Earth Era

Chapter 81 Abnormal Humans

There was a pleasant scent from Wang You's body that entered Zhao Huasheng's nose. When he realized that Wang You was sitting beside him, Zhao Huasheng didn't make any gestures. Zhao Huasheng's expression remained unchanged, his sitting posture remained unchanged, and neither did his eyes. It seems that Zhao Huasheng completely ignored Wang You, and directly treated Wang You as if he didn't exist.

Zhao Huasheng was still quiet, with deep and calm eyes.

"I heard from the TV station that at this moment Comet Arthur has accelerated to a speed of more than 100 kilometers per second due to the gravity of the sun, and the speed is still increasing. After a maximum of seven days, Comet Arthur will hit the Above the sun, the success of the comet impact plan depends on that day." Wang You also looked up at the sky, and then said slowly, "Comet Arthur came from beyond Pluto, and it spanned hundreds of years The distant journey came to the side of the sun. Originally, it could survive and continue the next journey around the sun, but because of the intervention of our human civilization, it will be destroyed during this journey. It is really a bit sad to think about it. People are sad."

Wang You is as sentimental as he has been in contact with Zhao Huasheng many times before, full of feminine sensibility.

Facing Wang You's emotion, Zhao Huasheng was still noncommittal and did not respond.

At this moment, sporadic meteors have appeared in the sky, but there is still a period of time before the maximum eruption period. Meteors streaked across the sky one after another, drawing long shadows on the dark sky and then fell silent, which seemed to be full of a feeling of tranquility and fascination for the vast universe.

The debris may have been born billions of years ago, possibly at the same time as the sun. Before there was life on the earth, or even before the formation of the earth, these rocks may have been orbiting in space. Billions of years have passed in the blink of an eye, and they have experienced cold and darkness, as well as light and heat. Their final outcome is to crash on the earth, become one with the earth, and never separate from each other.

"Sometimes when I think about it, we humans are actually quite similar to these meteors." Wang You continued, "There are countless broken rocks in the solar system, but at the same time, each of them is unique. Just like us humans, we have billions of fellow human beings, but each one is different."

"Meteors appear the same to our human eyes. I don't know if we humans are the same to these meteors." Wang You sighed: "Sometimes I think about the vastness of the universe, and then think about the insignificance of life. There will always be a very weird feeling, always feel that everything in this world is lifeless, scrambling for power and profit, running around like dogs, thinking about it, it is actually no different from ants scrambling for bread crumbs.”

Amidst Wang You's occasional words and long silence, time slipped away quietly. As time passed, there were more and more fiery red shadows of meteors on the sky, and in the end, it really looked like it was raining.

Countless meteors poured down, outlining a magnificent beauty that cannot be described in words. It is very quiet here, without any noise, and the temperature is so suitable, neither cold nor hot. Wang You is also so perfect that no one can find any faults. Even the lights of the street lamps next to the park have been mixed with some pink color for some time, which looks unusually ambiguous.

Wang You didn't know when he had moved to Zhao Huasheng's side, and leaned tightly on Zhao Huasheng. At such a close distance, Wang You's voice seemed to have turned into a whisper: "It is really a strange thing that life can evolve in this vast and mysterious universe. But compared to this universe, life It’s still nothing. I don’t know the meaning of life in this universe, but I know how rare it is for you and me to have our own independent consciousness and to be together at this moment.”

"I think, living one's life according to one's own wishes is the most perfect way to live in this world. What does the so-called money, fame, honor, social evaluation or status have to do with it? Making yourself feel comfortable is the The most important thing, isn't it?"

"You are like a mystery. Since the first time I met you, I have been deeply attracted by you. I want to explore your heart, explore your body, explore everything about you... tonight's night It's beautiful, let's not disappoint it, shall we?"

Wang You has already leaned tightly on Zhao Huasheng. I don't know when it started, most of Wang You's clothes have been taken off. Wang You's breathing was very short, his eyes were blurred, and he seemed to be full of a strange charm that was so alluring that people couldn't extricate themselves. But Wang You did not seduce Zhao Huasheng. Zhao Huasheng's voice was still calm, and his eyes were still cool.

Zhao Huasheng stretched out his arm and put it on Wang You's shoulder, and then pushed Wang You away - the arm was still stable without any trembling. Zhao Huasheng still looked up at the sky, looking at the meteors in the sky that kept flashing and then disappearing without a trace, without looking at Wang You. Words that were so calm that there was no emotion at all came out of Zhao Huasheng's mouth: "You have affected me to watch meteors."

"Huh?" Wang You was taken aback, his eyes filled with disbelief.

Zhao Huasheng stood up, patted the soil on his clothes, then turned around and left, still not focusing on Wang You even for a moment. Zhao Huasheng left just then, leaving only the disheveled Wang You standing here in a daze.

" he still human..." Wang You murmured.

All this under the night also did not escape the surveillance of ubiquitous cameras. When the picture of Zhao Huasheng turning around and leaving without hesitation was completely transmitted to a distance, and was seen by a group of psychologists and biological experts, as well as emotion experts, gender experts, micro-movements, and micro-expressions experts, an exclamation resounded through the air. The entire meeting room was covered: "Is Zhao Huasheng still human?"

"Oh my god, that's all right? In the previous evaluation, we confirmed that Wang You is the opposite sex that most conforms to Zhao Huasheng's aesthetic concept. In order to facilitate what happened tonight, we even sprayed aphrodisiac and psychedelic on Wang You's clothes in advance." Agents, lighting, environment, temperature, we have arranged all of these, and we have even leveled the lawn on the ground! But Zhao Huasheng turned around and left?"

"I think we should redo our plans. You know, what we are facing is not a normal human being, but a lunatic, a crazy lunatic who is completely out of the human category!"

After the noise that lasted for more than ten minutes, the experts finally quieted down. The latest assessment report was written and presented to the head of state.

"Zhao Huasheng is too cold. This is not the behavior that a normal human being should have." A psychologist said slowly, "Zhao Huasheng's love for friendship, family, love, beautiful opposite sex, kind old man, lovely The children, the beautiful environment, the warm atmosphere...all are not interested. During the test period of several months so far, Zhao Huasheng has not shown any emotional inclination towards anyone."

"At present, the three people with the highest progress in the relationship with Zhao Huasheng are No. 2, No. 69 and No. 78, but even these three people have not gained even a smile from Zhao Huasheng. Tonight, we are ready With all the preparations, the No. 2 target showed the charm of the opposite sex to the extreme, but Zhao Huasheng still didn't respond at all. The head of state, the plan to reshape the world has been carried out so far... There is no result, no result at all."

"Is Zhao Huasheng trying to control himself? Or is Zhao Huasheng really out of the human category? Or, Zhao Huasheng's hatred for the human world has really reached the point where all good things can't be neutralized? We don't know, but I have already begun to doubt Is it still necessary to continue to implement the plan to reshape the world? First, the difficulty of breaking through Zhao Huasheng's defenses exceeded our previous expectations. Second, Comet Arthur will collide with the sun in seven days. The Ministry of Science and Technology's assessment of the plan Also very optimistic, Zhao Huasheng's value has begun to decline, and he is no longer as important as before."

Another expert said: "I suggest that the plan to reshape the world continue. We cannot pin all our hopes on the comet impact plan. If the comet impact plan fails, we at least have Zhao Huasheng as a backup. At the same time, even if the reshape The world plan has also failed... This is still valuable, which can at least prove that this path does not work, and when formulating strategies in the future, we can directly avoid this path."

The head of state rubbed his forehead wearily, and then said: "Let's reshape the world plan to maintain the current situation, and don't make changes. Everything, wait until the comet impact plan comes out."

At this moment, Comet Arthur has been accelerated to a high speed of nearly 300 kilometers per second. Under the work of the Lightbringer I and II spacecraft, these fifteen large pieces have been separated into different orbits and slightly different forward speeds. It is flying towards the sun in space without stopping for a moment.

The orbital adjustment of these fifteen fragments is still going on, nearly a thousand solar reflectors are still changing their positions relative to Comet Arthur under the impetus of micro-engines, increasing or decreasing a certain amount of fragments of Comet Arthur according to the requirements. The intensity of solar radiation at a site. There are constantly strong fountains that are as violent as the collapse of the world, gushing out from the comet fragments, and while leaving the comet nucleus fragments, they also give it the opposite impetus...

The two Lightbringer spacecraft continued to work for six days. At this moment, one day before its final impact, Comet Arthur is 28 million kilometers from the sun.

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