Earth Era

Testimonials on the shelf: May one more person walk with me

After a long two-month public period, this book is finally going to be on the shelves, and charges will start.

At this time, I suddenly felt some emotions in my heart. I just wanted to say a routine testimonial when the book was put on the shelf, so I got together and said it together.

In fact, if measured by the number of collections, the performance of the book Age of Earth has always been dismal, not to mention the battleship, even the master of the galaxy, the performance is also a little worse. I complained about this in the chapters before, and then someone suggested to me that I should speed up the pace, highlight the protagonist, create a sense of coolness, and strengthen the conflict. Only such a plot will be recognized by everyone, and the grades will be better.

At that time, my heart was really shaken. I reviewed the nearly 300,000 words I had written, thought carefully about the plot I had arranged, and found that I had made many mistakes without knowing it. Wen's taboo. And this, for an old author with several years of experience in writing online articles, can almost be said to be a very low-level mistake.

For example, there is no golden finger, the protagonist is not prominent, the sense of conflict is not strong, there is no pretentiousness, no bloody plot that kills the Quartet, but some depression - the tone of the book has always been dull, I have been describing the end of the world. How human civilization suffers at that time, how heavy the responsibility of the protagonist is, how great the pressure is, and so on.

But I thought a little bit deeper on this basis, and I was thinking, what kind of book is what I long for in the bottom of my heart.

I don't have the extravagant expectation to write a masterpiece that will last forever, because I know that I don't have the ability to write it. Know, I can't do this. I am just an ordinary person who happens to love literature, has a little knowledge of astronomy and physics, and happens to have some wild ideas and things in my head.

I just want to write what's on my mind. Everything I write is what I think. There are no shackles, no skills, no fixed, established routines.

I have been very free to write this book without any restrictions. I want to present to you the most authentic ideas and assumptions in my heart, without any post-processing.

After all, I can't purely regard codewords as a job. If it were purely a job for me—like any other job, labor and money—I could write it without any emotion, according to what the readers like To write the plot in the same way, to arrange cheats for the protagonist, to pretend to be aggressive, to kill the Quartet... Perhaps in that way, the score of this book will be much better than it is now.

But I'm sorry, codeword is not just a job for me. It carries my dreams, interests, and thoughts in my heart—I want to take out the unconstrained and unconstrained things in my heart, share them with everyone, seek like-minded people, seek recognition, let me know, and It's not just me, and it's not just me that likes these things. People like me, and many more. This is far from what a job can carry.

So, I'm probably going to disappoint some readers. I know very well that they also really want to make this book better, and they are all well-intentioned, but sorry, I really can't do it.

Between a lot of money, and a little money plus my personal hobbies, I choose the latter.

In other words, I would rather earn less money, and would not choose to regard the matter of coding as a job purely.

Although this kind of persistence seems a bit funny, in daily life, some of my elders always say that I am twisted and that I admit death, but I feel that people still need to be more persistent. If everyone goes with the flow, then this life It's too boring.

I prefer to give this kind of persistence and twisting, as well as admitting to death, a nice name called strength of character. I am a man of character (just kidding, please don’t beat me up, and don’t criticize me for being shameless), and I also think that, whether it is in daily life or in code words, I am fine like this. There may be many people who hate me for being weak, but I feel good about myself, and I always feel good, and I never thought of changing.

It's not that other people are not as good as me, I'm not that arrogant. There are many people who are better than me, and people who write better than me, too many to count, but these are just different choices, just like some people like to eat coriander, and some people don’t like to eat coriander. There is no difference between the two choices, and I am not superior to others. I just chose a path that is different from most people because of some reasons of my own.

One road is a wide road, and many people are walking, and they are walking very fast. One road is a narrow narrow path, muddy and rugged, only a few people are walking on it, and I am one of them on this narrow path. Even, I walked for a long time, but I didn't see anyone walking with me.

But I don't regret choosing this path. I, Rainbow Gate, would like to be a solo traveler.

Maybe I fell off a cliff and died while I was walking (the book was so full that no one read it, and I had to quit the Internet circle in the end), and I don't regret it. I'm saying this very seriously. When I wrote this book, I was ready to rush to the street to die. If I can't get along in this line of work, it's a big deal to change line of work. I'm not as stupid as some sensational singers who claim that music is everything to me, and have to sing even after my parents die.

Of course, this is only a choice of last resort. If there is no other way, I don't want to choose this path. After all, writing is my hobby, and I don't want to give it up.

So... If you also think that I can persevere, please come to subscribe to the genuine chapter, if you have a monthly pass, please vote for me, support me, and let me see that this muddy and rugged path is not only I am walking alone with difficulty, and many, many people are walking with me.

After all, collections are virtual, but subscriptions are real. The real performance of a book is measured by subscriptions, not collections.

I sincerely hope that one more person can walk with me on this road.

You, would you like to walk with me?

Ps: After the launch, the update rate will be greatly accelerated. On the first day of launch tomorrow, within an hour of opening the VIP chapter, all five changes will be released.

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