Elixir Supplier

Chapter 676

The latest chapter of the fairy medicine supplier, the sixty-sixth chapter of Nanshan Medicine, floating astronomy
On this day, they ended earlier, and they stopped working at 5:00 in the afternoon.

The next day, there were still many patients who came to see the doctor. Wang Yao did not rest from noon to late at noon.

After eating dinner, I went to the Sun family.

Zheng Weijun and Sun Yunsheng are both there.

The three of them discussed about the establishment of a pharmaceutical company framework.

Wang Yao, Zheng Jia and Sun Jia each accounted for 51%, 27% and 20% of the shares, and the remaining 2% of the shares were held by Wei Hai, Tian Yuantu and another person named He Jialuo. Set a hundred million, Wang Yao invested 15 million, the rest is in the form of technology shares.

This defines the nature of the company as a joint-stock company.

The rest is the choice of running procedures and the location of the pharmaceutical company. Wang Yao’s suggestion was to choose in Lianshan County, close to home, and it was also his contribution to his hometown. Both Zheng Weijun and Sun Yunsheng agreed, and then the land. This is much easier. The officials of Lianshan County City have been so excited that they have such a large investment. I hope that this project will be smoothly recruited. It cannot be like the previous projects. Ok, but it has changed in the middle of the road. What’s more, this time it is a big group. It has strength and influence. If it works well, it will be beneficial to the subsequent development of Lianshan County. Therefore, they are very active. The county magistrate is personally in charge and requires relevant departments to cooperate fully.

There are Zheng Jialai’s handling of the procedures. Sun Yunsheng is responsible for the problems related to the construction of the factory. After all, he has had contact with the officials here, and they are relatively familiar with them.

The longest delay in this is the establishment of the name of the pharmaceutical company. This point Zheng Weijun and Sun Yunsheng mean to let Wang Yao name. He wants to go and think what kind of name is right.

“I don’t want to call Nanshan Medicine?” Sun Yunsheng suggested.

“Well, I think it can be.” Zheng Weijun indulged in a moment.


“Sir, what is your opinion?”


“So that’s it?”


This matter was only settled in an hour or so.

“I think we should celebrate.” Zheng Weijun said with a smile, he is now able to stand up, do not have to sit in a wheelchair, and naturally feel very happy.

“Yes.” Sun Yunsheng said.

“Change the day.” Wang Yao smiled.

When things were settled, he left the Sun family and went to Nanshan.

In the evening, he sorted out some of the drugs he had curbed.

“Detoxification”, “Anshen San”, “Peiyuan Tang”, “Zhentong San”, “Sanyang San”, “Jiu Cao Dan”, “Tongluo San”, “Shengji San”, “Crossed Cream” “…

The problem is that most of the drugs are prepared using “grass”. Such drugs are not subject to large-scale production, which means that these drugs cannot be produced in a factory. He is now able to provide them. The prescription for the production of seats is only the other prescriptions such as “Peiyuan Tang” and “Sanyang San”.

In fact, he did not know much about pharmaceutical companies. They had previously consulted. This pharmaceutical company mainly produces Chinese medicine. As long as one or two of them are recognized by the market, the company is half successful. It is.

Zheng Weijun and Sun Yunsheng are absolutely trusting in the medicine provided by Wang Yao. They used to be patients and experienced the magic of the drug. They are naturally convinced, but they do not know the true composition of this drug, mass production. Difficulty, these are not considered for the time being.

“These recipes should be no big problem.”

After all, all the ordinary herbs are used, and the steps of making them are not particularly cumbersome.

Wang Yao thought for a long time on Nanshan, and also made a record, until the end of the night before turning off the lights.

On the second day, in the early morning, the weather was a little hot, and it was already in June, when it was hot.

Wang Yao went down the mountain earlier. Someone came early very early. When they were outside the medical hall, these people liked to lean under the Western Wall. Because Wang Yao’s yard has two long acacia trees, this time is When it is flourishing, the shade is very large, and it is very cool to stay below.

“You can consider putting a few wooden chairs and stone benches here.” He saw this and secretly wrote it down.

It is not possible to treat patients with light now, but also to provide them with convenience.

It didn’t take long for the medical center to open the door. Pan Jun also came. He was not on duty today. He came to help especially. With his help, Wang Yao’s burden was reduced a lot.

“There is still a helper!”

There are not so many people coming today, and you can take a break at noon.

“Master, have you considered taking western medicine here?” When he was eating at noon, Pan Jun asked, he also followed the treatment. Through his observation, some patients can use western medicine, at least in hospitals or outpatient clinics. This will be handled on the phone, which may be faster than the Chinese medicine.

“Not going.” Wang Yao said very decisively.

He is the inheritance of the ancient pharmacist, how can he use western medicine, although he does not exclude Western medicine.

“Well, I know.” Originally, Pan Jun is also kind. If his master wants to buy western medicine, he has a way to do it. It can provide convenience and the price will be cheap. If you don’t want it, then forget it.

After lunch, they returned to the hospital, and the patient came over at noon in the afternoon.


With the spread of fame, Wang Yao’s microblogging is getting more and more attention. Many people in Lianshan County know that there is such a young Chinese doctor in this small mountain village. The medical skills are quite good. Come here to see a doctor. There are many people, and Wang Yao is basically going to get sick, and then his reputation is further expanded. This is a benign cycle.

More and more people are coming, and there are more and more strange and interesting people he has seen.

For example, this afternoon, at four o’clock, a couple of people came together, looking younger and in their early thirties.

“How are you.”

“That, are you Dr. Wang?”

“Yes, are you going to see a doctor?”

“Well, yes.”

“Sit down and say, where is it uncomfortable?”

Wang Yao’s “watching” method showed the patient a bit. This is also the habit that he developed during this time. He will use this method first to see the patient’s illness. And then “ask”, the number is not much used.

These two looks good to him, and there is nothing wrong with the body.

“That, we want children.”

Yep? !

Wang Yao and Pan Jun also stunned at the same time.

“What do you mean? Come to ask for help?”

“We think it’s best to have twins at once, dragons and babies!” said the man.

Wang Yao was cold, and he opened the medical hall for so long, so he was the first time he encountered the patient.

“What do you mean by two?”

“I heard that there is a kind of medicine. After eating, can I have a baby?” The woman said.

“Well, I don’t really know if this medicine is there, but I really don’t have it here. Sorry, where are you still uncomfortable?” After knowing that the two came true, Wang Yao smiled. Road.

Which is this disease?

“Doctor, you really don’t have it, we spend money, we won’t go out and talk.”

“I really don’t have this medicine here.” Wang Yao smiled.

“Hey, then do you know where?”

“I am sorry, I don’t know.” Wang Yao shook his head.

“Thank you, thank you.”

“Slow down.”

“Oh, really!”

“Master, there are many people like this!” Pan Jun said. “When I was in the hospital, someone asked me if this was more than one person.”

“Now the second-child policy has been liberalized. As long as there are conditions, they are considering giving birth to a second child. This second child, some people are like two children at a time, preferably a dragon and a baby.” Pan Jundao.

“Is this medicine really?”

“Yes, it is a medical method accurately, but I don’t know how to operate it specifically, but when I was in Lianshan County People’s Hospital, I knew several patients like this.” Pan Jundao.

Well, Wang Yao nodded after listening.

Although it is said that the ancient medicine is a cure for all diseases, but now, Wang Yao still does not see some diseases, such as obstetrics and gynecology, giving birth to children.

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