Dragon Ball Z: Attack of Raditz

Chapter 362 Undead riots, wave of evil thoughts!

The Great Realm King watched the pork ribs disappear, his gray beard trembled slightly, his eyes gleamed from behind the sunglasses, and his brows were tightly furrowed. The horror of the power of the underworld made him tremble as a high-level god. He even felt that this powerful guy was invincible, and even pork ribs might not be able to solve it.

Do you want to contact Raditz?

The Great Realm King's mind has already turned to Raditz. If the situation is out of control, he can only ask Raditz to solve it, right? Although Raditz is a living person, he can only do this as a last resort.

Behind the evil force, a woman left the underworld with a charming smile. She was extremely proud, and as the void disappeared, her pretty voice gradually became weaker, "Why did I ignore the energy of the underworld before? The evil they haven't had time to purify is my last material. If it can affect the underworld, it will be even more Helped me a lot. Raditz, you didn't expect that... Hehehe..."

Towa is not dead, but she has lost the confidence to go out blatantly, and now she only wants to make trouble secretly, just want to collect energy to revive the demon god. It took two years for her to restore the body damaged by Raditz. She has not fully recovered yet, but she is able to use magic power, so she came up with a new idea and aimed at the underworld.

Originally, she only wanted to use magic power to influence hell and make a big fuss in this sinful land.

The appearance of the evil thought wave was beyond Towa's expectation, and the pure evil spirit was beyond her control. Even Towa couldn't do anything about this guy. But Tova doesn't mind. Her purpose is to disrupt the world and collect energy in it. She has achieved her goal through evil thoughts.

Next, she can sit back and relax and absorb energy wantonly, and let Raditz and the others deal with the annoying monsters!


Xie Nianbo has already run to Huangquan, which is close to the palace of the king of hell, bouncing and jumping, his huge body is full of elasticity, bouncing on the ground like a rubber ball.

At this time, Ribs Fan rushed to the scene, his body was startled, and he trembled involuntarily, "Why does this guy feel so terrifying. He is even more evil than the Galaxy Overlord at that time." He couldn't help feeling, like an evil spirit from hell. The wind hit his face, making his hair stand on end.

"Evil thought wave! Evil thought wave!"

Xie Nianbo on the ground saw the rib rice, his eyes were still so dull, and he didn't know if he saw the rib rice in his eyes.

"The look in this guy's eyes is really annoying." Pork Ribs looked at the huge monster in front of him warily, not daring to take it lightly.

"Xie... Xie Nianbo!" Suddenly, Xie Nianbo swung a fist and punched it to the side!

Rib Rice was stunned for a moment, what's the matter with this guy? But in the next second, half of Xie Nianbo's arm disappeared into the void, and a vortex-like cavity opened behind Ribs Fan, and his fist pierced out of the cavity!


The sudden fist hit the rib rice by surprise, and the heavy blow directly knocked him to the ground.

Xie Nianbo's power was extremely powerful, and with just one punch, Ribs Fan realized the difference in strength. The difference in striking ability between the two was too great.

"Damn it!" Pork Ribs reluctantly jumped up, wiped off the blood, his face had become extremely ugly.

Such a guy can't be speculated according to common sense!

Xie Nianbo didn't think so much, he just felt as if he had found a fun toy, clapped his hands for fun, and laughed out loud.

"Do you think it's fun, bastard, give me a trick!" Poor Ribs took the opportunity to squat down and clenched his fists, suffocating the blood in his chest, and blasted out the strongest blow, the thunder and light blaster.

The blazing flame flew towards the evil thought wave at a super high speed, and the energy contained in it had risen by more than one level compared to the Budokai. But Xie Nianbo didn't look afraid at all, his innocence made people angry, but there was nothing he could do about it.

When the thunder, lightning and light bombarded Xie Nianbo, this huge body actually began to disintegrate, like building blocks dismantled, divided into small pieces. The turbulent energy pierced through the air like a column, and the wave of evil thoughts had reorganized and appeared behind the pork ribs, and a huge palm fell from the sky, pressing down like a mountain.

The pork ribs reacted quickly and flew out, dodging Xie Nianbo's frontal slap, but his body was still wiped halfway, and he slid awkwardly on the ground for a long time before he could barely stop.

"Evil thoughts... Bo!" The fat body started to release energy bombs immediately after, and the holes in the body stirred for a while, releasing energy like a cannon. The energy tide like raindrops drowned the pork ribs. He could dodge an attack, but he couldn't dodge such a dense attack!

Boom - bang bang bang!

A mushroom cloud rose in hell, and Ribs Fan was finally knocked down. He was lying in the deep pit barely able to sustain life, his clothes were torn, and he could no longer stand up. After practicing for so long, he is still not as good as this monster. What is frightening is that this monster seems to have not exerted its full strength.

Xie Nianbo seemed to have lost interest in the pork ribs rice, and instead jumped to the palace of Hades. He sat down on the palace, and the vast enchantment enveloped the entire underworld, and the yin and yang were reversed from then on.

The road from the underworld to the yang world is opened, and countless resentful spirits in the space pass through the passage and return to the yang world.

"You can go out now! Hahaha, that's the real world over there!"

"Let's go, hell can't trap us!"

"Continue to conquer the world, my army, come with me!"

Thousands of troops rushed out of hell, and those souls trapped in the depths were able to return to the world, and they were overjoyed. Before they were alive, they were villains who fell into hell with ambition and unwillingness. This time they were finally able to go back! Return to the world to complete their unfinished business!

A freckled Cell walks along the edge, his face full of vengeance, with other defeated androids behind him.

"Saiyans, your end is here." Sharu clenched his fists, the corners of his mouth slightly tilted up.

"Hey hey, if you want revenge, how about taking us?" King Kurd and Gula approached them, followed by countless cosmic beings, all of whom were subordinates of the frozen demon clan.

Shalu narrowed his eyes: "So it's you."

"Go, let's go!"

More and more people gathered in Hell, they were all sent to Hell by Saiyans, and they reappeared this time because of the wave of evil thoughts that distorted the entire Hell and confused the space.

In the past, all kinds of problems had to be solved at one time. In hell, their strength is also improving, and they feel that the improvement in strength has surpassed the Saiyans in Yangjian. Even if they are not as good, with so many of them, they will definitely win!

The king of the great realm contacted Raditz when the pork ribs meal failed, and told him about the strange things in the underworld. Raditz immediately realized that the evil thought wave was born! And just as they communicated, the Legion of Vengeance had already set foot on this land.


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