This time, he came to Nanachi Island and brought his girlfriend Nazi, and if you want to reach and infiltrate a certain area as quickly as possible, superpowers are the most convenient means.

What's more, with Nazi's superpower strength, with Marn, he can also come to the vicinity of the new island silently.

While Kona sets off with the Changeling Monster to the Frozen Waterfall Cave, Marn and Nazi also use their superpowers to teleport to the sea near the new island.

This is also one of the planned actions formulated by Man, taking advantage of the time difference and information gap to come to the laboratory of the new island in advance to find Mewtwo, so as to avoid Mewtwo being recovered by Sakaki in a short time, making Mewtwo's character extreme.

With the help of their superpowers, Marn and Nazi quickly flew in the direction of the new island.

As soon as "610" approached the new island, Ma and Nazi could easily sense how tight the security measures outside the entire research institute were.

The entire new island is constantly patrolled by the elite of the rocket team in all directions, and at the same time, the research institute is not built like a research place, but looks more like a prison from the outside, and the entire research institute has established outposts in all four directions, and there are also personnel of the rocket team on it.

Sakaki has invested a lot of manpower, material and financial resources in order to create Mewtwo, and naturally he will not be stingy with the ability to defend.

Judging from the current defensive capabilities, Marne and Nazi will definitely be discovered if they fly over with their superpowers, and they will have to think of other ways.

This kind of thing may be difficult for others, but for Marne it is simple.

"Zoroark, over to you!" Marn threw out a Poké Ball to release Zoroark.

In this kind of stealth combat, Zoroac's abilities will be displayed to the fullest.

After hearing Man's mission, Soroark directly turned into a large-billed gull and flew in the direction of the New Island Research Institute.

Zoroac, who turned into a large-billed gull, was immediately spotted by the sentry of Team Rocket's defenses.

"Well, Defense Point 2, I just saw a dark shadow appear there, what is it?"

The Rocket Team personnel at the sentry immediately replied quickly:

"No surprises, it's a big-billed gull passing by, and I've driven it away!"

"Received, continue to patrol, and report in time if you encounter an accident!"

The managers on the other side were not surprised to hear the sentry's words, after all, the new island itself has built a sea island, so seabird spirits such as large-billed gulls and long-winged gulls are very common, so they did not have any vigilance.

After the sentry in the research tower hung up the walkie-talkie, he looked up and saw that the large-billed gull, which should have been driven away, had returned again, and his eyes were staring at him.

The Rocket Sentry's originally agile eyes, which were about to continue to drive, instantly became sluggish when they looked at each other, and at the same time, their bodies became stiff.

The red light in the eyes of the large-billed gull spread like ripples, and finally the Rocket team personnel in front of him hung their hands straight on their waists, and their whole eyes became extremely dull.

At this time, there was a fluctuation of energy in the sentry tower, and the figures of Marn and Nazi also shuttled here with the help of teleportation.

"Well done, Zoroac!"

Marn touched Zoroak, who had transformed into a large-billed gull, and then directly took off the clothes of the rocket team personnel in front of him, and then quickly put them on his body.

On the other side, Nazi also found spare Team Rocket clothes, and the two of them directly dressed up as Team Rocket personnel, and then came down from the watchtower, and set off towards the interior of the island research institute with the illusion of Zoroark. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After Marne and Nazi left, the stripped members of Team Rocket still stood in place, still holding the walkie-talkie they had been talking to.

The manager on the other end of the walkie-talkie asked him to report on the current situation, and the hypnotized Rocket team members held up the walkie-talkie in a daze, and said that everything was normal.

Under the hypnotization of Nazi's superpowers, this member of Team Rocket will still follow this mechanical behavior to help Marne and Nazi buy more time after being hypnotized.

On the other hand, Ma and Nazi also had difficulties after entering the research institute, because there were still a lot of security personnel inside the research institute, and at the same time, different identity cards were required to access each gate, and Mewtwo was naturally in the deepest part of the research institute, and if they wanted to enter the deepest depth, except for the researchers and the person in charge of the research institute, no one else had an identity card to enter there.

Nazi looked at Marne after putting down a dull look and explaining everything to the Rocket personnel under hypnosis, and said:

"What should we do now, Marne? If you want to enter the deepest part, you need the identity card of the person in charge and the researcher, and the researcher basically only moves inside, and will only leave from the deepest part when we eat and rest, if we want to get the identity card, we can't do it in a short time!"

Although Marn and Nazi infiltrated the research institute silently, it was because the Changeling Monster had not yet been exposed, and once that side was exposed, Sakaki would inevitably get the news, and it would be impossible to continue to act in the research institute so silently at that time.

And within the research institute, Nazi's teleportation can't be used, after all, the ability of teleportation is essentially to locate a coordinate and then teleport through its own superpower.

The premise of teleportation is that you must be able to accurately locate the coordinates before you can teleport.

1.3 When Marne and Nazi entered the research institute, Nazi discovered that the walls here were made of special metal, which had the effect of interfering with superpowers.

These walls are essentially a means to suppress Mewtwo's ability, in order to prevent the destruction of Mewtwo's explosion in cultivation, but I didn't expect that now it has become a means to interfere with Nazi.

Although Nazi can also use superpowers, she can't accurately detect and locate coordinates, and rash use of teleportation will lead to position deviation.

Once the location of the teleportation was not Mewtwo's, but somewhere else, Marn and Nazi revealed their location on their own.

This is also the biggest difficulty that Ma and Nazi are encountering now, and the two of them have no way to go deep into the deepest part of the research institute for a while.

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