand taels" the man with the painted face mask directly followed the price.

"Five hundred thousand taels." The nouveau riche finally looked back at the painted face mask, arched his hands and said, "Your Excellency can give me Hong Feihang a face."

The "five hundred and fifty thousand taels" man with the painted face mask did not even glance at Hong Feihang, and continued to increase the price.

Hong Feihang frowned. Although he felt uncomfortable in his heart, this was an underground casino. No one dared to make trouble here, and could only speak with strength.

"One Million Two"

Just when he was about to continue to increase the price, different voices from Hong Feihang and the man with the painted face sounded.

In the bidding of Shadow Twins, most of the audience held the attitude of watching the show. They thought it was the masked man competing with Hong Feihang tonight. Unexpectedly, another person came out with one million taels of silver.

Everyone looked at the place where the sound was sounding, and found that it was another masked person.

However, unlike the fancy mask of the man with the painted face mask, this man wore a white mask, except for the two breathing holes of the eyes and nose, the whole face was covered under the mask.

Regardless of who you are and what you are wearing, the organizer said loudly, "This guest bid one million taels, one million taels, is there anything higher?"

"Shadow Gemini, the two-headed lion who defeated ten oxen with eight oxen power, the future is limitless!"

The host tried his best to render the two brothers of Shadow Gemini, creating a feeling that they could become the top powerhouse in the ancient world in the future.

The face of the masked man and Hong Feihang looked at Xiang Jing at the same time.

The man with the painted face mask said, "One and a half million taels."

Hong Feihang frowned slightly, gritted his teeth and said, "Three million taels."

Hearing this price, the painted face mask man was silent for a while, got up and left the Colosseum.

Xiang Jing said calmly, "Three million taels, plus thirty third-grade pills."


As soon as Xiang Jing said this, many people in the Colosseum took a sigh of relief.

Alchemist in the ancient world was originally a rare profession, and at the same time the most popular profession.

It is not that the strength of the alchemist is so powerful, on the contrary, the strength of the ordinary alchemist is not as good as the level of immortal cultivator.

Because most of their life's energy was spent on alchemy, they didn't have deep research on magic arts, martial arts, and spiritual skills.

However, this does not mean that the alchemist is a soft persimmon, on the contrary, the appearance of an alchemist is enough to cause all parties to compete for favor.

There is no special reason. The strongest alchemist is the alchemy, but the pill is also the most needed thing in the ancient world, especially in some famous power family sects, there will be one or two alchemists sitting in town.

They only need to use the materials provided by those forces to refine the pill they want, with generous rewards, without any restriction.

Alchemists are also a profession that no forces in the ancient world are willing to offend. Alchemists are often alone, but they have many friends and connections. Sometimes they offend an alchemist, he can’t beat you, just use it. Some pills, there will be a lot of masters who will rub you on the ground.

Xiang Jing said thirty third-class pill in one breath in the Colosseum. It is already incredible for ordinary people to have one third-class pill.

Even if it is a family power, there will not necessarily be so many third-grade pill to squander, and it is just buying two abandoned children in the underground casino, how it looks like a loss of business.

And because of this, when Xiang Jing said thirty third-grade pill, many people thought he was an alchemist. Otherwise, how could ordinary people say thirty third-grade pill in such a breezy way? .

The normal price of a third-grade pill starts at thirty thousand taels of silver. This is still the lowest price. There is no auction. If it is put out for auction, one will start at least one hundred thousand taels. It is conservatively estimated that there will be three A million taels.

Sure enough, Hong Feihang's expression changed after Xiang Jing's thirty third-grade medicinal pills were exported, and he sat down.

And the host standing on the iron cage changed his face slightly, and then continued, "This mysterious guest bid three million two plus thirty third-grade pill. Are there any friends who continue to increase the price?"

The eight-character Hu asked the same sentence as if he didn't ask, but just went through a cutscene, and asked who would offend an alchemist for such two half-dead boys.

"Three million taels of silver plus thirty three-pin pill once"

"Three million taels of silver plus thirty three-pin pills twice"

"Three million taels of silver plus thirty three-pin pill three times"

"The deal, congratulations to this mysterious guest for the final winner of the auction tonight-Shadow Gemini. Please go to the backstage for the handover procedures for the guests who have just auctioned."

"Then the battle of life and death tonight is over. We will be here at the same time and place tomorrow. I hope you all have fun in the underground casino and have fun!"

After the eight-character beard made a beautiful streamer, it was announced that today's Colosseum was over.

Under the guidance of a maid dressed in revealing and enchanting looks, Xiang Jing came to a luxuriously decorated independent private room backstage at the Colosseum.

After sitting down, the maid quickly served tea and poured water, while she kept shaking her enchanting body in front of Xiang Jing.

Xiang Jing looked at her calmly, and she felt that the hair in her heart was reduced.

Immediately afterwards, the door of the private room was opened from the outside, and the host of Bazihu ​​walked in, behind him with the twin brothers who were locked in shackles.

As soon as the eight-character Hu came in, he stretched out his hand familiarly and said, "This guest, introduce yourself, my surname is Jia, with a single name."

Xiang Jing sat motionless, his eyes turning on the twin brothers.

The injuries of the two teenagers were very serious. Although they had been dealt with urgently, if they were left alone, within half a month they would die from the injuries.

"Trade," Xiang Jing said lightly without talking nonsense.

Jia Xiao naturally retracted his hand and said, "Okay, according to the regulations of underground casinos, we need to inspect goods such as pills."

Xiang Jing took out a small bottle and put it on the table and said, "These are thirty third-grade pills."

"Please wait."

Jia Xiao picked up the bottle, confirmed that the quantity was okay, and handed it to the maid on the side to let her take it out to check the authenticity and quality.

The underground casino is such a big underground force. Naturally, the alchemist will be invited to sit in. Usually it involves the transaction of pills, and the alchemist will be invited to inspect the goods.

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