Doomsday Rise

Chapter 500: Life is worse than death


He is about two meters tall, with thick body hair. The areas not covered by clothes are all covered with black hair. His face is vaguely animalistic, with sunken eye sockets and a protruding nose. From his split mouth, canine-like teeth can be clearly seen. In the meantime, the back is half arched, and it has developed towards the direction of lying on all fours.

However, what shocked Liu Wei'an the most was the pair of eyes, cold and crazy, a kind of indifference without any mercy, and the madness to destroy all living things. The two emotions merged together, which was terrifying.

The werewolf shuttled among the zombies, waving his two claws. The zombies that ordinary bullets could not shoot into seemed to have turned into fragile tofu, and the claws broke easily. The werewolf's shape was like electricity, and everywhere he passed was broken into pieces.

Because the speed was too fast, only the claw shadows brought by the claws could be seen, and the roar of the claw shadows disappeared. The running zombies suddenly exploded and turned into pieces, with smooth and flat cuts.

The zombies wanted to fight back, but they couldn't even touch the werewolf's body. The tall werewolf had agility that was disproportionate to his body.

The werewolf charged for a while, leaving behind more than a hundred zombie corpses, turning into a black shadow and shooting towards the nearby building, disappearing in the blink of an eye, and some zombies staggered to catch up.

Liu Wei'an hesitated for a moment, took out his walkie-talkie, and said to the elephant: "Throw out all the bombs and kill as many zombies as possible." Then he walked down from the second floor.


The bowstring vibrated, and a stream of light shot out. Just as the shadow of the streamer was clearly seen, a swarm of zombies flew out. The power of the corpse-destroying curse exploded, and the heads of the zombies that were shot disappeared.

Liu Wei'an rushed past the zombies and shot twenty-six arrows in three seconds, knocking down twenty-six zombies. At this time, a fierce explosion came from behind, starting from the elephant side.


A hail of arrows shot out, and the zombies chasing the werewolf exploded one after another. Before the headless corpse fell to the ground, Liu Wei'an had already slipped through the gap between them, rushed into the building, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The first floor, the second floor, the third floor... He rushed to the fifth floor before Liu Wei'an found the werewolf. The werewolf was lying on the ground, trembling all over and roaring like a beast. It was so painful that it was sad.

Standing at the top of the stairs, Liu Wei'an did not dare to move, his silver-winged bow tilted downwards, ready to attack at any time. on werewolf

His breath fluctuated, sometimes strong, sometimes weak, and the light in his eyes also switched between madness and reason. His ears and eyes were sharp, and he heard Liu Wei'an's footsteps so slightly. He raised his head and stared at him with red eyes. With Liu Wei'an.

Liu Wei'an also looked at him, probably because he didn't feel the murderous aura from Liu Wei'an. The werewolf's hostility slowly faded away, his aura quickly weakened, his body hair retracted into his body, and his body shape changed dramatically within a few seconds.

From a body of more than two meters, he shrunk to a small man of less than 1.6 meters. His body was so thin that it seemed as if the wind would blow back. The torn clothes were draped on his body, as if draped on a skeleton. The werewolf's special characteristics completely disappeared and he became a normal human again. Lying on the ground, panting for a while, he weakly raised his head and looked at Liu Wei'an.

"Who are you?" The voice was extremely hoarse.

The place where the werewolf lay was covered with water and sweat. It was obvious that he had endured unimaginable pain during the transformation process. Liu Wei'an withdrew his gaze and said, "My name is Liu Wei'an, are you awake now?"

"Finally I saw a living person!" The werewolf showed a smile that was even uglier than crying.

"Are you the only one here?" Liu Wei'an put away his silver-winged bow and slowly walked towards the werewolf.

"When I was awake, I didn't see anyone." The werewolf said.

"You seem to be very weak." Liu Wei'an said.

"I'm hungry," said the werewolf.

Liu Wei'an walked to a place three meters away from the werewolf, stopped, took out part of the food, and threw it in front of the werewolf. The werewolf said thank you politely before picking up the food and eating it. It looked elegant. If it weren't for looking like she was dug out of a pile of dead people, in terms of movements, she was the most elegant lady Liu Wei'an had ever seen. Dining also needs to be elegant.

"Aren't you worried about poisonous food or other problems?" This was the first time Liu Wei'an saw such a person, and he became very interested.

"Maybe death may not be as happy as living." The werewolf said calmly, and the sadness he inadvertently revealed made Liu Wei'an lose interest in talking for a while.

This building should be a factory. On this floor of the garment factory, the assembly line equipment is covered with dust, but the people are missing. The area is not small, at least more than a thousand square meters. Empty except for the sound of the werewolf chewing slowly and the mournful

The sound of corpses climbing stairs had already reached the third floor.

The werewolf ate, looking elegant but not slow. He ate enough food for five people in a short time. Finally, he drank the mineral water. He felt more energetic and said with a bit of self-deprecation: "Before. No one could have imagined that a meal of food could make me so satisfied."

"Looking at you, you have lived here for a long time." Liu Wei'an said.

"I came from the earth and went to Mars to relax. I have my property here. I came to take a look. I didn't expect to encounter a doomsday crisis." The werewolf smiled bitterly and shook his head. "At one time, I thought I was dead, but I didn't expect that I Still alive.”

"Many people think they are alive, but in fact they are dead." Liu Wei'an followed.

"I would rather be dead." The werewolf said suddenly.

Liu Wei'an turned around, and the silver-winged bow appeared in his hand. He opened the bow at lightning speed, and streams of light shot out. In the short space, it was impossible to see the trajectory of the arrow clearly.

The zombies that rushed up were shot backwards and tumbled down the stairs. Their heads exploded as they fell, and debris splattered everywhere.

When the lingering sound of the bow string's vibration dissipated, Liu Wei'an put away his bow and arrows, and the more than thirty zombies who chased him turned into corpses and could not move.

"You must be wondering why I say this. In troubled times, who doesn't want to live?" The werewolf did not react much to Liu Wei'an's strong fighting power.

"If it were me, if I could live, I would definitely not choose to die." Liu Wei'an said.

"Follow me." The werewolf led Liu Wei'an into a room similar to a small warehouse. The moment he opened the door, Liu Wei'an understood why the werewolf's life was worse than death.

The three broken corpses, as can be seen from the clothes, are three women, one of whom is a lady, and the other two are maids. The wounds on their bodies are exactly the same as those caused by werewolves on zombies.

The faces of the two maids showed panic and fear, as well as deep despair, but the expression on the young lady's face was much richer, including worry, concern, love... but no fear. The three corpses had not only scratch marks but also tooth marks. Judging from the missing parts, they had been eaten. Seeing this, Liu Wei'an's brows furrowed slightly.

(End of chapter)

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