Dragon Wizard of the Heavens

Chapter 279: Sea Battle (End)

"Retreat, retreat quickly!"

The death of Davy Jones became the last straw that broke the camel's back. Seeing that the situation was over, the United Fleet began to flee separately.

Several capital ships had been destroyed, and only some frigates were left scattered to break through. The armed merchant ships transporting supplies had fled ahead of time. The defeated pirates were unable to continue their pursuit, and they put down their lifeboats one after another to rescue their companions.

The rising sun in the east dispels the night, which also symbolizes that the ocean welcomes its new master.

The disastrous defeat of the Caribbean Sea Battle caused a major earthquake in the Old Continent. This time it was even more surprising than the British defeating the Spanish Armada decades ago. Everyone knows that the sea has once again entered troubled times, even worse than Since the sixteenth century, this time is even more chaotic.

The main forces of the navies of various countries are exhausted at any time. In order to deal with the plunder of pirates, shipbuilding plans have been started one after another. The time pirates are getting louder and louder.

The American colonies became even more precarious due to the fiasco of the navy. In order to ensure the safety of themselves and the colonies, these plantation owners could only pay huge protection fees to the pirates in exchange for the pirates' protection.

The pirates were very satisfied with this. After the ocean became the world of pirates, the surviving pirate kings began to redesignate their territory. They no longer made a living by plundering, but instead collected taxes from passing ships, and even established islands on many overseas islands. The country of pirates was established, Jamaica and the Bahamas were even occupied by pirates, and cities belonging to pirates appeared all over the world.

Countless greedy businessmen went to do business. They opened taverns, brothels, arms and weapons, shipyards, and black markets to sell all kinds of supplies. As long as you have money, they can even get capital ships. For businessmen, as long as they have enough money, they will even sell the rope that hanged themselves.

The victory of the pirates has not changed much for the merchants. Ironically, the sea has become safer, because as long as the protection fee is paid, there will be no more pirates on the sea to plunder. As long as novice pirates dare to plunder, they will soon be besieged and killed by other pirates.

The merchants just handed over the high taxes originally handed over to the countries to the pirates. As for the loss of the country and nobles, it has nothing to do with them.

According to this kind of development momentum, perhaps in the near future, pirates may even become a new country, and among them, Jack Sparrow, the most powerful, has gained great prestige after this naval battle. Be the first king.

Poor Barbossa had no idea that without the help of the Sea God, the pirates would win, which made his plan come to nothing.

It is very likely that the unsealing of Seagod will not be completed.

Alan doesn't care about what happened in the Caribbean Sea. He is now having a headache to separate the integrity of the Kingdom of God from the main world. The city of Atlantis has a lot of metal, and Alan built a simple smelting factory. Several iron golems smelted a large amount of gold and silver into liquid.

Then other rare metals are added, and finally fused with orichanite, and then introduced into the excavated rune marks. A thick and dazzling metal liquid slowly fills the rune marks. After the magic gold cools down, Alan After checking that the rune meets the requirements, proceed to the next one.

As a super giant rune array to cover the entire Kingdom of God, Allen divided this rune array into eighteen giant rune arrays, and each giant rune array was divided into 6 large rune arrays. The rune array contains thirty-six medium-sized rune arrays. Then it is filled with smaller rune arrays. This rune array is not difficult to operate, but the connection between rune arrays is very important.

Allen needs to consider the rune array as a whole, and also connect each rune array without interfering with each other. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that even if some rune arrays have problems during operation, other rune arrays can still operate normally. Similarly, even if the rune array is damaged, as long as the damage exceeds half, it will not affect this kingdom of God.

After all the rune arrays are inscribed, the entire Kingdom of God will be firmly controlled by Allen. According to Allen's design blueprint, tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of runes are needed to completely cover the Kingdom of God. The workload is huge. The simple work was handed over to the puppet golem. In addition to metal products with special uses, the metals of the entire Atlantis were collected. Allen refined a lot of rune magic steel, and then produced many Iron Golem.

After instilling skills and construction materials in them, Alan had a lot of work replaced by them, and the efficiency began to gradually increase. The magic gold smelting factory has been fully automated, and a large number of steel golems throw all kinds of dismantled metal crafts, metal coins, metal statues, etc. into the smelting furnace.

If outside collectors knew that Allen had ruined the exquisite artwork thousands or even tens of thousands of years ago, he would absolutely want to kill him.

It has to be said that the metal smelting in Atlantis is quite good. There are very few impurities in these metal products, and there is almost no need to smelt them again. They only need to be smelted into liquids, and they can be used according to the ratio.

Due to the depletion of divine power, the Kingdom of God has not been maintained for a long time, and the space barriers in many places are on the verge of being broken. Allen needs to repair and then strengthen it.

In order to rush to work as soon as possible, the group of mermaids caught by Alan was also released by him. The wizard has many methods to domesticate and enslave other intelligent life, and this group of mermaids was easily enslaved by Alan.

Because a large area of ​​the Kingdom of God is ocean, the runes on the bottom of the sea are handed over to these mermaids. I have to say that these mermaids have good talents. They all have magic-like abilities. It has been lowered a lot, and after simple training, it is still smart.

Allen checked their bodies. They can freely switch between humans and fish tails. The body structure is similar to that of humans. There is a group of fish gills hidden behind their ears. The gills will close after landing. It seems that there is nothing Strangely, it opens after entering the water, with a slender body and greater strength than ordinary people, especially in water, their strength will double.

They have beautiful voices, whether talking or singing are great enjoyment, Allen likes to listen to their voices on the bed, compared to humans and elves, mermaids are simply made of water, and because of their habits, their waists are muscular and their legs are muscular. Weak and boneless, they are capable of various shapes. It can be said that this group of mermaids has added a lot of color to Allen's boring work.

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