Earth Era

Chapter 15 Snowdrift

The old man stood up and shouted to the people behind him, and they gathered around. After the old man ordered a few words, the crowd dispersed, and after a while, they brought their own sleds or cars to the church.

"Guests from afar, please wait here for a while. We are going to find Freya's family. We will come back immediately when we find them," the old man said.

Meng Zhuo stepped forward and said: "Old man, we are all strong young people, how can we hide behind. We will go with you, just let Watson stay here. Watson is sick, he There is no way to withstand the severe cold.”

Zhao Huasheng immediately stepped forward and protested, "No, let's go together."

Meng Zhuo glanced at Zhao Huasheng faintly, Zhao Huasheng returned his firm eyes, and Meng Zhuo nodded.

Residents of the entire town, except for the weak and too old, almost all the others came out. The sound of dogs barking and the roar of cars made a mess. The old man obviously knew the direction Freya's family was going, so he walked straight down in one direction without any hesitation on the road.

The snow was getting heavier and heavier, and the wind changed from whimpering at the beginning to a shrill roar. Although he was wearing thick clothes to keep out the cold, Zhao Huasheng still felt that he was cold from the top of his head to the bottom of his feet. In front of them is a white world of ice and snow. Under the heavy snow, people can't even see clearly what is 20 meters away.

The worry in Zhao Huasheng's heart became more and more serious, and it seemed that the chill had penetrated into his heart: "What if the Freya family loses their way under such a snowstorm... Will there be any accidents for them?"

Some people took out their loudspeakers, and some just relied on their voices. People shouted as they walked, but there was no response in the wind and snow.

After moving forward for a while, a figure with head lowered and almost covered by snow came into people's sight. The figure stepped on the thick snow, strenuously advancing against the wind in the snowstorm. When they got closer, people could see clearly that this person was Jens who had just been sent by the old man to look for Freya's family.

"Have you found Freya's family?" the old man asked.

"No." Jens shook his head. "I went to the fishing spot and checked. The net has been taken away, but I didn't find Freya's family."

"Where's your sledge? Didn't you go there in a sledge?" asked the old man.

Jens cursed, and then replied: "Damn weather, when I arrived at the fishing spot, I just stopped the sled and went down to check for a while. The dog that led me there was frozen to death, and I had to walk back by myself. Fortunately, I met you, otherwise I would have lost my way."

Sled dogs are a very special breed, they have a strong ability to keep out the cold. But...they were frozen to death.

"Freya's family is in a very dangerous situation. We must find them as soon as possible, otherwise they are in danger of freezing to death." Mengzhuo said, "We also want to get together, be careful not to get separated. Xiaohu, you go Bring the helicopter over and use the thermal imaging cameras to find the Freya family."

"Yes!" The strong young man named Xiaohu agreed, and headed back towards the small town. Zhao Huasheng asked: "Can the helicopter take off in such weather?"

"Don't worry about it. If we don't find Freya's family as soon as possible, they will all die. Xiaohu is an ace pilot, and the plane is also the most advanced. It is equipped with a global positioning system, so you don't have to worry about getting lost. Don't worry, nothing will happen. .” Mengzhuo seemed to be very sure of the answer. So Zhao Huasheng could only suppress the uneasiness in his heart.

A group of people were still searching in the wind and snow, but they found nothing. Under such weather, even if footprints are left, they will be filled by wind and snow after a while. The eyes are always a piece of white snow, without any exception.

After searching for more than half an hour, the mobile phone-like thing on Mengzhuo's chest vibrated. Meng Zhuo took it out to have a look, and said to Zhao Huasheng: "The man has been found, not far from us, about two kilometers to the left."

"How are they? Is there anything wrong?" Zhao Huasheng asked hastily.

Meng Zhuo sighed, patted Zhao Huasheng on the shoulder, and said, "You will know when you arrive."

The ominous premonition in Zhao Huasheng's heart became more and more intense, but there was always a glimmer of hope in his heart. Zhao Huasheng didn't ask any more questions, and the large army also turned around at this time, and marched towards that place under the leadership of Mengzhuo.

It took about half an hour to get to this place. Zhao Huasheng first saw something that seemed to be a snowdrift, and when he got closer, he realized that it was a sled with four people sitting on it, but they were almost covered by snow. Before the sledding, there were still a few sled dogs lying in disorder, which had been frozen hard.

Zhao Huasheng tremblingly got off the sled and walked slowly to the snowdrift. Meng Zhuo followed closely behind Zhao Huasheng, obviously to prevent Zhao Huasheng from having any accidents.

Zhao Huasheng tightened the hat on his head, squatted down, and brushed away the snow that fell on Freya and her mother's face. The little girl who was sweetly calling her uncle in the morning has closed her eyes forever. Her mother still held her tightly in her arms, as if she wanted to use her arms to keep a little heat for the little girl. But it's clear there's no use in doing so.

Next to them, the old couple also hugged each other with their eyes closed, and they kept this position until they died.

The little girl still had a sweet smile on her face, even a little rosy on her face. She seemed to be asleep, as if she would open her eyes the next moment, then she threw herself into Zhao Huasheng's arms with a smile, and said to Zhao Huasheng: "Uncle, we brought the fish back. We have delicious grilled fish at noon." Fish can be eaten."

"People who are frozen to death are actually painless." Behind Zhao Huasheng, Meng Zhuo said in a low voice: "The process of people being frozen to death is divided into two steps. In the first process, the nervous system is in a state of excitement. The skin and subcutaneous blood vessels constrict, and the blood flows to the deep layers of the body to reduce heat loss. But when the body temperature drops to 30 to 26 degrees Celsius, the cerebral cortex loses its ability to regulate body temperature, and the warmth of the deep layers of the body The blood will flow to the body surface, and the cold blood on the body surface will flow to the deep layer of the body. The temperature in the deep part of the body will drop rapidly, while the temperature on the body surface will drop slowly, so the skin will feel very warm... So people who are frozen to death, when they are dying They will not feel cold before, they will feel very warm, and they will die in the warmth."

"You see, they are smiling until they die, and they die without pain." Monjo repeated.

Zhao Huasheng's expression remained numb, without any emotional fluctuations. Zhao Huasheng didn't seem to hear what Mengzhuo said either. Zhao Huasheng just stroked Freya's little face over and over again, feeling the heat loss from Freya's little face bit by bit, feeling its coldness bit by bit, and finally solidified and turned into a The symbol was engraved deep in Zhao Huasheng's mind.

Zhao Huasheng was shaking all over. Zhao Huasheng still seemed to be thinking of Freya's immature and sweet childish voice: "Uncle, this is a gift from me." He also seemed to be thinking of her mother's slightly reserved words: "Mr. Please tell us what you need," and seemed to hear the hearty and kind laughter of the old couple: "Young man, come and eat."


There were many voices lingering in Zhao Huasheng's mind, but the owners of those voices fell here forever. In Zhao Huasheng's pocket was a donkey-like clay reindeer made by Freya at the expense of sleeping time. When he touched it with his hands, he seemed to be able to feel the temperature of Freya's fingertips from it. Around Freya's neck was also the pearl necklace that Zhao Huasheng gave her. The pearls still looked crystal clear, but... everything was different, everything was different.

Zhao Huasheng knelt down in front of Freya's family, and finally couldn't help crying. Li Wei stood behind Zhao Huasheng, reaching out her hand as if to help Zhao Huasheng, but finally did not touch Zhao Huasheng. Li Wei stared there blankly, her eye circles also turned red.

Zhao Huasheng hadn't cried for a long time, and he hadn't shed tears since Zhao Huasheng was an adult, but at this moment, Zhao Huasheng was crying like a child.

"I killed them, I killed them!" Zhao Huasheng cried.

The residents of the town gathered together to comfort Zhao Huasheng. They told Zhao Huasheng that the death of Freya's family was not his fault, but because of the sudden change in the weather and the fact that Freya's family was not prepared... But only Meng Zhuo alone knew that Zhao Huasheng didn't mean that.

Zhao Huasheng hated himself.

"If I could solve the puzzle left by Director Li Qi earlier and let the sun warm up again, it wouldn't be so cold here, and there wouldn't be such bad weather, and Freya's family wouldn't die."

Zhao Huasheng also hated Li Qi.

"Li Qi, why did you choose me? Why did you choose me? I am not smart, my logical thinking ability, and professional knowledge are not top-notch. Why did you choose me to take on this responsibility? Why didn't you choose someone with superior intelligence to do this job? Things? Have you ever thought that if you do this, many people will die in vain, and they could not die!"

Zhao Huasheng seemed to be holding a breath in his chest, but he couldn't let it out.

At this moment, Mengzhuo's cold voice reached Zhao Huasheng's ears: "Zhao Huasheng, if you don't want more people to die innocently, cheer me up and don't make me look down on you."

"Of course you can cry and break down, but after you break down, who should bear the responsibility you should bear? This is a puzzle that only you can solve, and no one else can solve it except you. Even if you want to The collapse must be solved after solving the puzzle! Zhao Huasheng, if you are still a man, stand up for me!"

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