Chapter 338: Being a mother is strong

Tao Hongying urgently packed up the wing of Lao San's family. Li Laosi was so strong that he didn't care about avoiding suspicion, so he hugged Huiniang and rushed in.

 The old lady and Dongmei hurried in to take care of him. Jiayin hugged Mr. Hou's neck and turned pale with fear.

  Just now we were just quarreling, and no one noticed anything was wrong with Madam Hui.

 The women in the village were busy boiling water and picking up broken flower pots at the door of the wing.

As a result, Aunt Wu rushed out of the kitchen and yelled, "What a stupid beast! He even broke the pot and couldn't boil water. Quick, go get two more pots and come back!"

 Immediately, some villagers ran home, bumping into the guests watching the excitement at the door, and they all followed him with sighs.

“What a sin, there are actually two children in this belly? This is three lives!”

“That’s right, the Yan family can be considered a scholarly family, but their behavior is too vicious. This is a human life!”

“Should I report it to the official?”

When the Yan family heard this discussion, they felt guilty and slowly backed away from the door.

Li Yong listened to Hui Niang's screams and the old man's scolding in the wing room. Then he saw everyone was busy in a hurry. He slowly stood up and walked towards the door of the courtyard.

Master Yan Er subconsciously stopped him and said, "Third brother, where are you going? There must have been a misunderstanding just now. Besides, you can't hate your family just because of a daughter. This is very unfilial!"

Li Yong turned around and slapped him, causing him to fall to the ground.

"Fuck you, you are so unfilial! I am unfilial today! My wife is going to die, my child is going to die! You are still telling me that you are unfilial! Okay, I will go to the palace gate to beat the drum and complain to the emperor, even if I die, Drag you all to hell! Don’t you want me to be filial to you? I will be filial to you in hell!”

Mrs. Yan was so angry that she wanted to curse, but when she saw her son's eyes full of hatred, he suddenly trembled, as if he had stepped off a cliff, and his heart felt empty.

 It’s over, my son was driven crazy.

If the appeal fails, the son will probably kill the whole family with a knife to avenge his wife and children!

He subconsciously raised his hand, pulled his son away, and said, "You can't do this, you can't destroy the Yan family! Split the clan, let's split the clan! Separate you from the Yan family immediately! No one will interfere with your marriage again!"

Before Li Yong could respond, Mrs. Yan struggled and ran forward, shouting loudly, "No, we can't separate clans!"

Old Mrs. Yan angrily pushed her to the side and cursed, "Idiot, if you fail to succeed, you will fail! You said you came to pick up people, why didn't you pick them up properly? Now people are going to die, no clans are divided, waiting for the family to be destroyed. ?"

Mrs. Yan still wanted to speak, but Mr. Yan covered her mouth, "Mom, please stop saying a few words, or my third brother will go crazy!"

Mr. Yan rarely made a decisive decision and asked for paper and pen. At that time, he wrote the document for dividing the clan, signed it and stamped it with his fingerprint.

 Master Yan and the second master did the same, and then gave the document to Li Yong.

Li Yong held the document and burst into tears. If he had been crueler and divided the clans like this, what happened today would not have happened.

He rushed to the window of the wing and shouted, "Huiniang, look, I got the documents! The clan has been divided, and they can no longer control us! Huiniang! Huiniang!"

 In the room, Huiniang bit her handkerchief, her face was covered with sweat and tears, her hair stuck to her cheeks, and she was feeling dizzy.

Hearing this, her eyes finally became a little brighter.

Doctor Zhang took a pill, dissolved it into water in a bowl, brought it to Hui Niang, and whispered, "You are so cruel, you even risked your child! You have been bleeding for so long without saying a word. Wait until Dayong goes crazy before he comes out!

"He has made up his mind to leave the Yan family, and you don't have half a life left! Drink the medicine quickly. This medicine will temporarily increase your strength and give birth to the child soon. Be careful if you delay it any longer, the child will be stunned. !”

Huiniang spit out the handkerchief, drank the potion in one gulp, and then looked at Mrs. Li, Tao Hongying, and Dongmei. All three of them had shocked faces.

She smiled bitterly and gasped, "Aunt, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to... hide it from you! As long as my husband is not cruel and as long as his surname is Yan, my child and I will never have a good life! I can endure it for my husband, but my Not for kids!”

 “Okay, okay, don’t talk, we understand!”

Mrs. Li wiped her tears and stepped forward to hold her hand. "Mother, for the sake of your children, you must be cruel! The Yan family is a place for eating people, and Dayong is soft-hearted. If you are fooled and go back, you and The child will never have a good life!"

"Auntie, I can't help you, I can't help the family, I've caused trouble to you!" Huiniang's stomach started to hurt again, she screamed and held the old lady's hand tightly, "Auntie, if I live, I will repay Li for the rest of my life. Home! If I die, I will live in the next life!"

“Don’t say anything depressing, the baby is waiting for you to work hard! Hurry up and give birth to the baby well!”

The old lady was also in tears, gritting her teeth and encouraging Madam Hui!

"If something happens to you and the child is born, he will have to live in the hands of the stepmother and be beaten and scolded by the stepmother! You have to live, you must live! You are their biological mother and you are their support!"

Hui Niang’s eyes turned black in pain, and she couldn’t even scream in the end.

 Shenyi Zhang was supposed to go out. No matter how old he is, he is still a man!

 But at this time, he didn't care at all. He quickly took the golden needle and pricked Huiniang's body a dozen more times!

Outside the window, Li Yong was kneeling on the ground, his head resting on the wall, crying almost to death.

 “Hui Niang, Hui Niang!” He shouted one after another, as if weeping blood.

 Inside and outside the courtyard, no one spoke at this moment, and no one knew what to say.

 The soft-hearted women all wiped away their tears, and the men also had red circles in their eyes.

The Yan family is also on tenterhooks. It is true that one corpse has three lives. Even if the Yan family is divided into clans, it will definitely not end well.

Jiayin hugged her adoptive father's neck, tears flowing down her face.

“Uuuu, the master has sewn so many clothes and quilts, just waiting for the baby to be born. Uuuu, what if the master dies?”

Master Hou patted her back gently and looked at the Yan family with extremely cold eyes.

 “If you don’t cry, Fu Niuer, lucky people have their own destiny, your master will be fine!”

Perhaps it was a coincidence that as soon as he finished speaking, a child's cry suddenly came from the side room, "Wow, wow!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and then cheered, "Oh, it's born, it's born!"

“Don’t make any noise, don’t make any noise, there’s another one!” The village chief stood at the foot of the wing, clasped his hands, and kept chanting. He asked all the gods and Buddhas in the sky!

 When others heard this, they also prayed together.

 Don’t care whether it’s useful or not, this is the only way to do it at this time.

 Fortunately, a second cry soon sounded in the room. Although it was a little weak, it was clearly heard.

After a while, Tao Hongying opened the door and came out to announce the good news to everyone, "Mother Hui has given birth to a pair of twins! The eldest is a boy, and the second is a girl."

Li Yong couldn't bear it any longer, so he rushed in with a quick stride.

 “Thank God, thank God!”

 “Great, great!”

Everyone is cheering, hugging each other to celebrate, for two new lives, and to save a family!

Seeing this, the Yan family let out a long sigh of relief. Mr. Yan hesitated for a moment, then stepped forward to salute the Marquis.

"Master Marquis, since this matter has been successfully concluded today, I would like to ask Master Marquis to put the person down, and we will leave now."

House Hou hugged Jiayin and stood up, his eyes full of sternness.

“Okay, now that your Yan family’s household affairs are settled, it’s time to settle the accounts between the Yan family and our Li family!”

 (End of this chapter)

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