The human beings who were thrown to the ground quickly surrounded seven or eight walking corpses. There was a sound of chewing and swallowing, and more walking corpses rushed towards the remaining humans.

With the death of the first human, the entire battle line quickly collapsed, followed by the first escapees.

Humanity began to collapse, and a feast of walking corpses began.

"Taling One!"

"Prepare for a rescue operation!"

"The biochemical mech team is ready!"

"Lock space coordinates!"


A teleportation aura rises, and then envelops the biochemical mecha team. Space fluctuations come, and the biochemical mecha team disappears in place. In the next moment, a beam of light descends from the sky, the aura dissipates, and a group of mecha fighters appear in place.

As soon as this group of newly-appeared mecha fighters appeared, they rushed directly to the walking corpses. The twelve biochemical mecha fighters were like twelve sharp blades. Wherever they passed, many walking corpses were instantly beheaded. The dry body was cut into two sections by the sharp blade, and all the walking corpses had no ability to resist.

Twelve biochemical mechas inserted obliquely into the line of walking corpses, directly dividing the group of walking corpses into two, and then the twelve biochemical mechas stood still like rocks in the tide, blocking all the walking corpses outside.

The arrival of the biochemical rack rejuvenated the desperate humans. The remaining dozen humans quickly treated their injuries. These people did not take the opportunity to escape, but re-established their positions, and soon continuous gunshots rang out.

The battle lasted for half an hour, and the dense crowd of walking corpses became thinner, and the ground was already full of incomplete walking corpses.

After all the walking corpses were killed, the group of humans in protective suits communicated, and then one of them walked towards the biochemical rack. Looking at this group of people wearing strange mechas, they said in English: "Thank you for your help!"

"We are the search team of the flamingo camp. May I ask which survivor camp you are from?" Allen's eyes moved, and Ta Ling No. 1 ordered the inquiry directly.

"My master has something to ask you." A deep voice came from the biochemical mech.

"Master? Are you from a warlord?" Hearing the biochemical man's answer, Quinn's voice was obviously a little strange, and his arms clenched the gun even more.

"Warlords? We are not warlords,

It's not safe here, let's leave here first. "Under the observation of the reconnaissance eye, those zombie-like monsters gathered here from further away, and there are some more powerful monsters in the big picture seen by the reconnaissance eye.

"Alright, the bloody smell here will soon attract the zombies ten kilometers away." Looking at the zombie corpses all over the ground around him, the black blood exuded a strong stench, Quinn nodded and said, "Here we are." It's pretty familiar, come with me."

As he spoke, he gestured to the humans not far away, and these people relaxed their vigilance a little, and a group of people walked out of the ruins.

Soon everyone came to a dilapidated villa. The gates of the villa had been violently knocked open. One of the gates was distorted and deformed, and the other one flew to some unknown place. The villa has three floors, and the main body is still intact.

The tall villa is made of reinforced concrete, which looks very strong. The reliefs on the marble columns outside the gate of the villa have been eroded and blurred by acid rain. There are many patterns carved on the stone buildings, but now they are all blurred. clear. A pond at the opposite gate also dried up, and the rockery inside was broken into more than a dozen pieces. It can be seen that there has been a battle here.

When the group entered the villa, Quinn said hesitantly, "Do you have anything to eat?"

"Our logistics supplies were all lost just now."

"Okay, I will give you some food after the master asks!"

"That's good, where is your master? Do you want to start now?" Quinn said immediately when he heard that there was food.

"Wait a minute!" The cyborg adjusted a button on his chest, a bright light rose, and a virtual projection appeared next to him, which was Allen.

"It's a pleasure to join you." Allen leaned on the sofa and greeted these people.

"I want to ask what happened in the last century?"

"If you can tell me seriously and accurately, I will give you some food!"

Seeing the projection that suddenly appeared, Quinn looked surprised. He had only heard of this kind of projection technology before. This pre-war technology is about to disappear now. Only the top forces can master it, or some have not yet This technology exists in the opened shelter. Thinking of this, Quinn suddenly thought of a possibility, and the more he thought about it, the higher the possibility became.

All the soldiers in this team were wearing that kind of individual mechas. Even before the war, only a few countries were able to assemble these mechas on a small scale. Now even the strongest warlords do not have such weapons. Thinking of this, Quinn's heart felt hot.

"What happened in the last century? I can only talk about it in general, and I can't finish it in three days and three nights if it is too detailed." Quinn suppressed the thoughts in his heart and began to talk nonchalantly.

"Then simply talk about the major events that happened." Allen glanced at him with a half-smile, then picked up the green tea in front of him and took a sip slowly.

"Sir, let's start here. One hundred years ago today, in 2135, humans built the third city on Mars and completed it, and then began a thirty-year immigration."

"In 2143 AD, the earth's resources were nearly exhausted, the economic crisis broke out, and the immigration bureau even broke out a scandal. The immigrants in the early days were all kinds of engineers, scientists, and politicians from various countries. These people concealed the news of the exhaustion of the earth's resources. They emigrated, and finally fell out completely because of the uneven distribution. This is only the human beings who discovered the crisis."

"Then in order to survive, a war broke out. Everyone wanted to survive. Some became crazy after knowing that resources were exhausted and human beings were about to be destroyed. The whole world fell into riots one after another."

"All kinds of uprisings, demonstrations and even wars broke out at this moment, and some hatred that had been suppressed for decades or even hundreds of years also broke out at this moment."

"Among them, there are many ambitious people who promote the end of the world, and those who have lost hope can do anything."

"In 2144 AD, less than a year after the scandal broke, the first nuclear bomb exploded. The explosion of this nuclear bomb was like opening a Pandora's box. Successive nuclear bombs began to explode around the world. All are destroyed, and the use of nuclear weapons has had dire consequences."

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