Earth Era

Chapter 61 Answer

Time is still passing bit by bit. During this period of time, human civilization used that new type of rocket to launch tens of thousands of times, launched tens of thousands of solar reflectors into space, and then stopped this process—even if the new type of rocket was used to launch The huge cost of launching these things is still beyond the capacity of human civilization. The data estimated by the Ministry of Scientific Research is that if the solar radiation received by the earth is to be raised to the level before the solar crisis, at least tens of millions of solar reflectors need to work together. Not to mention maintaining the normal operation of such a huge number of solar reflectors, orbital changes, command and dispatch, maintenance and repair, etc., the huge number of launches alone is not acceptable to human society. Someone in the scientific research department proposed a compromise plan, which proposed to build a huge processing plant on the moon and launch these things from the moon, but this plan was still rejected because it exceeded the current level of human technology.

Even with new rockets, it is still a dream for humans to build a base on the moon, let alone build a huge processing plant.

As a result, only a small area of ​​the City of Life and Equator City benefited from the tens of thousands of solar reflectors that have been launched, and most of the places where human beings live still maintain the original severe cold.

As for solar observation, dozens of observation satellites equipped with high-precision solar telescopes have successfully reached the orbit around the sun, and they are simultaneously observing the sun on different orbits that are 20 million to 50 million distances away from the sun. Along with these observation satellites arriving near the sun, there is also a large unmanned supply spacecraft. The spaceship was loaded with fuel, spare parts, instruments, food, drinking water, medicines and other materials and came to the side of the Red Heart spacecraft, and successfully docked with the Red Heart spacecraft, so the observation time of the Red Heart spacecraft Another year was extended.

The observation equipment group with the Red Heart spacecraft as the main force obtains a large amount of data from the sun every moment, and all of these data are sent to the scientific research department. After eliminating meaningless data, the information about the sun civilization Gradually, bit by bit, it emerged in front of human society. But so far, human civilization has not made much progress, and has not found the fatal weakness of solar civilization.

Some people have proposed to implement a medium response strategy and actively communicate with the sun civilization in order to solve the predicament, but this proposal was firmly rejected by the head of state and the scientific research department. The head of state and the scientific research department believe that this approach will not have any other use except to arouse the vigilance of the solar civilization in advance.

Human civilization is constantly advancing in this severe cold. Although the level of science and technology has shown substantial progress after the outbreak of the solar crisis, it still cannot allow mankind to see the dawn of hope.

Against the background of this era, Zhao Huasheng still continued his daily life. Every day at eight o'clock in the morning, Zhao Huasheng would show up at the research institute on time to start a day's work. Every day at eight o'clock in the afternoon, Zhao Huasheng would return home on time, have dinner with Li Wei and then rest separately. This pattern of behavior continued unchanged for several months.

Everyone is paying attention to Zhao Huasheng, hoping that Zhao Huasheng can announce his major discovery one day, but unfortunately, Zhao Huasheng didn't find out, nothing. People don't even know what Zhao Huasheng is doing.

"Sunshocks, magnetic fields, matter convection, gravity structures, flares, matter ejections, fusion, neutrinos... What exactly does Zhao Huasheng want to do?" Countless people have such a question in their hearts. But unfortunately, no one can answer this question, not even Zhao Huasheng. Because even Zhao Huasheng himself didn't know what he wanted, or what he knew. Zhao Huasheng just instinctively felt that if he continued to do so, he would definitely gain something.

Because this is what Director Li Qi has been doing before... Zhao Huasheng is almost certain that in the last dialogue between Li Qi and the Sun Civilization, that is, the plasma life body proposed to "survive life first." "Elements" as the reason to start implementing the oasis renovation plan, until the solar crisis broke out in the end, there must be a buffer time of several months to a year. And during that time, Li Qi has been leading himself to do these things and conduct research in this area.

It wasn't until this time that Zhao Huasheng realized how much Li Qi had influenced him. Recalling the almost one-year-long research and getting along with Li Qi in the past, Zhao Huasheng realized that Li Qi had transformed his thoughts and thinking unconsciously, allowing himself to have A thinking mode almost similar to that of Li Qi.

So... Zhao Huasheng understood that during that period of time, Li Qi did not do nothing. Li Qi actually did many things, the most important of which was to transform and cultivate himself. It's just that in the past, I never noticed it.

Then things became very clear. Li Qi was almost telling Zhao Huasheng clearly: "I already know the solution to the sun crisis, but for some reason, I can't tell you it. The bits and pieces of daily life and work are here to give you some hints. Let’s continue walking in the direction we have been moving forward, and walk independently. When you come to the end, you will know what I want What did I tell you..."

Zhao Huasheng became the scientist with the greatest support from civilization in human history. Zhao Huasheng wants to build a scientific research building, so the building will be completed in a month at most. Whatever scientific research equipment Zhao Huasheng wanted, these things would appear in front of Zhao Huasheng the next day. Which telescope Zhao Huasheng wants to call, no matter what observation task that telescope is doing, it will immediately stop to carry out the observation task assigned by Zhao Huasheng. Even the Scarlet Heart spacecraft has become Zhao Huasheng's personal spacecraft. This most powerful solar observation spacecraft in human history is performing various tasks assigned by Zhao Huasheng almost all the time. Zhao Huasheng wants to calculate the share to make a model, so even if the Civilization Supercomputer gives up other computing tasks and makes the previous computing tasks in progress go to waste, it will immediately allocate enough computing power for Zhao Huasheng to use.

Zhao Huasheng clearly felt that the pace of human beings is not limited to walking so slowly, it is just that there is not enough motivation to support human beings to go fast. Under the tilt of scientific research resources so huge that it can almost be said that the entire civilization has been exhausted, Zhao Huasheng has found the answers to many mysteries and questions about stellar physics.

The feeling in Zhao Huasheng's heart became stronger and stronger. Zhao Huasheng felt that he was getting closer and closer to the finish line. The answer is shining brightly in front of me, as long as I walk a few more steps, after this short distance, I can hold it in my hand...

A huge plan finally came to Zhao Huasheng's mind completely. After reading the latest analysis data received, Zhao Hua let out a long sigh. Zhao Huasheng left the workbench, walked to the edge of the window, and looked at the dim sun in the sky. Zhao Huasheng smiled slightly, and said in his heart to this great star that supported the entire human civilization: "I will restore your light soon."

So far, Zhao Huasheng has almost solved all the mysteries left by Li Qi, including how to destroy the entire solar civilization and the way to end this solar crisis, but there is only one point that Zhao Huasheng still doesn't understand.

"What is the meaning of the blank paper you left me? I don't believe you would leave me such a thing for no reason. That blank paper must be very important. In the process of finding a solution to this solar crisis Among them, I will definitely use it, but why until now that I have almost solved the riddle, I still don't know its meaning?"

It is impossible for Li Qi to leave a useless thing to Zhao Huasheng as his last relic. If that blank sheet of paper is really useless, and Li Qi does this again, then this blank sheet of paper will cause huge misleading to the entire human world, and even make the entire human civilization deviate from the correct path, which may eventually lead to the failure of human civilization. perish.

If Li Qi didn't go crazy, then Li Qi would definitely not do this. And since Li Qi did this, it proved that the blank piece of paper must have an extremely important effect.

But Zhao Huasheng still didn't know what its function was.

"Could it be... the answer I got at this moment is wrong? Is it because my answer is wrong, so I can't use that blank paper? It seems that there is only one explanation, but... how is this possible? Data and models and physics The laws can’t be faked, my research clearly tells me that doing this will definitely solve the solar crisis, but why is this?”

Zhao Huasheng fell into great doubts. At this time, Zhao Huasheng felt that the skin on his head seemed to be a little itchy, and his hair seemed to stand on end due to static electricity. A voice, no, no voice, just a piece of information, a piece of information that Zhao Huasheng could understand came into Zhao Huasheng's mind.

"I have been watching you." The message said: "I know you already have a way to destroy the sun civilization."

Zhao Huasheng's pupils constricted suddenly. At this moment, in this instant, Zhao Huasheng knew what the function of that piece of white paper was.

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