Chapter 130 Unexpected Harvest

"Every day from now on, when the sun is bright, we have to come down and move around. No matter if it's practicing swinging a sword or archery, or even waving a stick randomly a few times, we can't be idle. Also, the fourth child needs to be taught more It’s better to teach everyone how to hunt. It’s better to supplement the fuel and water in the stomach and save some food. After all, we have to persist until the end of the year. We don’t know what will happen outside the woods.”

Uncle Zhao also said, "Yes, from now on, someone must be on duty during the day and night. It is best to build a shed on the hill above the cave to serve as a lookout. There must also be someone guarding the entrance of the forest opposite the mountain stream. Everyone takes turns, don't be idle. "

Li Laosi and everyone else nodded. With the direction, it would not be difficult to arrange it.

There are thirty-three young men in the village, including Wen Hai, who work three shifts a day, that is, four hours on duty, and the remaining eight hours sleeping or hunting training.

 The young men also had errands to clear snow and cut firewood.

 The women take care of the elderly and children and perform their respective duties.

 One group of people was left on duty, and the other two groups divided the work. One group went to build a shack on the top of the mountain to serve as a sentry post, and the other group went into the forest to hunt.

As a result, a group of people who went into the woods to hunt did not bring their prey. Instead, they brought back Liu Biaotou and Liu Yangjiayi when the sun set.

These three people carried three large bags of things, and their faces turned pale from exhaustion.

 Everyone was surprised, more curious, not knowing what they brought back.

Jiayi rushed to the cave of his house and shouted loudly, "Brother, come down quickly and see what good things I have brought you!"

Jiaren was riding his sister on his neck and walking around in the cave. It was rare that he didn't practice calligraphy.

Hearing the shouting, the brother and sister opened the curtain and looked outside. They were both very happy.

Jiaren quickly pulled the bamboo pole on his back, carried his sister on his back, and then got off the vine ladder.

Jiayi gave his sister a big kiss, took his eldest brother and ran to the hay shed.

 In the hay shed, Liu Biaotou had already opened three packages.

Mr. Wen asked with surprise, "Where did you find so many books?"

Jiaren's eyes were also shining, and he rushed directly to the pile of books, touching them left and flipping through them, almost going crazy with joy.

 Scholars are very valuable, not just to eat, drink and study in the academy. The most expensive things are pen, ink, paper, inkstones and books.

An enlightenment book costs one tael of silver.

There is such a big pile in front of us, with more than 300 books. If you want to buy it, you will have to pay 700 to 800 taels of silver!

Liu Biaotou smiled and said, "We stayed near the bandit's yard. There was no point guarding it in vain, so we walked around. We were going to go to Guan Road to take a look, but we unexpectedly came across several boxes on the way. These books must have been robbed by the bandits from the Guo family. They were not money and were not as good as food, so they were thrown away."

Mr. Wen nodded and pointed to the seal behind a book, "This is indeed Mr. Guo's private seal."

He thought for a while and said, "Let Jiaren learn from this first. When you leave, take it with you if you can. If you can't take it with you, hide it and let the Guo family pick it up later."

Jiaren nodded fiercely and was so happy that he wanted to lie down on the pile of books.

These are rare good books, otherwise the Guo family would have to carry them with them when they couldn't escape.

Without this opportunity, he, a farm boy, might never have the chance to read these books in his lifetime.

 Everyone laughed when they saw him like a mouse falling into a rice vat.

 In the end, these books were sent to the Li family’s cave because they could not fit in the small cave.

Mr. Wen took Jiaren to tidy up for a long time, and Jiayin also joined in the fun, wanting to see how the cultural crystallization of this time and space is the same or different from the previous life.

Jiaren was afraid that his sister would be naughty and tear it apart, but when he saw that she was carefully looking through it and looking very serious, he didn't stop him.

 As a result, less than half an hour later, Mr. Wen pointed behind him and suddenly laughed.

He quickly looked back and saw his sister lying on the pile of books, almost snoring in her sleep...

When Jiayin woke up, it was already getting late. Tao Hongying was really making noodles, and Zhao Yuru was chopping wild boar meat and preparing to make dumplings. Mrs. Li sat by the bed, carefully pouring duck eggs in the jar. When her granddaughter woke up, she held her in her arms and smiled.

“Little lazy pig, are you awake? You just fell asleep on the pile of books, and your saliva almost soaked the books!”

Jiayin blushed, hugged her grandma's neck and twisted her around like a fat insect, which made Mrs. Li laugh non-stop.

“Okay, okay, I know you are ashamed, so grandma won’t say anything anymore.”

Mrs. Li continued to count her duck eggs, and there were still seven or eight lonely eggs left in the jar.

Jiayin looked around, pulled off grandma's sleeve, and pointed pitifully at the jar.

Mrs. Li understood and pursed her lips hesitantly. Looking back, she saw that there were only two busy daughters-in-law in the cave.

Jiaren and Mr. Wen moved some books to the small cave. Jiaxi and Jiaan ran out to play. The second, third, and fourth children were all down there.

She was so cruel that she leaned into her granddaughter’s ear and said, “Just take out twenty, not too many.”

Jiayin nodded fiercely, and with a wave of his hand, twenty cleanly washed duck eggs appeared in the jar. Mrs. Li quickly closed the lid and placed it in the innermost corner, blocking it with a grain bag.

Just when she was about to breathe a sigh of relief, her granddaughter stuffed a peeled hard-boiled egg into her mouth. Looking at her granddaughter's little mouth, it was also bulging.

 She could only glare at her granddaughter, then hugged her, eating secretly and thinking about it.

The duck eggs are pickled and four are to be boiled for the little cave. Jiaren is studying with Mr. Wen, so he must show off. Doctor Zhang, the village chief, Uncle Zhao and other elderly people cannot be left behind.

 It is always a good thing to respect teachers and elders.

This way, the things my granddaughter took out were not wasted in vain, so it shouldn’t ruin her happiness...

Jiayin didn’t know that her grandma was so entangled. She ate an egg and felt relieved, so she ran to the stove and squatted beside her to make dumplings!

These are dumplings, she hasn’t eaten them in almost two years!

Just in time, Li Laosi climbed up from below, entered the house and hugged his daughter when he saw her.

“Daughter, do you think your father has brought you something good?”

Jiayin was thinking about eating when she suddenly saw her father taking out two snow-white rabbits from his arms. She subconsciously asked, "Eat them roasted? Or stewed?"

There was silence in the cave for a moment, and then laughter rumbled.

 “Haha, our Fu Niu is hungry!”

“How come this girl wants to eat everything she sees!”

Tao Hongying was laughing so hard that she couldn't hold the basin, and Zhao Yuru also wiped the corners of her eyes.

Li Laosi scratched the back of his head in confusion, "My dear daughter, this rabbit is too small to fit between your teeth! Dad brought it back for you to play with!"

Jiayin was so embarrassed that she quickly gave her father a smile and said, "Thank you, Dad!"

Li Laosi blinked twice, feeling that his daughter didn't like it.

 The good news made her want to cry without tears. The small space courtyard was overrun with rabbits, and there were as many as eighty if not a hundred. She was exhausted from feeding the rabbits every night.

Just when she was thinking about how to reduce the burden on the space, her father got her two more.

Someone tell her how to show happiness...

 (End of this chapter)

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