Eldest Miss Divine Calculation

Chapter 564: 564 I'm so fond of her

The atmosphere of relaxation and tranquility suddenly became heavy.

"Don't think too much, just wait and see the changes." Mu Hanyan thought for a while and said calmly.

Right now, there are disciples from Zhengying Academy who are strictly guarding them. Even if they want to destroy the corpses, it is too late, and Mu Cheng is only guessing that Pound Zong may not have that kind of ability, and they must not mess around.

"If they find it, everything will be on me." Yan Yuchu said indifferently. In fact, the reason why he took the initiative in the first place was that he didn't want Mu Hanyan to get into trouble, but with his current strength and status in the Yan family, he could deal with the past, nothing more than making some compensation and receiving some punishment.

Mu Hanyan smiled and said nothing. If Pound Zong really has the abilities of Xia Youchen, it would not be something that severe rain would be able to grasp at first. However, Mu Hanyan still accepted his kindness.

Afterwards, several people went back to their tents to rest.

Mu Hanyan was in a good mood, but because of Mu Cheng's worries, he became more worried.

But at the same time of worry, he was a little relieved. In any case, Mu Cheng was able to think of this incident, which meant that he was not stuck in the affairs of Miss Zhao Si and couldn't help himself. This made her feel less relieved.

"Forget it, don't think about it much, anyway, my luck is so good that I will definitely not let them find any clues." Mu Hanyan thought comfortingly.

At the thought of her good luck, Mu Hanyan was confused again.

If it hadn’t happened to her, she couldn’t believe that there would be such good luck in the world.

The so-called good luck in the past actually had its origins, but this time, Mu Hanyan knew it best. For no reason, it was really good luck.

But, how can luck be like this? It’s not enough to use up all the good luck of a lifetime at once. You must know that from touching the Cang Xuan Yunsha once recklessly, until finally, it is completely refined with a few arbitrary hand-determinations like a ghost, good luck Not once or twice.

It's a pity that Xinghuan Qianji was still asleep, and Mu Hanyan couldn't ask him.

Mu Hanyan was thinking about it, and before she knew it, she fell asleep.

After she fell asleep, her chest quietly revealed a mysterious and primitive halo, and the strange animal's egg bone rolled out, staying in front of the golden embroidery pattern on the placket, tilting left and shaking right, Like a curious child looking at a novel toy.

After a long time, he returned to Mu Hanyan's chest and became quiet again.

From the next day, there were young swordsmen leaving the Alien Beast Valley one after another, and Mu Hanyan knew that those were all family children who had reached an agreement with Zhengying Academy and got the benefits.

However, Mu Hanyan, more than a hundred swordsmen, had not received the order to leave and had to stay where they were. With the departure of others, Zhengying Academy vacated more manpower. Around the camp, there are more people called Vigilant.

After all, only they, more than a hundred people, know the truth of the matter best, and before convincing everyone, Pound Zong would never let anyone leave easily.

Mu Hanyan and the others are a little secretly worried. In the past few days, Zhao Sining led a dozen seniors and seniors to look for Miss Zhao Si's whereabouts. At least where they could see, he dug and turned over. all over.

Unexpectedly, this guy was really fond of Miss Zhao Si, and Mu Hanyan was really worried that he would dig out the bodies of Miss Zhao Si and others.

(Little eight will come out tomorrow. I recommend my friend Gu Mozhi’s article "Campus Rebirth: Wanted for the Male God". There are not many words, so you can collect it and wait until you get fat. This is a modern campus article. I suddenly remembered that I once wrote a campus article, haha, but at that time I was obsessed with the Prince of Tennis, and then I saw a lot of colleagues, and felt that I didn’t write what I wanted. The Prince of Tennis animation is full of positive energy and is also a campus animation. However, many fanarts are all kinds of conspiracies, wealthy, framing, distrusting their relatives, black women, and so on. Then I couldn't help writing a young tennis fanart, trying to restore the one in my heart. The Prince of Tennis. If you are interested, I will tell you the name of this article tomorrow.)

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