Entertainment World: The Wild God of Gourmet

Chapter 183 [High Voltage Electricity in Water]

(I'm very sorry to update so late today, but there will be more updates.)


The head is instantly numb!

There was a shock all over my body, spreading from my feet like an electric shock...or it shouldn't be "like", because it was an electric shock and the voltage was not small. This time the conduction speed was extremely fast, even Chen Ergou couldn't escape the impact, he had the illusion of being electrocuted into a black and white skeleton in a sci-fi movie.

The damage he suffered was the same, compared to the other three, he just didn't scream.

"Be quiet, don't scream. It will attract the attention of the baboons!"

Even though his whole body was numb from the electric shock, he was the first to remind everyone not to cause more trouble.

Although the voltage is not small, the transmission distance in the water is expanded, and it does not cause fatal damage to the human body. It's just that this water area instantly became an extremely terrifying existence in the eyes of everyone.

Anthony fumbled for his arm like a woman, complaining: "It's horrible, I thought I was attacked by something."

"Chen, what is that?" Old Baker was also puzzled.

Chen Ergou looked at it for a while, then said, "Maybe it's just a fish."

"Fish? God, stop kidding, it's not funny at all." Jenny was almost screaming again.

Chen Ergou frowned, but this time he didn't reprimand him. Blind reprimand is sometimes no better than encouragement to achieve the goal.

He changed his way of comforting, and said in a calm voice: "After all, we are all fine, aren't we? This is the virgin rainforest of the Congo. If you find a larger electric catfish, it's not surprising."

His calm expression caused the three of them to be embarrassed for a while. After calming down and thinking about it carefully...it seemed, probably, maybe, maybe, maybe it was really an electric catfish.

The viewers in the live broadcast room were shocked, and they were also very puzzled.

Chen Ergou began to check the dark waters nearby, and explained: "Don't underestimate the electric catfish!"

"Although this is just a fish that looks very similar to catfish, it is not surprising that there are strange things in the Congo. Even electric catfish cannot be taken lightly. Maybe it is large enough, so its back position can be The voltage released will also increase, making them quite scary creatures underwater.

And it can release the voltage of 200~450 volts instantly. The blow just now, if not for the expansion of the range, would have stunned all of us. "

"Then let's bypass it..." Jenny suggested.

After all, the feeling just now was really palpitating.

In such an environment, the feeling of being bitten by anything is enough to make people feel anxious for a long time.

"Don't be busy, let me find its location, we need food."

"The water here is not deep, and the water is very clear. It seems to be a lost electric catfish. It is usually dark and afraid of light. You can also help to tap in the dark aquatic plants to see where it hides."

"It can't go into the water, how should we catch it?" The three of them were at a loss.

After all, the old Baker was well-informed: "The power-generating organ of the electric catfish is composed of more than 5 million electric plates in the body. The voltage generated by a single electric plate is very weak, but because there are many electric plates, the voltage generated is very large These electric plates are distributed between the skin and muscles of the body, the head is the positive pole, the tail is the negative pole, and the current flow direction is from the head to the tail."

"The electricity induced by the water flow also has a great loss. They usually use a certain part of their body to contact their prey, which can instantly generate a strong current to knock them down. They can even kill underwater creatures that are bigger than themselves. "

Suggested: "Chen, they have limited power. As long as they keep discharging, they need to rest for a while and supplement with rich food before they can restore the original characteristics of the discharge intensity. Maybe we can take advantage of it."

Chen Ergou smiled and said: "Thank you, Professor. You are talking about the way South Americans catch electric eels. I have also heard that in the Amazon they will first drive a group of cows and horses down the river, and let the electric eels irritate and discharge continuously. until exhaustion."

"But we needn't waste time on it. I haven't been able to make a bow, but a wooden spear will suffice."

He weighed the long wooden spear in his hand, and used it to clear the way along the way, "To be on the safe side, you can also give it a flying knife. I just need a chance to hit it."

Everyone was speechless, but they still began to help turn over the rocks and aquatic plants on both sides of the bank, but they dared not touch the water.

Hit the water surface with a stick to scare the electric catfish.

The shore is full of ancient roots of unknown ages, which are deeply embedded in the stream, and there are many holes in the root system below. Based on the range of the electric shock, Chen Ergou analyzed the approximate location and guessed that it might be hidden under the root of a certain tree.

It is because the environment on the shore is too obstructive, but the stream is relatively smooth, and the width is only a few meters away, otherwise he would not choose to walk in this stream.

The four people searched repeatedly, but the efficiency was not high. The main reason was that the other three people had the mentality of "being bitten by a snake once" and were unable to exert their full strength.

"Cut off those tree roots that stick out into the water." Chen Ergou ordered.

Hearing this, the three took out machetes and felled violently, while he stepped on some rocks protruding from the water, squatted up high and pouted his buttocks in a very unsightly posture, and used a wooden stick to remove the water under the roots of the barrel. Hole.

"Here!" Anthony suddenly yelled, but he stepped back in fright even though he was on the shore.

"Very good, hold on!"

Chen Ergou jumped over the bank of the stream and took a closer look, sure enough.

A pink electric catfish nearly meter long swam out of the tree hole restlessly. There are hideous black spots on the body, and six long tentacles are frantically exploring underwater.

This guy is very irritable, even around it, a series of small bubbles keep popping out. Anyone who has studied physics a little knows that it is discharging.

"What a big guy." Chen Ergou was delighted to see Lie Xin.

There have always been rumors that the meat of electric catfish is delicious, but I have never had a chance to see it. This time I will not let it go.

After looking at the depth of the water and measuring the refraction of the water surface, he decided to salute, and first threw out a small throwing knife to greet him.

The three people next to him didn't see how he threw the throwing knife at all. The electric catfish struggled violently and surfaced. From the head, a shining throwing knife could be seen piercing through it, but it did not die.

Seeing it struggling so hard, Chen Ergou threw three more throwing knives in a "shua, shua, shua". Then... there is no more!

Chen Ergou's wooden stick was stirred under the water, and the water flow formed a vortex. No matter how hard he tried, the huge electric catfish was already brought out of the water, jumped out of the water, fell to the bank and swung a few times in the bushes, and disappeared. movement.

When he retracted the throwing knife and lifted the guy with a vine through the mouth of the fish, everyone was still in a daze.

"..." Is it so easy to grab this big guy that is almost one meter long?

"Who the hell is this guy!"

"Is the gap that big?!"

There was also a lot of noise in the live broadcast room——

"The little murloc is too miserable!"

"The electric catfish screams, I still have 100,000 volts left unused!"

"Don't you know how to discharge, so you can be caught so easily?"

"It can only be said that the big dog is too cruel, and he will never let go of anything."

Chen Ergou smiled and said, "At least 15 kilograms, it seems we don't have to worry about food."

All three of them studied animals, and it was the first time they had seen such a huge electric catfish. The most important thing is that I also participated in the arrest, which is even more significant, and everyone gathered around to watch it.

The body length is at least 90 cm. The whole fish is cylindrical in shape, with a pointed head and a pair of small eyes. There are three pairs of long whiskers in the mouth. The body has no scales and no dorsal fin.

This one is a very beautiful pink with dark spots or patches along the back. Its funny face, paired with a pair of small eyes, coupled with its unique habits, can be described as full of charm in the eyes of zoologists.

If there is no tool, there is really nothing to do with this guy underwater.

Jenny handed the camera to Anthony, and she squatted next to the electric catfish to take pictures.

"..." Chen Ergou shook his head, not knowing what kind of mentality this was.

"Chen, let me help you mention it." Anthony asked proactively, with anticipation in his eyes.

Chen Ergou glanced at him, knowing that he wanted to ease the relationship, so he handed it to him directly, "Maybe there is still electricity left, it will disappear after a while, don't touch its body."

Continuing on the road, Anthony suddenly showed admiration for his knife throwing skills, "Chen, your throwing knife is simply amazing. How about darts?"

"Not much darts, but not bad."

Anthony said: "Maybe you should participate in dart competitions. The United States holds various dart competitions every year, which are very popular and have a lot of money. There are also Dart World Cups, Open Darts, Professional Dart Masters Challenge, World Championships, etc. around the world. .With your skills, you may become a very popular player."

"Good advice. I'm not familiar with darts. Can you tell me in detail?"

Darts is a game that boys like to play. Jenny is not interested, but she is very envious that Anthony can have a common topic with Chen Ergou.

Baker Sr. is happy to see his students redeeming their mistakes.

Anthony introduced enthusiastically, and Barabara talked non-stop.

Chen Ergou stroked his chin, really thinking about this suggestion. The contract he signed with the TV station for the first season only has 18 episodes. According to the current content density, at most six expeditions will end. The TV program will be broadcast on the TV station for four and a half months.

This means there will be a blank period before the next season begins recording.

He can live broadcast other things, but he will not continue to broadcast "Wild God".

Of course, this is not to say that he can no longer take adventures in the wilderness. The world is so big, and there are still many interesting challenges worth trying, such as his long-standing dream—challenging Mount Everest. Even some other neglected sports can be given a try.

The further you go, the steeper the hillside, and the ever-changing surroundings.


The shrubs were significantly reduced. As he was walking, a woman's scream came from behind again. The sound was so loud that the audience in the live broadcast room almost burst their eardrums.


"What a mess, I scared my father to death."

"The woman's voice is so intrusive."

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