Entertainment World: The Wild God of Gourmet

Chapter 244 [Set sail in the storm]

(Finding pirate treasure, no treasure hunt would be complete without a villain.)

(Please rest assured that the main line of this article is still the wilderness, and treasure hunting is just a coloring agent for the protagonist's life. I have made special arrangements for those plots and will not become the main color. Some friends are not used to conspiracy, and I am not very good at writing this , so my plot will not be abused! I want to eat dirt, please subscribe!)

The group arrived at XN and had just settled down in the hotel, when Chen Ergou quietly found Chen Mengda, "Third Uncle, there is something urgent that needs you to go first. We are being watched."

"What's going on?" Chen Mengda became serious when he heard that.

Chen Ergou briefly talked about the previous incident, "Although the other party did not take excessive actions, they are obviously watching us. After all, the money is touching, and the treasure has not yet been unearthed. Everyone is a competitor. We also need to make some preparations. "

Chen Mengda said: "The other party doesn't have any clues. Could it be that they want to scare the snake and want you to lead the way?"

"I can't rule out this possibility. The other party is watching me closely, so you should be alert during this trip. I also need to understand the environment there in advance before making detailed arrangements."

"Then what do you want me to do, just say it?"

"Third Uncle, please go and find out the basic situation of some islands first, pretend to be a tourist, and record the information."

"Is it just this? Then I'm going on a trip."

Chen Ergou nodded, and gave him some island information that needs to be focused on, "Be careful all the way, it's best to dress up."

"Understood, when are you going to leave?" Chen Mengda was quite excited to think about it. After all, he has been a law-abiding citizen for half his life, and he never thought that one day he would be able to explore and hunt for treasure.

"The sooner the better, we'll keep in touch."

Early the next morning, Chen Mengda quietly left the team with a mission and went to the Caribbean to make a stop.

Although everyone was a little surprised at Chen Mengda's departure, they didn't think much about it.

Because the next journey has already made them dizzy. In Su Qiqi's words, "Oh my God, this is Australia. It's the "G'day-Mate" simple Australia with a rustic flavor. It's an Australia where you can travel all over the world in slippers. How can you bear to wear small clothes? A black dress, stuffing your own anklets into high heels, wearing a wig and strutting around here with fake breasts?"

If it is possible,

This group of people want to live in XN every day, and don’t even ask about the attractions, they are not familiar with them at all. In a short period of time, those who are reluctant can go to the opera house, but it is definitely not as exciting as going to Star-City to experience a passionate night.

But as a man who likes the wilderness, what's so good about XN?

I watched an amazing flamenco performance, ate a 1.5-meter-long pizza in the HG area, caught up with a rip-off chocolate festival, and took a ferry across the sea-crossing bridge once. Chen Ergou has never had much enthusiasm for the city, even though it is vibrant, sexy, and full of exotic customs.

Okay, let's go too far.

They only had time to snap a bunch of photos before flying to Vanuatu via Brisbane.

Vanuatu, mentioning this name, many people are destined to feel unfamiliar.

——This is a bitter archipelago doomed to perish.

On some domestic travel websites, there are also many people bluffing that there are few tourists here. In fact, they are all nonsense. A group of people arrived here. The so-called Port Vila, Santo Island and Tanna Island in the so-called travel notes are full of old men and women. Where you can see it, the famous Tanna Island, the most accessible active volcano in the world, is full of people at sunset or in the afternoon.

Vanuatu is similar to Fiji. This series of South Pacific island countries is basically the back garden of the people of Australia and New Zealand.

But occasionally I can see four Chinese people sitting there playing mahjong, which is a very joyful scene.

Vanuatu is visa-free to China, and China also has a lot of assistance to this island country.

Some of these mahjong-playing brothers are surgeons stationed in Vanuatu by the Chinese medical team, who perform free surgeries on the locals. They have been here for one year, and there is another year left.

In addition to playing mahjong during the break, I go snorkeling in the surrounding blue caves, or go to barbecue somewhere. When meeting an old friend in a foreign country, some communication is naturally indispensable. A brother surnamed Hu also told him, "It's better not to drink the tap water here, but to drink the rainwater. Vanuatu has no industry, and the rainwater is very clean."

The culture of each island here is different, and the language is also different. One island is the most special, and there are more than 30 languages. So many people living together with mixed prophecy, I am afraid it is difficult to imagine such a place as a country.

This place is primitive and optimistic. The people living here don’t even know what troubles are. On their island, there are fish, lobsters, coconut crabs that can be caught everywhere, fruits and vegetables are everywhere, and they just eat, sleep, and have fun every day...

If another Chinese tourist comes here, I'm afraid it will look longing. The same is true, here is also attracting Chinese immigrants.

Chen Ergou found an experienced guide named Stuart in the local area. He is also a teacher in a middle school in Australia, and his job as a guide in his hometown is only a part-time job.

"Vanuatu belongs to the Melanesian archipelago," Stewart said: "There are 83 islands in the country, 68 of which are inhabited. The largest island, Santo, covers an area of ​​nearly 4,000 square kilometers. If you want to go on a desert island adventure, I suggest you visit those 15 uninhabited desert islands."

"No, I don't plan to be in Vanuatu. It would be more ideal if there are some unknown offshore islands."

Stuart thought for a while, "There may be a sea area suitable for you to explore."

He took out an old chart and showed it to Chen Ergou.

"This area is very dangerous. There are nearly a thousand unknown islands. Stormy and volcanic islands are the protagonists there. During World War II, because of the geographical location, many islands there have always been occupied by RB people, and foreign ships are not allowed to enter there. Later, RB was defeated, and Australia executed many war criminals as a victorious country. Most of the islands were taken over by the United States, Australia or the United Nations. On some islands, you can even see the ruins of military forts. But they are very dilapidated and lack fresh water. It is not suitable for living, it is almost forgotten by the world."

"A fishing boat once entered there, and luckily found natural pearls."

"Pearl?" Chen Ergou was surprised.

"Yes," Stuart laughed, "if you were a jeweler, maybe you could raise pearls there."

Chen Ergou shook his head, "You think too much, I'm just a tourist." Pearls are not so easy to raise, the environment is very important, otherwise the most famous pearl producing area in the world is not only in the Persian Gulf.

After inquiring about some things clearly, they rented a seaplane, took a guide with them and prepared to go to the field to do some aerial survey first.

The plane hovered over the sea, and flew into the South Pacific sea like a hurricane.

The South Pacific, what a familiar name, there are more than 20,000 islands here, and a quarter of the earth's water. Since Captain Cook completed his sea voyage two hundred and thirty years ago, this vast ocean has been unknown to the world.

In the boundless blue, the islands isolated from each other are also shelters for some rare animals. Here are the purest waters of all oceans. The endless sea area has long provided unlimited possibilities in the South Pacific.

The turquoise waters and postcard-like islands are like a paradise on earth.

However, everything is not as you see it. Storms, volcanoes, and even hailstorms show their cruel side all the time. There are also some islands formed by submarine volcanic eruptions, which have evolved a unique and outstanding way of life.

Chen Ergou compared the sea chart with the sky, and suddenly pointed to a string of islands under his feet and asked, "What is this place? Why is it not recorded on the map?"

Stuart also looked on wonderingly, and suddenly said: "That's Whale Island, a string of small uninhabited atolls around it. It's too small to be marked on this map, and it's not in the ocean. Online, therefore, the place is nowhere to be found on the nautical charts."

Chen Ergou thought for a while, and asked Zhang Zhengyang to check the latitude and longitude coordinates here.

Stuart said: "This is not a good idea. This place is already in the open sea, and there are still active volcanoes under the sea. It will be very dangerous if a storm blows."

"Don't worry, I'm just for reference." Chen Ergou smiled.

"Well... I hope so." He has come into contact with too many adventurers, and he still doesn't know what these young people think.

The plane circled for a long time, recorded several coordinates and returned.

At this point, everything is ready, only the east wind is owed.

Su Qiqi asked Zhang Zhengyang, "Which island will the boss choose? We can also do a good job in logistics and safety preparations."

Zhang Zhengyang said with a wry smile: "Who knows what he thinks, I guess he didn't even think about asking us to do a rescue. For him, once rescue means the risk of failure, do you think it's possible?"

Xia Meng insisted: "But these still have to be done, not afraid of 10,000, just in case."

Zhang Zhengyang nodded seriously and said: "I see, the ships and planes are all ready. As long as the danger is confirmed, we will rush there in the shortest possible time."

The day of the live broadcast is getting closer and closer.

In the past few days, Chen Ergou's Weibo has been frantically updated with a lot of content. From XN to Vanuatu, fans were already dazzled by the high-definition scenery photos along the way. Finally, when the live broadcast came, they were looking forward to this long-lost trip to a deserted island.

The next day, Chen Ergou was full of energy and ready to go.

The situation suddenly happened unexpectedly, and the sky changed.

Stuart said: "The weather forecast says that there will be a Category 10 storm in the open sea, and the waves will be huge. If you fly out to sea today, the danger will be extremely high. I suggest that you postpone your departure for a day."

Xia Meng also worried and persuaded: "Yes, boss, let's listen to the guide. It doesn't matter if it's delayed by a day, at most it's just an explanation."

Chen Ergou didn't answer, but instead asked Zhang Zhengyang, "Can you go through the storm?"

Xia Meng quickly winks at him, but Chen Ergou is still staring at him. This involves his professional knowledge. Chen Ergou hired him at a high price just to do this, and let him have fun. Reluctantly said: "I have received professional training against storms, and my mock test score was A at that time."

Chen Ergou smiled and said, "Then it's settled."

"If the weather is clear and you go out to sea, it will not be easy to cause accidents. Since it is survival in the wilderness, then I will simply act as a survivor who crashed into the sea in a plane crash."

Although it is a bit unlucky to say so, he has made up his mind and obviously cannot change it.

Xia Meng gave him a final equipment check and tried to stuff some food into his pocket, but he stopped him when he found out. Xia Meng was helpless, and handed him a few pieces of chocolate candy, "It's always okay to bring a few pieces."

Chen Ergou smiled and did not refuse this time.

The propellers of the plane started, making a violent buzzing sound. Suddenly, the fuselage lightened, and after shaking a few times, it slid rapidly on the water surface. The speed became faster and faster, and finally after a violent shock, it flew roaring towards the open sea and sky.

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