Dragon Wizard of the Heavens

Chapter 189 White Dragon (2)

The road was calm and calm, no monsters dared to provoke such a huge team, and the monsters encountered on the road were also pushed along the way. What lions and scorpions' lairs, harpies, and beholders were all cleared, and there was no disturbance at all.

This operation is a secret operation, except for the high-level of the college, low-level wizards do not know the route. Along the way, he could only follow behind. After flying for a day, the wizard at the front finally slowed down.

By the time they landed, the surrounding temperature was close to freezing point. This is a huge cave. Allen calculated that the distance between the top of the cave and the foot is about 800 meters. There are many cold pools around the cave. Lots of rolling hills.

The deeper you go, the lower the temperature. Allen was also very surprised that this environment appeared in the underground secret realm.


A roar full of anger sounded.

Immediately afterwards, a group of guys who looked like Fengshen pterosaurs flew up, the largest with a wingspan of more than ten meters, and the smallest with a wingspan of six meters. There are no scales all over the body, and a group of high-level wizards have already greeted them. These are frost pterosaurs. Although they have no scales and their defense is poor, they have ice breath, and their strength is comparable to that of second-level wizards. They are not easy to mess with, and they live in groups.

Seeing so many frost pterosaurs, Allen knew that the white dragon was here, and only pure blood dragons could have so many dependents.


There was an explosion, and the two sides had already fought.

Accompanied by another loud roar, a huge figure flew out, and Pu Yi appeared on the battlefield with a huge coercion.

This is a huge white dragon with a length of about 28 meters and a wingspan of more than 22 meters. Its strong body is covered with off-white scales, and there are sharp barbs at its joints. There are hideous bone spurs on the wings. Giant dragons do not rely entirely on wings to fly, but more often they rely on spells. Their bodies are born with this ability, so although wing injuries will affect flexibility, it does not Does not render it incapable of flying.


A loud dragon roar came from the white dragon's mouth, followed by many frost pterosaurs roaring, and bursts of ice breath came out.

A second-level wizard who couldn't dodge was instantly sprayed straight on. In just a few seconds, he turned into an ice sculpture, and was smashed to pieces by a sweeping blow before he even fell.

The surrounding temperature dropped by more than ten degrees in an instant, and the fire element became less and less active.

Alfred led the high-level wizards to meet them. The battle between the two sides was very exciting. The low-level wizards couldn't get in at all. There was another hissing sound, and a group of much smaller cold pterosaurs flew out. These cold pterosaurs flew out. Most of them are only two meters in size and belong to low-level dragon creatures. They have gray skin, no scales on the body surface, long necks and heads, and look like pterosaurs, but their strength is not high.

"Go and deal with those Yalong beasts!" Alfred's voice came from afar. Many low-level wizards went to deal with these cold pterosaurs.

Under the command of the white dragon, this group of dragon beasts rushed towards the wizard viciously, and even some kobolds also rushed up, acid, ice arrows, frost breath, a large number of spells were cast, the bodies of these dragon creatures They are all very powerful, much stronger than demonized beasts, and have a lot of magic-like abilities, so they are not easy to deal with.

"—Fire Arrow."

The main force in this battle is a high-level wizard, and Alan is also a bigger cannon fodder, so he paddles in the distance with peace of mind, and puts away the bodies of some dead dragon beasts from time to time.

It was Alfred who fought against the white dragon, and other wizards couldn't intervene at all.

However, Alfred's situation is not optimistic, and he is even at a disadvantage.

Allen felt that if there was no backup, this operation would definitely fail, and even the loss would hurt his muscles and bones. The strength of the white dragon has firmly suppressed Alfred.

Allen looked worried for a while. At this time, a Frost pterosaur, which was one size smaller than other pterosaurs, appeared on the edge of the battlefield. The Wurm, who looked a little malnourished, was injured.

Seeing that no one noticed him from left to right, Allen stepped back a little distance, and then had a flash of inspiration, and his figure had disappeared.

——"Advanced Stealth Technique!"

Walking all the way to the vicinity of this Frost Pterosaur, Alan doesn't intend to take advantage of the white dragon. As a legendary dragon in the ancient dragon stage, it's not just talking, but this Frost Pterosaur is a piece of cake.

Not to mention that it is injured now, even if it is not injured, Allen is sure to kill it easily. Pull out the Dragon Tooth Sword. Since the forging was completed, this weapon has not been fired.

This area is already relatively remote, and the many breaths caused many fine ice chips to float in the entire battlefield, making it difficult to breathe, and the visibility was also much lower.

Frost pterosaurs can also use spells such as ice spikes in addition to icy breath. Physical attacks use dragon wings to slap. The sharp mouth full of tiny teeth likes to bite. Move slowly.

As its strongest part, the dragon wing is powerful. As Allen approached, the injured Frost pterosaur seemed to feel something. His big eyes scanned the surroundings, and his nostrils kept wriggling, trying to find the enemy. , After seeing that it was close enough, Allen no longer hid. If he got close, he would be directly spotted by the pterosaur, and he simply prepared to rush up.

"—the elegance of a cat!"

"——Bear's Tenacity!"

"—Dragon scale leather armor!"

"—Great Strength Technique!"

"—Gravity Technique!"

Directly activating the auxiliary spell of the spider silk robe on his body, and at the same time activating the talent spell, he threw a gravity spell at the Frost Winged Dragon, and Allen rushed up instantly holding the Dragon Tooth Sword.

The moment the Frost Wyvern saw Alan, it breathed out a breath of ice and sprayed it up. The ice and snow splashed and avoided sideways, but part of it still fell on Alan, and the powerful resistance given by the dragon scale leather armor was revealed. A little bit cold, Alan exerted himself for a while, and the ice fell rustlingly,

If other wizards were hit, their bodies would immediately become stiff, and it might take a while to recover. The first thing to deal with this kind of pterosaur is not to cause damage, but to solve their flying ability first.

Frost pterosaurs are better at flying than giant dragons, but they don't have the rough skin and thick flesh of giant dragons. Without losing his stature, Allen had already rushed to the side of the Frost Wyvern, and a cold light flashed across the giant sword in his hand.

One jumped up to avoid its bite, and the agility added by the cat's elegance allowed him to easily step on the head of the Frost Wyvern, and then came to its back.


Blood splattered, and there was a shrill scream. The sharp giant sword cut off the wings of the Frost Wyvern, and the Frost Pterosaur, which was in great pain, let out a painful scream.

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**Author: "Dragon Vein Wizard of the Heavens" written by Fumeng Sanjike is a reprinted work, chapter 189 Chapter 2 White Dragon (2) published by netizens. **①If you are the copyright owner of the work "Dragon Vein Wizard of the Heavens" but do not want us to reprint your work, please notify us to delete it. ②If you find that the content of the Dragon Vein Wizard of the Heavens is in conflict with the law, please report it to this site, and we will deal with it immediately. ③This novel The Dragon Vein Wizard of the Heavens only represents the author's personal point of view, and has nothing to do with the position of 55 Reading Novels.com. ④If you have any doubts about the content, copyright, etc. of the novels of Dragon Vein Wizard of the Heavens, or have comments and suggestions on this site, please send a text message to the administrator, thank you for your cooperation and support! Dragon Vein Wizard of the Heavens - Chapter 189 2 White Dragon (2) - WuxiaWorld

The road was calm and calm, no monsters dared to provoke such a huge team, and the monsters encountered on the road were also pushed along the way. What lions and scorpions' lairs, harpies, and beholders were all cleared, and there was no disturbance at all.

This operation is a secret operation, except for the high-level of the college, low-level wizards do not know the route. Along the way, he could only follow behind. After flying for a day, the wizard at the front finally slowed down.

By the time they landed, the surrounding temperature was close to freezing point. This is a huge cave. Allen calculated that the distance between the top of the cave and the foot is about 800 meters. There are many cold pools around the cave. Lots of rolling hills.

The deeper you go, the lower the temperature. Allen was also very surprised that this environment appeared in the underground secret realm.


A roar full of anger sounded.

Immediately afterwards, a group of guys who looked like Fengshen pterosaurs flew up, the largest with a wingspan of more than ten meters, and the smallest with a wingspan of six meters. There are no scales all over the body, and a group of high-level wizards have already greeted them. These are frost pterosaurs. Although they have no scales and their defense is poor, they have ice breath, and their strength is comparable to that of second-level wizards. They are not easy to mess with, and they live in groups.

Seeing so many frost pterosaurs, Allen knew that the white dragon was here, and only pure blood dragons could have so many dependents.


There was an explosion, and the two sides had already fought.

Accompanied by another loud roar, a huge figure flew out, and Pu Yi appeared on the battlefield with a huge coercion.

This is a huge white dragon with a length of about 28 meters and a wingspan of more than 22 meters. Its strong body is covered with off-white scales, and there are sharp barbs at its joints. There are hideous bone spurs on the wings. Giant dragons do not rely entirely on wings to fly, but more often they rely on spells. Their bodies are born with this ability, so although wing injuries will affect flexibility, it does not Does not render it incapable of flying.


A loud dragon roar came from the white dragon's mouth, followed by many frost pterosaurs roaring, and bursts of ice breath came out.

A second-level wizard who couldn't dodge was instantly sprayed straight on. In just a few seconds, he turned into an ice sculpture, and was smashed to pieces by a sweeping blow before he even fell.

The surrounding temperature dropped by more than ten degrees in an instant, and the fire element became less and less active.

Alfred led the high-level wizards to meet them. The battle between the two sides was very exciting. The low-level wizards couldn't get in. There was another hissing sound, and a group of much smaller cold pterosaurs flew out. These cold pterosaurs flew out. Most of them are only two meters in size and belong to low-level dragon creatures. They have gray skin, no scales on the body surface, long necks and heads, and look like pterosaurs, but their strength is not high.

"Go and deal with those Yalong beasts!" Alfred's voice came from afar. Many low-level wizards went to deal with these cold pterosaurs.

Under the command of the white dragon, this group of dragon beasts rushed towards the wizard viciously, and even some kobolds also rushed up, acid, ice arrows, frost breath, a large number of spells were cast, the bodies of these dragon creatures They are all very powerful, much stronger than demonized beasts, and have a lot of magic-like abilities, so they are not easy to deal with.

"—Fire Arrow."

The main force in this battle is a high-level wizard, and Alan is also a bigger cannon fodder, so he paddles in the distance with peace of mind, and puts away the bodies of some dead dragon beasts from time to time.

It was Alfred who fought against the white dragon, and the other wizards couldn't intervene at all, but Alfred's situation was not optimistic, and he was even at a disadvantage.

Allen felt that if there was no backup, this operation would definitely fail, and even the loss would hurt his muscles and bones. The strength of the white dragon has firmly suppressed Alfred.

Allen looked worried for a while. At this time, a Frost pterosaur, which was one size smaller than other pterosaurs, appeared on the edge of the battlefield. The Wurm, who looked a little malnourished, was injured.

Seeing that no one noticed him from left to right, Allen stepped back a little distance, and then had a flash of inspiration, and his figure had disappeared.

——"Advanced Stealth Technique!"

Walking all the way to the vicinity of this Frost Pterosaur, Alan doesn't intend to take advantage of the white dragon. As a legendary dragon in the ancient dragon stage, it's not just talking, but this Frost Pterosaur is a piece of cake.

Not to mention that it is injured now, even if it is not injured, Allen is sure to kill it easily. Pull out the Dragon Tooth Sword. Since the forging was completed, this weapon has not been fired.

This area is already relatively remote, and the many breaths caused many fine ice chips to float in the entire battlefield, making it difficult to breathe, and the visibility was also much lower.

Frost pterosaurs can also use spells such as ice spikes in addition to icy breath. Physical attacks use dragon wings to slap. The sharp mouth full of tiny teeth likes to bite. Move slowly.

As its strongest part, the dragon's wings are powerful. As Allen approached, the injured Frost pterosaur seemed to sense something. His big eyes scanned the surroundings, and his nostrils kept wriggling, trying to find the enemy's traces. , After seeing that it was close enough, Allen no longer hid. If he got close, he would be directly spotted by the pterosaur, and he simply prepared to rush up.

"—the elegance of a cat!"

"——Bear's Tenacity!"

"—Dragon scale leather armor!"

"—Great Strength Technique!"

"—Gravity Technique!"

Directly activating the auxiliary spell of the spider silk robe on his body, and at the same time activating the talent spell, he threw a gravity spell at the Frost Winged Dragon, and Allen rushed up instantly holding the Dragon Tooth Sword.

The moment the Frost Wyvern saw Alan, it breathed out a breath of ice and sprayed it up. The ice and snow splashed and avoided sideways, but part of it still fell on Alan, and the powerful resistance given by the dragon scale leather armor was revealed. A little bit cold, Alan exerted himself for a while, and the ice fell rustlingly,

If other wizards were hit, their bodies would immediately become stiff, and it might take a while to recover. The first thing to deal with this kind of pterosaur is not to cause damage, but to solve their flying ability first.

Frost pterosaurs are better at flying than giant dragons, but they don't have the rough skin and thick flesh of giant dragons. Without losing his stature, Allen had already rushed to the side of the Frost Wyvern, and a cold light flashed across the giant sword in his hand.

One jumped up to avoid its bite, and the agility added by the cat's elegance allowed him to easily step on the head of the Frost Wyvern, and then came to its back.


Blood splattered, and there was a shrill scream. The sharp giant sword cut off the wings of the Frost Wyvern, and the Frost Pterosaur, which was in great pain, let out a painful scream.

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