Earth Era

Chapter 87 Please wait for our revenge

Hearing Zhao Huasheng's words, Meng Zhuo was slightly taken aback: "Watson, no, I am not here to represent the government. People from the government have not moved so fast."

"Oh? Then who do you represent?" Zhao Huasheng glanced at this partner who had been with him for more than a year and provided him with all-round security and life convenience. There was some inexplicable taste in his tone.

Mundro said: "I am here on my own behalf. Watson, you are a smart man, you must know what Frank's words represent. At this moment, there are two roads in front of you. One is to be killed by an angry mob." Second, accept the government's detention under the name of protection, which is actually house arrest, and spend a lifetime in a cell. But... I have followed you for more than a year, and I know your character and contribution. I... I believe in you. "

"What's the point if you believe me or not?" Zhao Huasheng said lightly.

"It makes sense." Monjo said emphatically, "I regard you as a friend, the only friend. Because I believe in you. I can't see my only friend spend his life in prison since then. You have contributed to human civilization. Having made such a great contribution, your ending should not be like this. So... Watson, come with me, I will betray the entire government of human civilization, I will use my ability to protect you, and construct a brand new identity for you , so that you can continue to live in peace and freedom in human civilization."

Zhao Huasheng remained silent, his expression was still calm, his eyes were still cold, but his hands were already tightly clenched, and his nails had already pierced into the flesh.

Zhao Huasheng knew that what Mengzhuo said must be true. Because it is impossible for the human government to act so fast, it is impossible to arrange all this in such a short period of time, and let Monjo come to him as soon as the incident happened; at the same time, today when the sun crisis seems to have been resolved Well, the human government has absolutely no need to arrange for Frank to say those words specifically to himself, because the current self no longer has such a huge value.

Then... everything Mundro said must come from the heart. Monjo would rather betray the wishes of the entire human government than see himself in prison and lose his freedom.

There was a huge wave surging in Zhao Huasheng's heart, but Zhao Huasheng didn't show any signs except for his tightly clenched fists.

Mundo continued: "In the previous plan to reshape the world. I did hide something from you. But you have to believe that it is beyond my control. Between the fate of the entire human civilization and you. I can only Choose the former. And now... even if you are not controlled by the human government, you will not affect the fate of human civilization. Therefore, even if I pay my life, I will definitely protect you and never let you go to prison Live your life in it.”

Although Mundro's words are calm, there is an indestructible firmness in them.

Zhao Huasheng's tightly clenched fist let go quietly. The whole person also relaxed. Zhao Huasheng shook his head lightly, and then said, "No, Mengzhuo, I won't go with you."

Monjo's pupils tightened suddenly: "Why?"

Zhao Huasheng's tone was still flat: "Mengzhuo...Why do you think that your arrangement for me is good? How do you know that I don't want to lose my freedom? You think too much."

Zhao Huasheng continued to shake his head slowly, and his words stabbed Meng Zhuo's chest like a sharp knife: "Come with you... and then let me live a life of running away, running around all day, and always worrying about fear? I'm sorry, I don't like it. I have been there like that. You know. Even if I will be under house arrest by the human government, but in house arrest, I lose my freedom. But I can get everything. The human government will definitely not treat me harshly, and I can get what I want. In the end Luxurious enjoyment. The most considerate beauties, the most delicious food, the most comfortable environment... I can get all of these as long as I lose my freedom, Monjo, do you think this is a good deal? As for freedom... What is freedom compared with what I'm about to get?"

Mengzhuo's eyes were full of pain: "Zhao Huasheng! Since when did you become a villain who is greedy for enjoyment? Don't tell me it's because of Li Wei's departure and the suspicion of human society!"

"I'm sorry, I've always been like this." Zhao Huasheng said lightly, "Li Wei's departure and the suspicion of human society made me understand a lot. I hate the earth. I hate humans, so I thought of living on the moon. But Now... since my goal can't be achieved, then I'll take the next best thing, stay on the earth, give up all spiritual pursuits, and satisfy all the instinctive needs of my body."

"You look like a scum now," Munjo said.

"I'm a scum, but you haven't noticed it before." Zhao Huasheng replied.

"I misread you." Mengzhuo took a deep look at Zhao Huasheng, then turned and left. Looking at the back of Mengzhuo leaving, Zhao Huasheng's eyes flashed with pain, but it disappeared in an instant without being noticed by anyone.

Zhao Huasheng closed the door silently, sat down on the sofa again, took a can of beer, raised his head and drank it down. Perhaps because of drinking too fast, Zhao Huasheng choked on the beer, so Zhao Huasheng coughed violently, and even slid off the sofa, kneeling on the ground, coughing so much that tears flowed out.

When Zhao Huasheng recovered and sat on the sofa again, Zhao Huasheng saw a few people quietly appearing in front of him at some point. These people uniformly wore black suits and uniforms, black sunglasses, and a stern look on their faces.

"Hello, Zhao Huasheng, we are from the Ministry of Lian'an. By order from our superiors, we ask you to come with us and cooperate with us in some investigations." A man in black said coldly.

"Okay, I'll go with you." Zhao Huasheng said and stood up. Several men in black looked at each other, and stood in front of, behind, left, and left of Zhao Huasheng in a tacit understanding, and then surrounded Zhao Huasheng and left the house.

At some point in front of the residential building, many residents had gathered. After seeing Zhao Huasheng's figure, the crowd became noisy in an instant. A large number of people rushed forward and wanted to come to Zhao Huasheng, but they were forcibly stopped by dozens of staff from the Ministry of Security.

No one was close to Zhao Huasheng, but the endless curses clearly entered Zhao Huasheng's ears.

"You despicable scum! You really have to see the destruction of human civilization before you will be willing?!"

"You devil! You should have gone to hell long ago!"

"Kill him! Kill him!"

Accompanied by the loud curses, a lot of garbage was thrown towards Zhao Huasheng. Not only Zhao Huasheng was attacked, but also the guards who were protecting and monitoring Zhao Huasheng were also affected. But no matter how violent and dirty the garbage that fell from the sky was, the four guards remained calm and kept a close watch on Zhao Huasheng.

Zhao Huasheng's expression also remained unchanged. Even a rotten egg hit his head, and the stinky egg liquid ran down his face, Zhao Huasheng didn't even wipe it off. Zhao Huasheng's eyes were very empty, as if there was nothing, and he seemed to see everything.

Zhao Huasheng knew that this time was different from the last time the crusade against him broke out because of the instigation of the cultists. At that time, after all, there were still many people who were not bewitched, after all, there were still many people who believed in and supported him. And now... I'm afraid there is no one who believes in and supports me.

Zhao Huasheng turned his neck slightly stiffly, and saw that among the crowd around the guards cursing him, a young and beautiful woman scolded him the most fiercely. She was holding some unrecognizable garbage in her hand, and was throwing it at herself vigorously.

Zhao Huasheng narrowed his eyes slightly. At this moment, Zhao Huasheng recognized her. Zhao Huasheng knew that her name was Wang You. Just a few days ago, on the night when Comet Arthur brought a grand meteor shower to the earth, she was still sitting tenderly beside her, whispering softly in her ear, saying that she would like to accompany her through a lovely night.

Zhao Huasheng shook his head lightly, throwing all these things out of his mind.

A fully enclosed special bus was parked behind the crowd. Zhao Huasheng knew that this bus was probably the tool to escort him to the prison where he would never leave for life.

Before stepping on the bus, Zhao Huasheng paused slightly. Zhao Huasheng first took a deep breath, because Zhao Huasheng knew that after he stepped on this bus, he might not be able to breathe the outside air for a long time. After taking a deep breath, Zhao Huasheng raised his head and took one last look at the huge, bright, warm sun. Because Zhao Huasheng knew that for a long time, he might not be able to see or feel the sun again.

But I don't know if it's an illusion or what, Zhao Huasheng found that when he looked at the sun, the sun seemed to flicker at a very fast frequency a few times. Those flashes disappeared in a flash, because the sun was too bright, and Zhao Huasheng couldn't look at the sun for a long time. So Zhao Huasheng turned his gaze away and didn't pay any more attention to this matter.

But just later, the excited voice of the plasma life body sounded in his mind: "Zhao Huasheng! The solar civilization is not extinct! Have you noticed it? The sun flickered a few times just now, it was the stars and people working together to change the sun. Luminosity, using light as a carrier to transmit information to the earth!"

"They said... human civilization, please wait for our revenge."

Zhao Huasheng's heart was cold at this moment. Zhao Huasheng raised his head again and looked at the sun again. Zhao Huasheng seemed to see tens of thousands of plasma life forms gathered above the sun, and they shouted a word to the earth with a tone full of grief and hatred.

"Human civilization, please wait for our revenge." (to be continued ~^~)

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