Entertainment: The Correct Way To Open Up After A Breakup

Chapter 72 Chen Yuqi’S Cowardice And Regret [New Book Coming Soon, Please Subscribe! 】

Xiao Kai didn't speak, but Chen Yuqi immediately picked up the conversation and told Li vividly how Xiao Kai earned more than three thousand lire from thirty boiled eggs this morning.

Then he took out the egg that Xiao Kai drew for himself this morning and showed it to Li Xin.

Said: "Sister Qin, do you think it looks good? Xiao Kai is very good at painting portraits."

Li Xin felt uncomfortable when she heard that there was a hint of showoff in her tone.

This bastard Xiao Kai actually painted portraits for others! He didn't get this treatment when he was her girlfriend.

She felt a little aggrieved. She felt that Xiao Kai seemed to have hidden a lot of skills in front of her and never showed them to her.

And in front of other girls, he showed it out without hesitation to make them happy.

Could it be that in his eyes, she is really inferior to other girls?

Chen Yuqi saw that Li Xin's face was not very good, so she immediately reacted and quickly put the eggs away.

He was a little confused and didn't know how to place his hands, so he changed the subject and said, "But I don't know how Xiao Kai makes money this time. He said he wasn't going to sell boiled eggs."

The two girls looked at him, their eyes on their shoulders.

"Let's go, rent a car first."

Rent a car?

Both Chen Yuqi and Li Xin were a little confused, but they didn't say anything and consciously followed Xiao Kai's footsteps. 210

Xiao Kai found the largest nearby car rental agency on the map software. The distance was only more than 300 meters, so he walked there with the two girls.

Cross a road and turn around and you're there.

The location is good and the scale is not small. Moreover, the LOGO is in Chinese characters, so you know it was created by Xia people without even thinking about it.

But the staff at the car rental agency are all Turkish locals.

When the staff saw guests coming in, they came over to receive them warmly.

"Hello, do you want to rent a car?"

Xiao Kai nodded, "Do you have a convertible sports car here? It doesn't need to be expensive, one with a price of one or two million is enough, but it needs to be a four-door one, our master.

"Yes, there are many sports cars that meet your requirements, including Mercedes-Benz S300, BMW E93M3 Convertible, Audi A7coup..."

The staff wanted to continue the introduction, but Xiao Kai interrupted.

Said: "Just the first Mercedes-Benz S300.

Because Xiao Kai currently drives a Mercedes-Benz, he is relatively familiar with this brand of cars, so he directly ordered this one.

"Okay sir, the daily rent for this Mercedes-Benz S1300 is three thousand lire, and the deposit is 20,000 lire."

When she heard that the rent was three thousand and the deposit was twenty thousand, Chen Yuqi took a breath in her heart.

They only have three hundred liras left in their hands now, how can they rent it?

Although Li Xin definitely has money, he can't borrow it from her because the program team won't allow it.

Xiao Kai nodded after listening, and then said: "Your boss is from Xia, right? Is it possible to use Ant Credit without deposit here?"

"Yes, our boss is from Xia State and he went on vacation recently. Xia State's Alipay is also applicable to us. As long as your credit reaches 700 or more, we can waive the deposit."

Xiao Kai said: "Okay, just use Alipay."

(ps: Ant Credit Deposit Waiver actually requires you to use your Huabei credit to offset the deposit and then return it after returning the car, but don’t take it too seriously if you read the novel.)

You can choose to pay the rental fee when you return the car, so Xiao Kai rented a sports car easily.

Moreover, he has not used any of his own money so far, and the program team cannot say anything. After all, he did not violate the rules of the program team.

The appearance of the Mercedes-Benz S300 is barely acceptable. Although it is not a top-level supercar, it is enough for Xiao Kai at the moment.

It's quite eye-catching when driving on the streets of Tuji Country.

"You two beauties, please get in the car." Xiao Kai sat directly in front of the driver's seat.

The car door had been opened for Li Xin and Chen Yuqi, but it was obvious that neither of them was moved.

Chen Yuqi glanced at Li Xin and silently sat in the back seat. Anyway, she didn't dare to sit in the passenger seat at the moment.

But he didn't expect Li Xin to turn around and sit in the back seat. (aeah)

Xiao Kai looked at the empty co-pilot and was speechless.

What is this for?

He turned around helplessly and looked at the two of them, "There must be one person sitting in the passenger seat, and he has to cooperate with me in acting, otherwise how will he make money? Come on, why are you shy? Just come up."

People who didn't hear the first half of the sentence thought he was driving openly.

Chen Yuqi coyly wanted to have sex but didn't dare.

But Li Xin knew how to seize the opportunity. She just didn't sit down because of her current awkward relationship with Xiao Kai. But since Xiao Kai said so, she has no power to be the co-pilot.

The most important thing is that it allows Chen Yuqi to sit in the back seat, which also reduces unnecessary contact between her and Xiao Kai.

When Chen Yuqi saw Li Xin sitting in the passenger seat, she felt infinite regret in her heart.

She secretly cursed herself for being cowardly and not knowing how to seize opportunities. Li Xin obviously has nothing to do with Xiao Kai, so why should she be afraid of her?

And I know that Li Xin still has unexplainable feelings for Xiao Kai, so do I just let them continue to develop?

‘Chen Yuqi, you are a coward!’ Chen Yuqi cursed herself in her heart.

At the same time, I also silently vowed that no matter what opportunities I have in the future, I will not be as timid as this time!

Although there were a lot of thoughts in her heart, she still had to smile on her face to show that she didn't care.

Xiao Kai didn't have any objections. Li Xin and Chen Yuqi were both beautiful women, and whoever sat in the passenger seat met the requirements of his plan later.

As for Li Xinzuo, it would be better. He knew that Li Xin debuted early and his acting skills were better than Chen Yuqi's, which was more in line with the requirements of the plan.

Xiao Kai didn't say anything, told Li Xin to fasten his seat belt, then stepped on the accelerator and set off.

It is now three or four o'clock in the afternoon, which is a good time for Turkish people to have afternoon tea.

Many people drove out to have afternoon tea.

Xiao Kai specially drove to the most prosperous areas of Istanbul.

You can see many people fishing on the Bay Bridge to the north of the Emanueni Grand Market. There are restaurants on the first floor below the upper and lower floors of the bridge. The main dishes here are Turkish meals.

To the west of the bridge, there is a shop selling fishing supplies, with all kinds of fishing rods and fishing gear. The road directly opposite the bridge is uphill, and on both sides of the road are mainly merchants selling various handicrafts.

There are several businesses selling stamps on the roadside near the top of the slope.

Exiting this road is the most famous place in Istanbul called the asphalt road. You can see the oldest trams and various professional shops on the street.

Because this road is a pedestrian commercial street, it seems very lively and prosperous.

After passing the asphalt road, there is Tucker Xinmu Square, which is not large in area and has some statues carved on it.

The square is extremely busy with various open-air bars. This is a bustling commercial street. In addition to bars, there are countless luxury cars and cafes.

It is very consistent with the requirements of Xiao Kai plan.

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